How does the London dispersion force really work?

In summary, dipoles occur randomly when electrons move, but they also have a fluctuating autocorrelation.
  • #1
I wonder about this. The explanation that I keep finding is that "dipoles" occur "randomly" when "electrons move" to different sides of the atom. Yet I find this difficult to reconcile with what I understand about quantum mechanics -- so I must be missing something, on either side or both.

In particular, in quantum mechanics electrons are not "moving" like classic particles as seems to be suggested by this "explanation", not unless you subscribe to those theories like Bohm's or similar, but rather are described by wave functions and the Schrodinger equation, and as far as I can tell these do not "randomly" "concentrate" in some fashion. How is this effect explained in a proper quantum-mechanical treatment, in a more mainline view of quantum theory? I've tried searching around but have not found anything satisfying.
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  • #2
That explanation is indeed (semi-)classical, although still useful for visualizing the process.

The full QM approach would be to simply solve the Schrödinger equation for two atoms at a certain distance from each other, where you would see that the wave function does show a polarization. More simply, you can a hydrogen atoms in its ground state, take a second atom as a perturbation and see how the wave function of the first atom is modified by the presence of the other.
  • #3
Suppose, for simplicity, that dipole can have only two polarizations, namely ##\uparrow## and ##\downarrow##. And suppose that the polarization is random. This means that the wave function is a superposition of two polarizations, i.e. something like

Now suppose that you have two dipoles, both of which are random and mutually independent. Then the wave function is
$$(|\uparrow\rangle+|\downarrow\rangle) (|\uparrow\rangle+|\downarrow\rangle)$$
In this case there is no London force.

Finally, suppose that you have two dipoles which are random but not independent. Instead of being independent, they are correlated so that they always point to the same direction. In this case the wave function is
$$|\uparrow\rangle |\uparrow\rangle+|\downarrow\rangle|\downarrow\rangle$$
In such a case there is a London force.
  • #4
In QM you can calculate the mean value of the dipole moment, which vanishes for closed shell atoms, and also the variance of the dipole moment, i.e. the expectation value of ##d^2## or more generally the time dependent autocorrelation function ##< d(0)d(t)> ## which do not vanish. From these expressions it is clear that the dipole moment is fluctuating also in QM. Furthermore, in the classical limit, the autocorrelation function will converge against the classical expression.
  • #5
Thanks, these explanations definitely help a lot.

FAQ: How does the London dispersion force really work?

1. How does the London dispersion force differ from other intermolecular forces?

The London dispersion force, also known as the van der Waals force, is a type of intermolecular force that arises from temporary dipoles formed due to the random movement of electrons in atoms or molecules. This force is different from other intermolecular forces like hydrogen bonding or dipole-dipole interactions, which involve the permanent dipoles of molecules.

2. What causes the London dispersion force to occur?

The London dispersion force is caused by the fluctuations in the electron cloud of atoms or molecules. These fluctuations create instantaneous dipoles, which can induce temporary dipoles in neighboring molecules, leading to an attractive force between them.

3. How does the strength of the London dispersion force vary between different substances?

The strength of the London dispersion force depends on the size and polarizability of the atoms or molecules involved. Larger atoms or molecules with more electrons and a higher polarizability experience a stronger London dispersion force.

4. Can the London dispersion force be overcome by other forces?

Yes, the London dispersion force is a relatively weak force and can be overcome by stronger intermolecular forces like hydrogen bonding or dipole-dipole interactions. However, it still plays a significant role in the overall intermolecular interactions between substances.

5. How does temperature affect the strength of the London dispersion force?

As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of molecules also increases, leading to more frequent and intense fluctuations in the electron cloud. This results in a stronger London dispersion force at higher temperatures.

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