How Does the Mexican Hat Potential Relate to Higgs Symmetry Breaking?

  • Thread starter naima
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In summary, the Standard Model suggests that the Higgs symmetry breaking occurred everywhere after the big bang at a certain temperature, around 10-12 seconds after the event. The Mexican hat potential remains unchanged in this process, as the Higgs field chooses a preferred spot and breaks the symmetry. For more information, you can refer to time differential equations and further reading on the Higgs mechanism.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi Pf

I wonder what the standard model says about "history" of masses.
Let us take Higgs symmetry breaking. Is it something that happened everywhere
after the big bang at a given temperature? And how was the hat before?
Could you give me links about that, with time differential equations.

Physics news on
  • #2
There are two versions of the Standard Model:
When the energy density is high enough, the electoweak symmetry is not broken and all particles are massless and the weak force is long range, because the W and Z are massless.

When the universe expanded and cooled, the Higgs mechanism applied and we ended up with the current version of the Standard Model. This happened around 10-12 seconds after the big bang.

The Mexican hat potential does not chance in this process, that is why it is called spontaneous symmetry breaking. Look at it as a ball rolling in the potential: When the energy content in the Higgs field is high enough, the ball rolls between the high outer sides that extend up to infinity, and it does not feel the small bump in the middle. The ball oscilates around the middle. When the energy of the ball reduces, at a cetrain time it gets trapped in the lower edge of the mexican hat potential and it oscilates around the minimum of the potential. The symmetry is now broken, because the Higgs field has chosen a preferred spot and is no longer symmetric around the middle. The solution has no longer the symmetry of the potential.

FAQ: How Does the Mexican Hat Potential Relate to Higgs Symmetry Breaking?

1. How old is the Mexican hat?

The Mexican hat, or sombrero, has a long history and its exact age is not known. However, it is believed to have originated in the 15th century during the Aztec civilization.

2. When was the Mexican hat first created?

The first sombrero was created by the indigenous people of Central and South America, particularly the Aztecs, in the 15th century.

3. Has the design of the Mexican hat changed over time?

Yes, the design of the Mexican hat has evolved over time. Originally, it was made of straw or palm leaves and had a pointed crown. Today, it is made of various materials and can have a flat or rounded crown.

4. Is the Mexican hat worn for a specific occasion or event?

Yes, the Mexican hat is often worn during traditional celebrations or events such as Cinco de Mayo, Day of the Dead, and other cultural festivals. It is also worn as a fashion accessory.

5. Is the Mexican hat only worn in Mexico?

No, the Mexican hat is also worn in other Latin American countries such as Peru, Chile, and Ecuador. It has also become a popular fashion accessory in other parts of the world.
