How Does the Millikan Oil Drop Experiment Illustrate the Balance of Forces?

In summary, an oil drop with a mass of 7.20*10^-16kg moves upward at a constant speed of 2.50 m/s between two horizontal, parallel plates. The electric field strength between these plates is 2.20*10^4 V/m. Using the equations F = ma, Fg = mg, Fe = qE, and E = V/d, it can be determined that the magnitude of the charge on the oil drop is 3.2*10^-19C. The mention of constant velocity is to reinforce the idea that there is no net force acting on the particle.
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Homework Statement

An oil drop with a mass of 7.20*10^-16kg moves upward at a constant speed of 2.50 m/s between two horizontal, parallel plates. If the electric field strength between these plates is 2.20*10^4 V/m, what is the magnitude of the charge on the oil drop?

Homework Equations

F = ma
Fg = mg
Fe = qE
E = V/d

The Attempt at a Solution

F = ma
F = m(0)
Fnet = 0

Fnet = Fe - Fg
Fg = Fe
q = mg/E

q = 3.2*10^-19C

My problem is conceptual. I don't really understand how the particle can have a constant velocity and a net Force of zero upon it.

How did the particle accelerate from stationary to it's current velocity?
Physics news on
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The history of the particle isn't all that important. The mention of constant velocity is to reinforce the idea that it is not accelerating, and hence no net force.
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As a scientist, it is important to understand the underlying concepts and principles rather than just solving for a numerical answer. In this experiment, the oil drop is suspended between two plates due to the balance of two forces: gravitational force (Fg) and electric force (Fe). Initially, the oil drop is at rest and the net force on it is zero. However, when a voltage is applied between the plates, an electric field (E) is created which exerts a force (Fe) on the charged oil drop. This force is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the gravitational force (Fg). As a result, the oil drop experiences an upward acceleration and reaches a constant velocity when the two forces are balanced.

To address your concern about the initial acceleration, it is important to note that the oil drop is not initially stationary. It is constantly moving due to random thermal motion. When the electric field is applied, the direction of this motion is affected and the drop accelerates in the direction of the electric force until it reaches a constant velocity.

In terms of the charge on the oil drop, the magnitude can be determined using the equation q = mg/E, where m is the mass of the drop and g is the acceleration due to gravity. This equation assumes that the electric field is uniform and the drop is spherical in shape. The Millikan Oil Drop Experiment is a classic example of how the principles of physics can be used to determine the charge of a single particle, and it is important to understand the underlying concepts in order to fully appreciate the significance of the results.

FAQ: How Does the Millikan Oil Drop Experiment Illustrate the Balance of Forces?

1. What is the purpose of the Millikan Oil Drop Experiment?

The Millikan Oil Drop Experiment was conducted to determine the charge of an electron, and to provide evidence for the existence of individual particles with discrete, quantized charge. This experiment helped to confirm the model of the atom as a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons.

2. How does the experiment work?

The experiment involved suspending tiny droplets of oil in an electric field and measuring their terminal velocity. By balancing the gravitational force on the droplet with the electric force, the charge of the droplet could be calculated. By observing multiple droplets, Millikan was able to determine the charge of an electron to be 1.602 x 10^-19 coulombs.

3. What are some challenges or limitations of the Millikan Oil Drop Experiment?

One of the main challenges of the experiment was accurately measuring the small forces involved. The oil droplets were very small and their motion was affected by air currents, making precise measurements difficult. Additionally, the experiment assumed that the oil droplets had a constant charge, which may not have been the case.

4. What were the implications of the results from the Millikan Oil Drop Experiment?

The results of the experiment provided strong evidence for the existence of individual particles with discrete, quantized charge, which supported the atomic model proposed by J.J. Thomson. This experiment also allowed for a more accurate calculation of the charge of an electron, which is a fundamental constant in physics.

5. How is the Millikan Oil Drop Experiment relevant today?

The Millikan Oil Drop Experiment is still relevant today as it provided the first direct measurement of the charge of an electron and helped to confirm the atomic model. It also paved the way for further research on subatomic particles and their properties. The experiment is also used in educational settings to demonstrate the principles of electric charge and forces.
