How Does the Sign of ##dm## Affect Rocket Propulsion Calculations?

In summary: The basic idea is:In summary, if you assume that mass ##dm## is positive, the answer will be different from the one when you regard the ##dm## as negative.
  • #1
Homework Statement
A rocket is in a space. The rocket's initial mass and velocity is m and v. After that, mass dm is ejected backwards with constant speed u relative to the rocket. Find the equation for the velocity of the rocket
Relevant Equations
momentum conservation
I have a question. If we assume that ##dm## is positive, is the answer supposed to be different from the one when we regard the ##dm## as negative?

1. If I assume that ##dm## is positive:
By using momentum conservation, we will get
$$mv=(m-dm)(v+dv)+dm (v-u)$$
simplify the equation
$$m \,dv=dm \,u$$
Integrate the equation and we will get
$$ln\frac {m'} {m} = \frac {v'-v} {u}$$

2. if I assume that mass ##dm## is negative:
$$mv=(m+dm)(v+dv)-dm (v-u)$$
$$m \,dv=-dm \,u$$
The answer will be
$$ln\frac {m'} {m} = - \frac {v'-v} {u}$$

What exactly happened here?
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  • #2
It looks like if you assume ##dm## is negitive you have the rocket gaining mass. The momentum before in that case is not ##mv##:

$$F_{ext}dt= ( m +dm)(v+dv) - [mv + dm u]$$
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  • #3
erobz said:
It looks like if you assume ##dm## is negitive you have the rocket gaining mass. The momentum before in that case is not ##mv## .
I copied it from my textbook. I doubt that its answer is wrong
  • #4
You are orienting the axis differently.
What is ∫dx from 0 to 1 for dx positive?
What is ∫dx from 1 to 0 for dx positive?
What is ∫dx from 0 to 1 for dx negative?
Think about Riemann sums.
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  • #5
Frabjous said:
You are orienting the axis differently.
Frabjous said:
What is ∫dx from 0 to 1 for dx negative?
Um... imo, the dx need to be positive in order to solve it like usual. What should I do ?
  • #6
Riemann sums assume you are adding up rectangles. What does this imply for the sign of the integral when dx is negative?
  • #7
Forgive me, but how can ##dm## be negative if it represents the mass ejected from the rocket?
  • #8
Drakkith said:
Forgive me, but how can ##dm## be negative if it represents the mass ejected from the rocket?
"during a small time dt, a negative mass dm gets added to the rocket, and a positive mass (−dm) gets shot out the back"
  • #9
Rikudo said:
##mv=(m-dm)(v+dv)+dm (v-u)##
Note that this equation represents: ##InitialRocketMomentum = FinalRocketMomentum + ExhaustMomentum##

It seems to be a physical impossibility for ##dm## to be a negative quantity, as that no longer gives us the correct momentum of the rocket or its exhaust.

Rikudo said:
"during a small time dt, a negative mass dm gets added to the rocket, and a positive mass (−dm) gets shot out the back"
That just switches the sign of ##dm## back to what it should be to make the equations and terms make sense.

I'm uncertain about what you're actually asking.
  • #10
Frabjous said:
Riemann sums assume you are adding up rectangles. What does this imply for the sign of the integral when dx is negative?
If I solve it like usual, the result (or, we can also say the area under the curve) is negative.
So, does that mean I need to multiple the result by (-1) so that it become positive?

EDIT: nevermind. This is clearly incorrect.
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  • #11
Drakkith said:
I'm uncertain about what you're actually asking.
The second method in my first post is what is written in the book.(By the way the sentence that I just quoted is also taken from it). Then, I tried a slightly different way by regarding ##dm## as a positive mass, but the result is different from the book's. That is what I'm confused right now; why they are different.
  • #12
I must apologize. My reply was a little misleading and there are some subtleties that I do not feel confident explaining (or am sure that I completely understand)
The basic idea is:
For a rocket, dm = m(t+Δt)-m(t) which is negative (or m(t+Δt) = m(t)+dm). This matters as one turns things into differentials. So if you want to define dm as positive, it has a sign inconsistency with m, so one needs to add a negative sign or reverse the limits of integration.
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  • #13
Rikudo said:
The second method in my first post is what is written in the book.(By the way the sentence that I just quoted is also taken from it). Then, I tried a slightly different way by regarding ##dm## as a positive mass, but the result is different from the book's. That is what I'm confused right now; why they are different.
Ah, I see. I was referencing this page, which has the original equation listed with the same signs as your first example in your first post does, as well as ##mdv=-dmu## (the integrated equation in 14.1 without the gravity term). Check the link and see if your steps match up with theirs.
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  • #14
dm is defined to be the before-to-after gain in m. By taking it as positive, you have reversed the order of integration, making it ##\int_{m'}^m##. Switching that back will make the signs match.
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Likes Rikudo and Drakkith
  • #15
This is a very common issue. It ultimately boils down to using ##dm## to represent both the mass ejected (ie, positive if mass is ejected) and as the change in the mass when doing the integration. The two differ by a sign and you will get the wrong answer if you do not account for this. The notationally least confusing way in my opinion is to use ##dm## as the change in the mass ##m## because then you will not confuse yourself with the integration limits.
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Likes Rikudo, vanhees71, Filip Larsen and 1 other person

FAQ: How Does the Sign of ##dm## Affect Rocket Propulsion Calculations?

1. What is a rocket ejecting mass?

A rocket ejecting mass refers to the process of a rocket expelling or releasing a portion of its mass in order to generate thrust and propel itself forward.

2. Why do rockets eject mass?

Rockets eject mass in order to follow Newton's Third Law of Motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. By ejecting mass, the rocket creates a force in the opposite direction, which propels it forward.

3. How does a rocket eject mass?

Rockets can eject mass in various ways, such as through the use of propellant or compressed gas. The most common method is through the use of a rocket engine, which burns fuel and releases hot gases at high speeds, providing the necessary thrust to eject mass.

4. What can affect the effectiveness of a rocket ejecting mass?

The effectiveness of a rocket ejecting mass can be affected by various factors, such as the type and amount of propellant used, the design and efficiency of the rocket engine, and external factors like air resistance and gravity.

5. Are there any safety concerns with rocket ejecting mass?

Yes, there are safety concerns with rocket ejecting mass, as the high speeds and temperatures involved can be hazardous to both the rocket and its surroundings. Proper precautions and regulations are in place to ensure the safe use of rocket ejecting mass technology.
