How does the theory of general relativity explain gravity?

  • Thread starter San K
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In summary, The conversation revolves around the topic of gravity and its effects on space-time and other objects. It also touches upon the concept of quantum gravity and the current understanding of gravity through general relativity. The possibility of creating a hole or tear in space-time is discussed, and it is stated that nothing is known to be unaffected by gravity. The effect of gravity on gyroscopes is also mentioned. Overall, the conversation suggests that there is much to be explored and understood about the nature of gravity.
  • #1
San K
Not sure whether this post should be in the relativity forum. However a few years down the line it could be in-between relativity and QM.

What is the process of creation of gravity?

How does gravity effect two quantum entangled photons?...say when one of them passes through a bend in the one that surrounds the earth.

Mass bends space-time. What does space-time bend in? Is there still a straight line (that would be without gravity) when space time is bent?

Can a hole/tear be created in space-time?

Which things are unaffected by gravity?

What is the effect of gravity on gyroscopes?
Physics news on
  • #2
That's a very wide range of questions - a great deal has been written on all of them.

What have you done to attempt to discover the answers.

Note: gravity is currently best understood in terms of general relativity.
You have not asked anything that remotely approaches quantum gravity.

1. it is not something that gets created as such - it is just there, and is strongly related to energy densities.

2. what we mean by the curvature of space time is well defined in GR - think of it as a metaphor: in GR, "space-time" is not thought of as bending inside some higher-order meta-volume. The word is used to describe the kind of maths you get.

3. Define "hole" or "tear". If you are thinking in terms of tearing a fabric then: no.

4. Nothing known.

5. Same as on anything else.

If you are just starting out then try:
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FAQ: How does the theory of general relativity explain gravity?

1. What is gravity?

Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that causes objects with mass to be attracted to one another.

2. How does gravity work?

Gravity works by warping the fabric of space-time. Objects with mass create a curvature in space-time, and other objects with less mass are pulled towards this curvature.

3. Why do we experience gravity on Earth?

We experience gravity on Earth because the planet has a large mass, creating a strong gravitational pull that keeps us grounded and objects from floating away.

4. Does gravity vary in different locations on Earth?

Yes, gravity can vary slightly in different locations on Earth due to factors such as variations in the planet's density and the Earth's rotation.

5. Can gravity be manipulated or controlled?

As of now, there is no known way to manipulate or control gravity. However, scientists are constantly researching and studying ways to better understand this force and its potential applications.
