How does this path sound?

  • Admissions
  • Thread starter Quantumfied
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    Path Sound
In summary, it would take a junior as of this coming fall about two years to finish their bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering if they stayed with the program.
  • #1
Hey guys, I’m a junior in Florida studying mechanical engineering. My school currently offers a 4+1 accelerated masters program for mechanical engineering which I’m strongly considering. How feasible is it for me to to do this and then apply for a PhD in electrical engineering to another university of Florida? I don’t mind that the most if any of the masters classes from my mechanical masters won’t count for the electrical engineering PhD. I’m also aware that the time I spend in school will be extended for a year or 2, but I’m wondering how with admission boards view the change in engineering major after a masters? Will this keep me from getting my PhD in electrical engineering? I know this is a year or 2 away still but it’ll likely creep up fast. Thanks for any help.
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  • #2
What EE-type courses will you be taking while studying ME?
  • #3
@Dishsoap that's what I’m looking into now so far the only thing I have in my degree plan is Introduction to EE which is my schools version of circuits for mechanical engineers. Any advice or guidance is greatly appreciated. So far I’m looking into fitting in some other course but adding anymore than 3 or so will register and extra semester for me.
  • #4
A question the admissions committee will surely ask is "If he's so interested in EE, why isn't he studying it now?"
  • #5
@Vanadium 50 I am close to finishing my degree in mechanical engineering seems like a waste to switching now
  • #6
Quantumfied said:
I’m a junior
Does this mean a junior (third year student) as of last spring, or a junior as of this coming fall? To put it another way, how long would it take for you to finish your bachelor's degree if you stayed with mechanical engineering?

FAQ: How does this path sound?

1. How do you determine the quality of a path's sound?

The quality of a path's sound is determined by various factors such as the materials used to construct the path, the surrounding environment, and the frequency and intensity of any vibrations produced when walking on the path. Additionally, the type and thickness of the path's surface can also affect the sound quality.

2. Can different types of paths produce different sounds?

Yes, different types of paths can produce different sounds. Paths made of materials like gravel or grass will produce a softer and more muffled sound compared to paths made of concrete or stone, which tend to produce a louder and more distinct sound.

3. How can you improve the sound quality of a path?

To improve the sound quality of a path, you can use materials that absorb sound, such as rubber or cork, in the construction of the path. Choosing a path material that is thicker can also help to reduce the intensity of sound produced when walking on it.

4. Is there a way to reduce the noise produced by a path?

Yes, there are ways to reduce the noise produced by a path. Adding a layer of insulation, such as rubber or foam, beneath the path's surface can help to dampen the sound. Alternatively, you can also add barriers or plants along the path to absorb or block the sound waves.

5. How do you test the sound of a path?

To test the sound of a path, you can walk on it and listen for any vibrations or sound produced. You can also use specialized equipment, such as a decibel meter, to measure the sound intensity and frequency. Additionally, you can also ask others to walk on the path and provide feedback on the sound quality.

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