How Does Time Evolution Affect Operator Expectation Values in Quantum Mechanics?

In summary, operators in quantum mechanics are mathematical representations of physical quantities that can be measured. They correspond to observables, represent properties that can be observed and measured in a quantum system, and play a crucial role in the Schrödinger equation. Operators can also be represented by matrices and are used in calculating expectation values, which represent the average value of an observable in a particular quantum state.
  • #1

Homework Statement

i know that
[itex] H |n> = \varepsilon_n |n>[/itex]
[itex] H |i> = \varepsilon_i |i>[/itex]

and i want to estimate
[itex] < n | e^{i H t / \hbar} V(t) e^{-i H t / \hbar} |i> [/itex]

Homework Equations

[itex] <\psi | \varphi> = \int \psi^*(q) \varphi(q) dq [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

i don't understand well how the operator interacts with the wave function... I'm pretty sure that the right solution is

[itex] < n | e^{i H t / \hbar} V(t) e^{-i H t / \hbar} |i> = \int{ \left(n e^{- i H t / \hbar}\right)^* V e^{-i \varepsilon_i t / \hbar}} i = \int n^* e^{i \varepsilon_n t / \hbar} V e^{-i \varepsilon_f t / \hbar} i= <n | V(t) | i> e^{i \frac{\varepsilon_n - \varepsilon_i}{\hbar}t} [/itex]

but I'm not sure about "why is this the right way to do this" ... for example i don't know why [itex] H |n> = \varepsilon_n |n> [/itex] implies [itex] e^{iHt / \hbar} |n> = e^{i \varepsilon_n t / \hbar } |n> [/itex]... or why this way to do is wrong:

[itex] < n | e^{i H t / \hbar} V(t) e^{-i H t / \hbar} |i> = \int \left(n e^{i H t / \hbar}\right)^* e^{i H t / \hbar} V(t) i = \int n^* V(t) i = <n|V(t)|i> [/itex]

(i didn't put the "dq" in the integral because i don't know in which variable i should integrate)
if someone can explain me why this is the right way to do this expression i'll be happy.
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  • #2
mahblah said:
for example i don't know why [itex] H |n> = \varepsilon_n |n> [/itex] implies [itex] e^{iHt / \hbar} |n> = e^{i \varepsilon_n t / \hbar } |n> [/itex]
Expand the exponential into Taylor series, then operate term-by-term, then recombine.

... or why this way to do is wrong:

[itex] < n | e^{i H t / \hbar} V(t) e^{-i H t / \hbar} |i> = \int \left(n e^{i H t / \hbar}\right)^* e^{i H t / \hbar} V(t) i = \int n^* V(t) i = <n|V(t)|i> [/itex]
If [itex]V(t)[/itex] is just a c-number, you can just pull it out, which then makes the problem trivial. So I am guessing that [itex]V(t)[/itex] is an operator, in which case, you cannot commute it with the exponential on the right.
  • #3
...thanks mathfeel!
  • #4
mahblah said:
(I didn't put the "dq" in the integral because i don't know in which variable I should integrate.)
If someone can explain me why this is the right way to do this expression, I'll be happy.
When you calculate an amplitude, the integral comes from inserting a complete set[tex]\int dq\,\lvert q \rangle\langle q \rvert = \mathbf{1}[/tex] to get
\langle \phi \vert \psi \rangle &= \langle \phi \vert \left(\int dq\,\lvert q \rangle\langle q \rvert\right) \vert \psi \rangle \\
&= \int dq\,\langle \phi \vert q \rangle\langle q | \psi \rangle
Then using the fact that [itex]\langle\phi\vert q\rangle = \phi^*(q)[/itex] and [itex]\langle q\vert\psi\rangle = \psi(q)[/itex], you obtain[tex]\langle \phi \vert \psi \rangle = \int dq\,\phi^*(q) \psi(q)[/tex]
Note that the bra and ket are related to but are not exactly the same thing as the wave functions. The wave function is the representation of ket relative to some basis.

In this problem, you never need to introduce a complete set and get an integral. Just work with the kets. There's no need to use the wave functions.
  • #5

I can provide some insights into your questions about the operator in quantum mechanics and its interaction with the wave function.

Firstly, the operator in quantum mechanics represents a physical observable, such as position, momentum, or energy. In your case, the operator H represents the energy of a system. The equation H|n> = ε_n|n> means that when the operator H acts on the state |n>, it returns the energy eigenvalue ε_n times the state |n>. This is a fundamental property of quantum mechanics and is known as the eigenvalue equation.

Now, let's consider the expression <n|e^{iHt/\hbar}V(t)e^{-iHt/\hbar}|i>. This is known as the time-evolution operator, and it tells us how the state |i> evolves into the state |n> over time t. The time-evolution operator is given by the formula e^{-iHt/\hbar}, where H is the Hamiltonian operator (in your case, it is just H) and t is the time. This operator is crucial in understanding how quantum systems evolve over time.

To answer your question about why e^{iHt/\hbar}|n> = e^{iε_nt/\hbar}|n>, we can use the Taylor series expansion of the exponential function. The Taylor series expansion of e^{iHt/\hbar} is given by 1 + (iHt/\hbar) + (iHt/\hbar)^2/2! + ... = 1 + (iε_nt/\hbar) + (iε_nt/\hbar)^2/2! + ... = e^{iε_nt/\hbar}. So, we can see that when the operator H acts on the state |n>, it returns the energy eigenvalue ε_n times the state |n>, which is why e^{iHt/\hbar}|n> = e^{iε_nt/\hbar}|n>.

Now, coming to your question about why the expression <n|e^{iHt/\hbar}V(t)e^{-iHt/\hbar}|i> is the right way to calculate the expectation value of the operator V at time t between the states |n> and |i>, we need to use the definition of the expectation value. The expectation value of an operator A between two states |ψ

FAQ: How Does Time Evolution Affect Operator Expectation Values in Quantum Mechanics?

What is an operator in quantum mechanics?

An operator in quantum mechanics is a mathematical representation of a physical quantity that can be measured, such as position, momentum, or energy. These operators act on a wave function to produce a new wave function, which represents the state of a quantum system.

How do operators relate to observables in quantum mechanics?

Operators correspond to observables in quantum mechanics, meaning they represent physical properties that can be observed and measured in a quantum system. The eigenvalues of an operator correspond to the possible outcomes of a measurement of the observable it represents.

What is the role of operators in the Schrödinger equation?

The Schrödinger equation describes how a quantum system evolves over time. Operators play a crucial role in this equation, as they represent the physical quantities that are being measured and how they change over time.

Can operators be represented by matrices?

Yes, operators in quantum mechanics can be represented by matrices. This is known as the matrix representation of the operator. In this representation, the matrix elements correspond to the coefficients of the wave function in a particular basis.

How are operators used in calculating expectation values?

Operators are used to calculate expectation values in quantum mechanics. The expectation value of an operator represents the average value of the corresponding observable in a particular quantum state. This is calculated by taking the inner product of the wave function with the operator acting on it.
