How Does Uranium-238 Capture Neutrons and What Happens After?

In summary, a nucleus absorbs a neutron and becomes a stable nucleus. This process can be explained with the use of a level scheme and decay radiation information.
  • #1
can anyone give an example in which a nucleus absorbs a neutron and becomes a stable nucleus?

or the combination must break into parts?
Physics news on
  • #2
H + n --> D + gamma
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
H + n --> D + gamma

in this case, a gamma photon is emitted

is it possible that no particle is emitted at all?

just A+B ----> C ?
  • #4
No, because energy-momentum would not be conserved.
  • #5
You would need exactly the energy of the final particle, and you don't get this. For short-living particles, the energy can vary a bit, and it is possible.
  • #6
wdlang said:
can anyone give an example in which a nucleus absorbs a neutron and becomes a stable nucleus?

or the combination must break into parts?
There is usually a prompt gamma released upon a neutron combining with a nucleus. The product nucleus increases it's mass, but by less than the mass of the neutron. The gamma represents the binding energy needed to remove that neutron.

The product nucleus could be stable, i.e., not undergo β-decay or EC.

Some nuclei have very low energy capture gammas (but the product nucleus isn't necessarily stable).

There is also the consideration of the kinetic energy and momentum of the original nucleus and neutron.
  • #7
Uranium 238 is supposed to have resonant capture of neutrons at 7 eV, which is why it is so important to moderate neutrons to thermal speed before uranium 238 captures them.

Does it mean that uranium 239 has an excited state exactly 7 eV above uranium 238?

If uranium 238 absorbs neutrons at, say, 9 or 10 eV, will the nuclei be emitting light rather than gamma rays?
  • #8
snorkack said:
Uranium 238 is supposed to have resonant capture of neutrons at 7 eV, which is why it is so important to moderate neutrons to thermal speed before uranium 238 captures them.
Neutrons are moderated to thermal energies in order to take advantage of the higher fission cross-section of U-235 (or Pu-239) for thermal neutrons. The resonance absorption of neutrons is just a complication in a moderated system. Fission neutrons are born in the MeV range, and must be slowed to < 0.1 eV to take advantage of the high cross-sections in the thermal range.

Does it mean that uranium 239 has an excited state exactly 7 eV above uranium 238?

If uranium 238 absorbs neutrons at, say, 9 or 10 eV, will the nuclei be emitting light rather than gamma rays?
The energy 7 eV or 9 eV has nothing to with the nuclear energy levels within the nucleus, only with the neutron energy. If U-238 absorbs 7 eV or 9 eV neutron, the emitted capture (or prompt) gamma would have the same energy. However, each nuclei has a unique spectrum of capture gammas, meaning that the nucleus has a number of internal excited states, which would be reflected in the subsequent decay of that nucleus.
A list of levels, a level scheme and decay radiation information are available

Visible light photon energies are on the order of 1.5-3.5 eV
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FAQ: How Does Uranium-238 Capture Neutrons and What Happens After?

1. What is the process of nucleus absorption of neutron?

The process of nucleus absorption of neutron is when a neutron is captured by the nucleus of an atom, causing the atom to become unstable and potentially undergo a nuclear reaction.

2. Why is nucleus absorption of neutron important?

Nucleus absorption of neutron is important because it plays a crucial role in nuclear reactions and energy production. It is also essential in understanding the properties of different elements and their stability.

3. How does the nucleus absorb a neutron?

The nucleus absorbs a neutron through the strong nuclear force, which is one of the four fundamental forces of nature. This force binds the nucleons (protons and neutrons) together in the nucleus.

4. What factors affect the rate of nucleus absorption of neutron?

Factors such as the energy and velocity of the neutron, the stability of the nucleus, and the presence of other particles can affect the rate of nucleus absorption of neutron.

5. What are the potential outcomes of nucleus absorption of neutron?

The potential outcomes of nucleus absorption of neutron include the formation of a heavier and more stable isotope, the release of energy in the form of heat or radiation, and the triggering of a chain reaction in nuclear power plants or nuclear weapons.
