How Does Varying Torque Affect Aircraft Rotation in Flight Simulations?

In summary, the AI system for the flight simulation will use the integral of the torque equation to calculate the angular velocity and angle as a function of time. This will allow the system to plan a path for the airplane and spin it around to point in the desired direction.
  • #1
This is quite a tough one. I'm working on a flight simulation and aircraft are modeled as a rigid solid moving under drag. I'm making the AI system so I need to plan a path for the airplane - thus i need to spin it around so it points in the right direction.

Rotation is determined the usual way, by integrating torque twice. Torque is equal to the force applied using the flight stick to which a linear drag is applied.


T = max_rotational_velocity_konst * StickInput - w * C

StickInput is in [-1..1]

C is the drag constant and is calculated from the 'max_rotational_velocity_konst' constant and the 'time_to_reach_max_vel' constant - so that the designers can model a plane that achieves a certain angular velocity in a certain time (if the stick is kept at maximum during that time).

Next, the angular velocity is equal to the integral of Torque.

w = (T / (inv_mass * inertia)) * dt;

And finally, the angle of rotation is equal to

alpha = w * dt

Unfortunately, several stick movements need to be input each frame (so that behaviors can be tweened - ground avoidance for one should increase in priority as the plane gets closer to the ground) and I can't change this.

Thus my AI will input stick commands to make the plane roll to the right direction by measuring the angle between its current rotation and the desired rotation. I take the CrossProduct of the two 'Up' vectors so I get the sinus of the angle. I use this value as the StickInput value - thus it will achieve 0 input when its in the right angle.


T = max_rot_speed * sin(alpha) - w * C
w = integral(T)
alpha = integral(w)

What I want is to find the angle as a function of time in order to determine the time it will take for the aircraft to achieve a certain rotation. I've already found a way to do it for constant force from here, but I don't know how to use it for a varying force.

Any ideas?
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  • #2
The trick here is to use the integral of the torque equation. You can use integration to calculate the angular velocity as a function of time, then integrate again to calculate the angle as a function of time. In this case, the equation for the angular velocity as a function of time would be:w(t) = max_rot_speed * (1 - exp(-C*t/inertia)) + w0 * exp(-C*t/inertia)where w0 is the angular velocity at t = 0.To calculate the angle as a function of time, you simply have to integrate this equation once more:alpha(t) = max_rot_speed * t + w0 * (1 - exp(-C*t/inertia)) - (inertia/C) * exp(-C*t/inertia)This equation will give you the angle at any time, given the initial conditions.
  • #3

I would suggest using a numerical integration method such as Euler's method or Runge-Kutta method to solve for the angle of rotation over time. These methods can handle varying forces and can provide a more accurate solution than a simple analytical approach.

Additionally, it may be helpful to consider the aircraft's dynamics and aerodynamics in your simulation, as these can also affect the rotation and response to varying torque. Consulting with aeronautical engineers or using a flight simulation software that takes these factors into account may provide more accurate results.

Overall, it is important to carefully consider and analyze all the variables and factors involved in the rotation of the aircraft in order to accurately model and simulate its behavior.

FAQ: How Does Varying Torque Affect Aircraft Rotation in Flight Simulations?

1. What is rotation under varying torque?

Rotation under varying torque refers to the motion of an object in response to a changing torque or twisting force. This can result in the object rotating at a constant speed or accelerating/decelerating depending on the magnitude and direction of the torque.

2. How is torque related to rotation?

Torque is directly related to rotation as it is the product of the force applied to an object and the distance from the axis of rotation. The greater the torque, the greater the rotational acceleration of the object.

3. What factors affect rotation under varying torque?

The primary factors that affect rotation under varying torque include the magnitude and direction of the applied torque, the moment of inertia of the object, and the frictional forces acting on the object.

4. How does changing the torque affect rotational speed?

Changing the torque can directly affect the rotational speed of an object. An increase in torque will result in an increase in rotational speed, while a decrease in torque will result in a decrease in rotational speed.

5. What is the difference between angular velocity and angular acceleration?

Angular velocity refers to the rate at which an object rotates, while angular acceleration refers to the rate at which the angular velocity changes. In other words, angular velocity is the speed of rotation, while angular acceleration is the change in this speed over time.

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