How does white light combine different colors of the spectrum?

In summary, Drakkith is thinking about white light and has some difficulty visualizing how it works. He is aware that white light is made up of all the colors of the visible spectrum, but he is curious about how the light waves are combined together to create white light. He asks for help from others who may have more knowledge about this topic.
  • #1
I have been thinking about white light and having some trouble visualising how it actually works. I am aware that white light is made up from all the colours of the visible spectrum, my question is how does the light travel together in wave and photon form?

my only thoughts so far are that photons travel in a "packet" as it were all hitting they eye at the same time creating white light, this may be very far off the mark as I do not know much about light at the moment but it is bothering me.

If anyone could give some insight or suggest a good book to explain I would be very appreciative.

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  • #2
We perceive white light when all 3 cone cells in our eyes are activated approximately equally. All the different wavelengths travel the same whether they are in a beam of white light or by themselves. They do not travel together, each photon interacts independently of the others.
  • #3
Drakkith, so photons from each wavelength hit the eye at roughly the same time making white light, I believe I nearly had the answer just I thought they traveled as a collective. Thank you drakkith
  • #4
Johnahh said:
Drakkith, so photons from each wavelength hit the eye at roughly the same time making white light, I believe I nearly had the answer just I thought they traveled as a collective. Thank you drakkith

  • #6
Well, there's no such thing as a white photon. White light is just a mix of many overlapping colors. There's nothing holding white light together as a unit, so the colors will simply separate in a dispersive medium. It only stays together because all colors of light travel at the same speed in vacuum.

FAQ: How does white light combine different colors of the spectrum?

1. What is white light?

White light is a type of visible light that contains all visible wavelengths of light in equal proportions. It is often referred to as "pure" or "complete" light since it is a combination of all colors in the visible spectrum.

2. How is white light created?

White light is created through the combination of all colors of light. This can occur naturally through the sun's rays, or artificially through the mixing of different colored lights. For example, when red, green, and blue lights are mixed together, they create white light.

3. How does white light travel?

White light travels in waves, also known as electromagnetic radiation. It moves at a constant speed of approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum, and can also travel through different mediums such as air, water, and glass.

4. How does white light interact with objects?

When white light hits an object, it can either be absorbed, transmitted, or reflected. The color of the object that we see is determined by the wavelengths of light that are reflected off of it. For example, a red object appears red because it reflects red light and absorbs all other colors.

5. How does white light create colors?

White light creates colors through a process called additive color mixing. This occurs when multiple colors of light are combined, and the different wavelengths of light are perceived by our eyes as different colors. For example, red and green light combine to create yellow light, while red and blue light create magenta light.
