How Electrons Penetrate Nucleus w/o Capture

In summary: The quarks and gluons are all whizzing around, because the uncertainty principle requires their momenta to be significant because of the very small uncertainties in their positions.
  • #1

"...which are subject to electron capture in 7Be because (like all s atomic orbitals in all atoms) they naturally penetrate into the nucleus."

How can the s orbitals penetrate the nucleus without being captured? And do they mean all energy levels of the s orbitals?
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  • #2
S-wave electrons do penetrate the nucleus, but may or may not be subject to capture. If and when an orbital electron is captured it turns a proton into a neutron and emits a neutrino. Whether this can actually occur depends on the energy available - does the resulting nucleus have more or less binding energy than the original one?
  • #3
If I'm not mistaken, that would depend on if the resulting nucleus is heavier than Nickel-56, (or 57? something like that). Lighter and I believe it would have less binding energy and heavier the opposite. Or does the fact that there are still the same number of nucleons mean that it stays the same?
When I think of a nucleus I think of a solid chunk which can't be penetrated which is why I asked the question but I can see that's not the case. When thinking about the capture event, can we think of a proton as one unit or does it have to hit a specific quark? And while I'm on the subject of a nucleus, what are the distance between nucleons? Are nucleons really triangles like they are depicted when showing quarks?
This picture suggests to me that the electrons would have to almost teleport in some situations. The 3s,3p, and 3d orbitals seem to have much more defined areas where an electron can't go. Is there a somewhat simple explanation for this? Or does this get into complicated quantum effects only present on that scale?
Sorry for all the questions, I actually find this stuff really interesting!
  • #5
samblohm said:
... When I think of a nucleus I think of a solid chunk which can't be penetrated which is why I asked the question but I can see that's not the case...
A better simplistic visualisation is a cloud. The quarks and gluons within each nucleon are all whizzing around, because the uncertainty principle requires their momenta to be significant because of the very small uncertainties in their positions.
...When thinking about the capture event, can we think of a proton as one unit or does it have to hit a specific quark?
It does, indeed, interact with a single, up, quark. At this level, the reaction is

e + u → v + d​

Putting in the W boson, the full process is actually two interactions:

e → v + W-
W- + u → d​
...And while I'm on the subject of a nucleus, what are the distance between nucleons? Are nucleons really triangles like they are depicted when showing quarks?
≈ 1 fm. They are not triangles, see above re clouds.
  • #6
Is there any order that the quarks and gluons move around in nucleons?

FAQ: How Electrons Penetrate Nucleus w/o Capture

What is the process of electron penetration into the nucleus without capture?

Electron penetration into the nucleus without capture is known as electron scattering. This occurs when an electron comes into close proximity with a nucleus, but instead of being captured by the nucleus, it is deflected or scattered away.

How do electrons have enough energy to penetrate the nucleus?

Electrons have very high energies, which allows them to overcome the strong nuclear forces that hold the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus. This energy, known as kinetic energy, enables the electrons to penetrate the nucleus without being captured.

What factors affect the ability of electrons to penetrate the nucleus without capture?

The energy of the electron, the distance between the electron and the nucleus, and the strength of the nuclear forces are all factors that can affect the ability of electrons to penetrate the nucleus without capture. Higher energy electrons, shorter distances, and weaker nuclear forces increase the likelihood of penetration.

Why is it important to study electron penetration into the nucleus without capture?

Understanding electron scattering is crucial for understanding the structure and properties of atoms and their nuclei. It also has applications in fields such as nuclear physics, materials science, and nuclear medicine.

Are there any exceptions to the process of electron penetration into the nucleus without capture?

Yes, there are some cases where electrons may be captured by the nucleus instead of being scattered away. This can happen if the energy of the electron is too low or if the nuclear forces are particularly strong. These exceptions are known as electron capture or internal conversion.

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