How Far Are the Closest Four Images of the Candle in the Mirrored Room?

In summary: This means that the first image formed by the left mirror is 5 meters behind the student, as if the real candle were there; the second image formed by the left mirror is 5 meters behind that, or 10m behind the student (since it's like the first image is the real candle, which is 5 meters behind the student).In summary, the student can see four images of the candle, with the closest one being 13.5m away and the farthest one being 25m away. Each image is formed as if the real candle were 5m behind the student, with each successive image being 5m behind the previous one.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A student is standing in the middle of a room with two opposite walls that are separated by 10.0m and covered by plane mirrors. There is a candle in the room 1.5m from one mirrored wall (from the left wall). The student is facing the opposite (right) mirrored wall and sees many images of the candle. How far from the student are the closest four images of the candle that he/she can see?

Homework Equations

Distance of object= distance of image

The Attempt at a Solution

If the student is 5m from the right mirror, the candle is 8.5m from the right mirror; therefore, and image must be 8.5m behind the mirror. Add this to the 5m distance from the mirror to the student= 8.5 + 5 = 13.5m from the student

Also, the candle is 1.5m from the left mirror, which is 5m behind the student. If the image is 1.5m behind the mirror, it is 1.5m + 5 m = 6.5m behind the student. Since the student is 5m from the right mirror (she faces the right mirror), does she see the image an additional 6.5m behind the right mirror, thus 5+ 6.5m= 11.5m? Or do I need to add another 6.5 to account for the distance behind her = 6.5 + 6.5 + 5 = 18m?

I'm not sure of my logic thus far, and am therefore unsure of how to proceed for distances 3 and 4. Is this on the right track? How do I approach the additional images?

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  • #2
I'm not quite sure why you're adding 6.5 again, but the question only asks for images made by reflecting through the right mirror. Images formed in the left mirror don't count because the student can't see them.

Think about the problem this way: every image formed by every mirror acts exactly like a real candle, except that its light can pass through a mirror. The first image formed by the left mirror, for example, can be treated as a real candle being reflected by the right mirror, except that the candle's rays can pass through the left mirror unimpeded.

FAQ: How Far Are the Closest Four Images of the Candle in the Mirrored Room?

What is the "Two plane mirrors problem"?

The "Two plane mirrors problem" is a problem in optics that involves the reflection of light off of two parallel mirrors. It is often used to demonstrate the principles of reflection and the formation of multiple images.

What is the setup for the "Two plane mirrors problem"?

The setup for the "Two plane mirrors problem" involves two parallel mirrors placed at an angle to each other, with a source of light placed in between them. The mirrors should be positioned so that the light reflects off of one mirror and then off of the other, creating a series of reflected images.

What are the key principles demonstrated by the "Two plane mirrors problem"?

The "Two plane mirrors problem" demonstrates the principles of reflection, where light bounces off of a surface at the same angle it hits it, and the formation of multiple images, where the light reflects off of each mirror and creates a series of images that appear to be behind the mirrors.

What factors affect the number of images produced in the "Two plane mirrors problem"?

The number of images produced in the "Two plane mirrors problem" is affected by the angle between the mirrors, the distance between the mirrors, and the distance between the mirrors and the light source. The greater the angle and distance, the more images will be produced.

How is the "Two plane mirrors problem" used in real-world applications?

The "Two plane mirrors problem" is used in various real-world applications, such as in periscopes, kaleidoscopes, and rearview mirrors. It also has applications in the design of optical instruments and in understanding the behavior of light in reflective surfaces.
