How far behind the front wheels is the center of mass located?

In summary, the location of the center of mass of a car can be determined by considering the moments around the front and rear wheels. By equating the moments due to the mass and the force on the scale, the distance from the front wheel to the center of mass can be calculated. This method does not require knowledge of the mass or acceleration due to gravity.
  • #1
To determine the location of the center of mass of a car, the car is driven over a scale. When the front wheels are over the scale, the weight recorded by the scale is 5.70 x 103 N. When the rear wheels are over the scale, the scale reads 6.30 x 103 N. The distance between the front and rear wheels is 3.32 m. How far behind the front wheels is the center of mass located?

The equation i was using was

X = m1x1 + m2x2 / (m1+m2)
m1 = 5.70 x 103 N = 581.039kg
m2 = 6.30 x 103 N = 642.202kg
X = ?
x1 = 3.32
x2 = 3.32 - x

i don't understand how to fill in the rest. maybe I've gotten something done wrong here! Help will be awesome :)
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  • #2
Draw a FBD of the car with the reactions that support it. When it is on the scale, one of the reactions id provided by the scale. See if that will get you going.
  • #3
i've tried this, but i still get nowhere.
  • #4
It looks like you are trying to work out the centre of mass treating the car like it is two separate weights, placed at the front and back wheels. I don't think that will work very well. Here is how I would approach the problem, assuming you have learned about moments. If you haven't learned about moments, ignore this post.

When the front wheel is on the scale, you can consider the moments arround the back wheel, as the car is not rotating, the clockwise and anticlockwise moments are equal:
moment due to mass = moment due to force on scale
Mass x g x (3.32-L) = force1 x 3.32

You can do the same when the back wheel is on the scale:
moment due to mass = moment due to force on scale
Mass x g x L = force2 x 3.32

You should then be able to work out L, even withought knowing the mass (or g for that matter)

Hope this helps

PS: This is my first attempt at answereing questions in this forum. I'm trying to give hints without giving answers. Mods and experienced members feel free to critise.
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  • #5
so. say if this was the way i went

Mass x g x (3.32-L) = force1 x 3.32

what would my mass and g be?
  • #6
You don't need to know (unless the question asks for them?). It is possible to work out L by using the two equations I gave together.

g is the accelaration due to gravity is 9.81ms-2, Mass is unknown, but could also be found from the two equations I gave.

FAQ: How far behind the front wheels is the center of mass located?

1. How is the center of mass calculated for a vehicle?

The center of mass for a vehicle is calculated by finding the average of all the individual weight points of the vehicle. This includes the weight of the body, engine, transmission, wheels, and any other components.

2. Why is it important to know where the center of mass is located?

Knowing where the center of mass is located on a vehicle is important for stability and handling. If the center of mass is too high, the vehicle may be more prone to tipping over. If it is too far behind the front wheels, the vehicle may have difficulty turning and may feel unstable.

3. How does the location of the center of mass affect a vehicle's performance?

The location of the center of mass can greatly affect a vehicle's performance. If it is too far behind the front wheels, the vehicle may have difficulty turning and may feel unstable. If it is too high, the vehicle may be more prone to tipping over. Ideally, the center of mass should be low and evenly distributed for optimal performance.

4. Can the center of mass change over time or with modifications?

Yes, the center of mass can change over time or with modifications. Adding or removing weight from a vehicle can shift the center of mass. Modifying the suspension or body of a vehicle can also affect the center of mass. It is important to re-calculate the center of mass after any significant changes are made to a vehicle.

5. Is the location of the center of mass the same for all vehicles?

No, the location of the center of mass can vary greatly between different types of vehicles. Factors such as weight distribution, body shape, and suspension can all affect the location of the center of mass. For example, a sports car will likely have a lower and more rearward center of mass compared to a SUV.

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