How Far Can We Measure Star Distances Using Parallax with a 0.5 Arcsecond FWHM?

In summary, the atmospheric turbulence on Earth limits the best image quality to a full-wide-at-half-maximum of approximately 0.5 arcseconds. This means that the positional accuracy of stars can only be determined to about 1/10 of this value, which is approximately 0.05 arcseconds. Therefore, the parallax method can only be used to measure the distance to stars within this range. However, the angle used in the parallax method can be calculated by drawing a diagram and using trigonometry. The distance measured is usually from the Earth, but the difference between measuring from the Earth or the Sun's position is minimal. The parallax angle is also equal to the angle between the apparent positions of the star. The
  • #1
1) From the ground of the Earth, atmospheric turbulence limits the typical best image to a full-wide-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of ~0.5 arcsceond (this is an angle). Suppose we can determine positional accuracy of stars to ~1/10 of the FWHM, to how far in light years can we use the parallax method to measure the distance to stars?

Now I am stuck on this question. My biggest trouble is that I don't know how to relate the 0.5 arcsceond to the parallax method or parallax angle. Can someone please help me out?

Any help is greatly appreciated!:smile:
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  • #2
Big test tomorrow...and this is a typical problem...
Can someone please help me?
  • #3
Measuring a star's distance by parallax basically is solving a triangle:
The base and the two angles at the base are known and the height of the triangle needs to be calculated.

However, the angles aren't known exactly, there is a certain error.
So a measured angle of 60 degrees might actually be anything between 55 and 65 degrees.

Draw this situation on paper (two lines going out from each observation point) and you will see that the star will be somewhere inside a stretched diamond made up of the lines from the observation points.

How will the distance of the star, the length of the base and the size of the error affect the shape of this diamond?
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  • #4
You said that for the parallax method, we need two angles...

But there is only one angle (0.5 arcsceond) given in this problem...I am very confused...
  • #5
You don't need two angles for this. If you don't know the formula, it can be worked out by trig if you draw a diagram. Once you do that, you will have the relationship between the distance and the angle. Then you can work out how far you can measure based on the angle info given to you in your problem.
  • #6
I don't get the setup of the problem!

For example, in a diagram like this, WHERE exactly is the angle being referred as 0.5 arcsecond?
  • #7
The angle is the difference between the apparent positions in the sky from the observer's location (i.e. the star is at 43:00'10.0" vs. 43:00'10.5"). This is what you've illustrated in the two insets in your diagram.

The key is this:

that angle can be shown to be equal to the angle you have in your main diagram labelled "Nearby star "N"". And THIS is the triangle you are solving.

(Sorry if this arrived late. Hope you did well.)
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  • #8

The parallax angle is labelled "p" in the above figure.

When we talk about distance to galaxies or stars, is it the distance measured from the Sun or is it the distance from the Earth?

"that angle can be shown to be equal to the angle you have in your main diagram labelled "Nearby star "N" " <----can you please explain why there are equal?

Is the answer to question 1: d=(1/0.025) pc ??
  • #9
kingwinner said:
When we talk about distance to galaxies or stars, is it the distance measured from the Sun or is it the distance from the Earth?
Being that a parsec is about 4.3 light YEARS, and the Earth Sun difference is at worst 8 light MINUTES (and at best 0*), the difference between Earth distance and Sun distance is about 0.0004% of your answer - that's 4 parts in one million.

*The differences in distance depend on whether we are viewing perpendiculur or parallel to the plane of Earth's orbit. If perpendicular, the Earth and Sun are the same distance from the star.
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  • #10
kingwinner said:
"that angle can be shown to be equal to the angle you have in your main diagram labelled "Nearby star "N" " <----can you please explain why there are equal?

According to the" of parallel lines and transverse lines. Look at angles labelled 3 and 5.

Compare to attached diagram.


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  • #11
Oh, I see! Thanks!

Is the answer to question 1: d=(1/0.025) pc ? (becaue the 0.5arcseconds is the subtended angle of the apparent positions of the star and the parallax angle is 1/2 of it...?) I am just trying to make sure I am understanding this correctly...

Also, I have another question. How come we are unable to use the parallax method to measure the distance to stars when the full-wide-at-half-maximum is less than 0.5 x 1/10 = 0.05 arcseconds? I just don't get why...

Thanks for helping me!
  • #12
I'm no help there. Sorry.
  • #13
kingwinner said:
Is the answer to question 1: d=(1/0.025) pc ? (becaue the 0.5arcseconds is the subtended angle of the apparent positions of the star and the parallax angle is 1/2 of it...?) I am just trying to make sure I am understanding this correctly...

Also, I have another question. How come we are unable to use the parallax method to measure the distance to stars when the full-wide-at-half-maximum is less than 0.5 x 1/10 = 0.05 arcseconds? I just don't get why...

Thanks for helping me!

Does anyone have any idea?
  • #14
Well, I would guess that the reason you can't go much lower than .5 arcsecond is because the margin or error increases dramatically as the angle gets smaller. I imagine .5 arcsecond is an arbitrary limt.

FAQ: How Far Can We Measure Star Distances Using Parallax with a 0.5 Arcsecond FWHM?

1. What is the parallax method in astrophysics?

The parallax method is a technique used in astrophysics to measure the distance to nearby stars. It is based on the principle that an object appears to shift its position when viewed from different angles. By measuring this shift, scientists can calculate the distance to the star.

2. How does the parallax method work?

The parallax method works by measuring the apparent shift in position of a star as the Earth orbits around the Sun. This shift is caused by the change in perspective from the Earth's different positions in space. The larger the shift, the closer the star is to Earth.

3. What are the limitations of the parallax method?

The parallax method is limited to measuring the distance of nearby stars, as the shift in position becomes too small to measure accurately for more distant stars. Additionally, the method is only accurate for stars that are relatively close to the Earth's orbit.

4. Why is the parallax method important in astrophysics?

The parallax method is important in astrophysics because it allows scientists to measure the distance to stars and other celestial objects, which is crucial for understanding the scale and structure of the universe. It also helps in determining the properties of these objects, such as their size, luminosity, and motion.

5. How has the parallax method advanced our understanding of the universe?

The parallax method has advanced our understanding of the universe by providing a reliable way to measure distances to stars and other celestial objects. This has allowed scientists to create more accurate models of the universe, including its size, age, and expansion. It has also helped in the discovery of new objects and phenomena, such as exoplanets and gravitational lensing.
