How Far Does a Baseball Travel with Zero Acceleration?

In summary, the conversation discusses the gravitational force on a baseball and a pitcher's throw. The problem asks for the distance the ball accelerates before its release and the force exerted by the pitcher on the ball. The relevant equations are given for displacement and force, and the acceleration due to gravity is represented by the symbol g. The problem seems to involve two phases: the first phase where the ball is accelerating horizontally and the second phase after its release where there is no acceleration in the x direction but a force due to gravity in the y direction.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The gravitational force on a baseball is -Fg. A pitcher throws the baseball with velocity v by uniformly accelerating it straight forward horizontally for a time interval Δt = t − 0 = t. If the ball starts from rest, determine the following: (Use any variable or symbol stated above along with the following as necessary: g for the acceleration due to gravity.)

a.Through what distance does it accelerate before its release?
b. What force does the pitcher exert on the ball?

Homework Equations

displacement =vi+at^2 for (a.) And random variations that have not worked out as of yet. But i feel i am making it harder than it really is.
i thought -1/2 at^
Physics news on
  • #2
You must have left out some information.
  • #3
(a) displacement =vi+at^2 ... yes, but it starts from rest.
(b) a bit trikier: force = mass x acceleration. Your teacher might want you to include Fg, so the force have two components, one up and one forward, if not then just the forward force that the pitcher exerts to accelerate the ball.
  • #4
Your post and its title is difficult to understand. The title says "Distance traveled when Accel= 0" but then you mention both gravitational acceleration, g, and a "uniform acceleration straight forward". So there is no "Accel= 0" in the problem?

You ask "Through what distance does it accelerate before its release?" If this is only "before its release" it is still in the pitcher's hand? That would imply that the acceleration due to gravity is offset by the pitcher's hand holding it and has no part in this problem.
  • #5
Since the pitcher is throwing the ball exactly horizontally, during the pitch there is no net force in the y direction, but there is an acceleration (and hence a force) in the x direction.

The problem is giving you the final v in the x direction after the acceleration is 0 (ie the pitcher has already released the ball and there is no force in the x direction, only gravity pulling down).

You have to imagine the process and ask which 'phase' is being asked about. It reads to me like its asking about the phase prior to release of the ball.

Ball from rest (0 net force everywhere)

accelerates exactly horizontally (net force only in x direction) to a final velocity v, in time t. Phase 1.

the ball is released leading to the second phase where there is 0 force and 0 acceleration in the x direction but a non zero force in the y direction from gravity.

You have enough information to find the displacement (find acceleration first because we know v, vi, and t then you can find displacement knowing v, vi, a, t).

The question about the force on the ball I'm not exactly sure as it seems you need the mass unless, as stated above you need some kind of trig trick to find an expression. I doubt the latter because in each phase there is net force only in 1 direction so no trig necessary.
  • #6
..."Use any variable or symbol stated above along with the following as necessary: g for the acceleration due to gravity."
No need to solve, just state formulas with symbols for the variables.

FAQ: How Far Does a Baseball Travel with Zero Acceleration?

1. What is the relationship between distance traveled and acceleration?

The distance traveled when acceleration is equal to 0 is directly proportional to the initial velocity and time. This means that the greater the initial velocity and time, the greater the distance traveled.

2. How is distance traveled calculated when acceleration is 0?

Distance traveled can be calculated by multiplying the initial velocity by the time traveled. This formula assumes that acceleration is 0.

3. Can an object travel a distance when the acceleration is 0?

Yes, an object can still travel a distance even when the acceleration is 0. This is because the object will continue to move at a constant velocity.

4. What is the significance of acceleration being 0 in relation to distance traveled?

Acceleration being 0 means that there is no change in velocity, and therefore the object will continue to move at a constant rate. This is important in calculating the distance traveled, as the object will cover the same distance every second.

5. What are some real-life examples of distance traveled with an acceleration of 0?

Some real-life examples of distance traveled with an acceleration of 0 include a car traveling at a constant speed on a highway, a ball rolling on a flat surface, and a person walking at a steady pace. In all of these cases, the object is not accelerating and therefore the distance traveled is directly proportional to the initial velocity and time.
