How Far Does an Airplane Travel in 63 Minutes Against an Easterly Wind?

In summary: What can I do?In summary, the plane leaves the airport when there is an Easterly wind of speed 43 km/h. It is 134 km from Taupo after 63 minutes of flying at constant altitude.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An airplane leaves the airport when there is an Easterly wind (i.e a wind blowing from direction East) of speed 43 km/h. If the plane starts out directly above Taupo with an airspeed v=140 km/h, pointing in a direction θ = 26° East of North, how far is it from Taupo after 63 min of flying at constant altitude?

(Ans: 134 km)

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I found the x and y components of the velocity:

Vx=140 cos 26 = 125.83
Vy=140 sin 26 = 61.37

Since the wind is blowing from the East at a speed of 43 km/h:

Vx=125.83 - 43 = 82.83 km/h

I could now use the formula vx=d/t, but I don't think the problem is asking for just the displacement in the x direction. I'm very confused. Can anyone show me what I need to do?
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  • #2
Lets look at exactly what the problem is asking:

"how far is it from Taupo after 63 min of flying at constant altitude?"

Notice that it says how far. not how far east or west, just how far. So make a graph, draw a point at the origin, and a point where the plane is at after 63 minutes. The length of the line you draw between them is what you are trying to find.

After seeing this it will be obvious that:

[tex]L = \sqrt{d_{x}^{2} + d_{y}^{2}}[/tex]

Where L is the length you are trying to find, [tex]d_{x}[/tex] is the distance in the x direction traveled by the plane, and [tex]d_{y}[/tex] is the distance traveled in the y direction.

Try and take it from here.
  • #3
Hellabyte said:
Lets look at exactly what the problem is asking:

"how far is it from Taupo after 63 min of flying at constant altitude?"

Notice that it says how far. not how far east or west, just how far. So make a graph, draw a point at the origin, and a point where the plane is at after 63 minutes. The length of the line you draw between them is what you are trying to find.

After seeing this it will be obvious that:

[tex]L = \sqrt{d_{x}^{2} + d_{y}^{2}}[/tex]

Where L is the length you are trying to find, [tex]d_{x}[/tex] is the distance in the x direction traveled by the plane, and [tex]d_{y}[/tex] is the distance traveled in the y direction.

Try and take it from here.


Okay, I drew the diagram and here are my calculations:

Vx=140 cos 26 = 125.83
Vy=140 sin 26 = 61.37

dx=vxt=125.83 x 1.05 = 132.12
dy=vyt= 61.37 x 1.05 = 64.43

(63 Minutes = 1.05 Hours)


The correct answer to this problem is 134 km. Why do I not get this answer? :confused:

And what about the Easterly wind, shouldn't we take that into account as well?
  • #4
Did you draw the situation?
In my opinion in Vx should be sin, and Vy cos (pointing in a direction θ = 26° East of North).
[tex]v = \sqrt{(v_w - v_x)^2 + v_y^2}[/tex] (the Pythagorean theorem)
[tex]v_w[/tex] - speed of wind
And then d=vt
I got 135,45km and I think it's a fault of approximation.

FAQ: How Far Does an Airplane Travel in 63 Minutes Against an Easterly Wind?

What is the definition of "distance traveled by airplane"?

Distance traveled by airplane refers to the total distance covered by an airplane in flight, from the point of takeoff to the point of landing. It includes both horizontal distance and vertical distance traveled.

How is the distance traveled by airplane calculated?

The distance traveled by airplane is calculated by multiplying the average speed of the airplane by the total time in flight. This calculation takes into account factors such as wind speed and direction, which can affect the actual distance traveled.

What is the average distance traveled by airplanes?

The average distance traveled by airplanes varies depending on the type of aircraft, flight route, and other factors. However, according to the International Civil Aviation Organization, the average distance traveled by commercial airplanes is around 800 kilometers (500 miles).

How does the distance traveled by airplane impact the environment?

The distance traveled by airplane can have a significant impact on the environment, as airplanes emit greenhouse gases and other pollutants during flight. The longer the distance traveled, the greater the environmental impact. It is important for airlines to implement sustainable practices to reduce their carbon footprint.

How does the distance traveled by airplane affect air travel costs?

The distance traveled by airplane is one of the factors that can affect air travel costs. Longer distances typically require more fuel and can also impact the overall flight time, which can lead to higher ticket prices. Airlines may also consider the distance traveled when determining baggage fees and other additional charges.

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