How Far Does the Sled Travel Before Stopping?

In summary, the problem involves a girl on a sled coasting down a hill and reaching level ground at the bottom with a speed of 6.2 m/s. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the sled's runners and the hard, icy snow is 0.059, and the combined weight of the girl and sled is 736 N. To find the distance the sled travels on the level ground before coming to a rest, the acceleration of the sled and the angle of the hill are needed. However, the angle is not given in the problem, causing frustration in solving the problem. The forces involved are Fg, Fn, and Ffr, with Fg acting down on the sled, Fn keeping the sled on the ground,
  • #1

Homework Statement

A girl coasts down a hill on a sled, reaching level ground at the bottom with a speed of 6.2 m/s. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the sled’s runners and the hard, icy snow is 0.059, and the girl and sled together weigh 736 N.The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 .
How far does the sled travel on the level ground before coming to a rest?

Homework Equations

Vf^2 = Vi^2 + 2ax

Ffr (force friction) = Coefficient of friction * Fn (normal force)

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm thinking that I have to find the acceleration of the girl and the sled, but I don't think that I am given enough information necessary to solve for that. I just do not know how to approach the problem.
Physics news on
  • #2
What kind of forces are involved that affect her motion?

What exactly you think you are not given?
  • #3
I think that I need the angle of the hill she is sliding down to find out the acceleration because I certainly think that she is sliding down the hill, and I know that friction affects her motion.
  • #4
I also know that there is acceleration involved at some point, but I don't know how long it took her to decelerate from 6.2 m/s to 0 m/s. I'm REALLY FRUSTRATED at this point because whenever I setup Force and Kinematic equations, I'm always missing TWO variables. I would like someone to HELP me. The problem, I think, fails to give me enough information....

Damion (sorry for the rant!)
  • #5
Fg acts down on the sled while Fn keeps the sled on the ground. Ffr acts to the right because I assume she is moving to the left. However, is the hill at an angle? I think it is, but if it is, I don't know how to find the angle. PLEASE, SOMEBODY HELP!

FAQ: How Far Does the Sled Travel Before Stopping?

What is friction and how does it affect a girl riding down hill?

Friction is a force that opposes motion between two surfaces in contact. In the case of a girl riding down hill, friction is present between the wheels of the bike and the road surface. This friction helps to slow down the bike and control the speed of the girl's descent.

How does the weight of the girl affect the friction while riding down hill?

The weight of the girl affects the amount of friction between the bike wheels and the road surface. The greater the weight of the girl, the greater the force of friction between the two surfaces. This can make it more difficult for the girl to control her speed while riding down hill.

What happens to the friction if the road surface is wet or slippery?

If the road surface is wet or slippery, the friction between the bike wheels and the road surface will decrease. This can make it more difficult for the girl to control her speed and may result in her slipping or losing control of the bike.

How can the girl adjust her body position to increase or decrease friction while riding down hill?

The girl can adjust her body position to increase or decrease friction by leaning forward or backward. Leaning forward will increase the pressure between the bike wheels and the road surface, increasing friction and slowing down the bike. Leaning backward will decrease the pressure and friction, allowing the girl to go faster.

Is friction the only force at play when riding down hill?

No, there are other forces at play when riding down hill. Gravity is the main force that causes the girl to accelerate down the hill. Air resistance also plays a role in slowing down the bike, and the girl's own pedaling and braking actions also contribute to her speed and control on the hill.
