How Fast Can a Mass-Charge Swapped Sun Generate Electromagnetic Waves?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of transforming the charges and forces of a large mass, such as the sun, to behave like masses and vice versa. It explores the idea of a negative mass being repulsed by a positive mass, similar to how unlike electric charges repel each other. However, this scenario is deemed unstable and unlikely. The conversation also touches on the concept of negative energy and its role in gravity.
  • #1
If I take a large mass such as the sun and change its negative electric charges (half the total number of charges) into positive charges, so all electric charges are positive, and I transform the electric force so that like charges attract, the charges would be behaving like masses.If I take the mass of the star and convert half of it to negative mass, since like masses attract , we would expect unlike masses to repel one another.By transforming the gravitational force so that unlike masses attract one another, mass
would now be behaving like charge.
If mass and charge have swapped places in the Sun, under the above transformation, then mass can generate an electromagnetic wave.
How fast is this wave?

Using the equation for the radius excess of the Sun and assuming it must be the same from the point of view of charges as it is from the point of view of masses:

GM/3 c^2 = k Q/ 3 v^2 ( Q =total charge after half charge in the Sun has its sign reversed,so all charge has one sign)

10^ -11 x 10^30 / (10^8) ^ 2 = 10^9 x 10^ 38 / v^2

v = 10 ^ 22 metres per second.
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  • #2
I have been thinking about it for a few days. There are several pranks. In my opinion, from the very begining, you can not state that electromagnetism and gravity are the same except for the occurence of alikes and opposites in electromagnetism. Gravity is deeply different, more similar to strong forces than to electromagnetism. Electromagnetism is somehow the simplest of all interactions. On the other hand, although long distance behavior of gravity is simple (Newton's gravitation law equivalent to Coulomb potential), the gravitational wave is a spin 2 wave. Energy must always be positive, or one has to interprete negative states as traveling backward in time. Only within this interpretation can gravity be repulsive.

Besides, if you modify the fundamental laws so badly, you should not expect to recover such things as a maximum speed for energy movement. The simple assumption of maximum speed is basically equivalent to special relativity. I am currently trying to find an argument, that even special relativity would not hold within your modifications. Stay tuned !
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  • #3

a Negative mass would attract a positive mass, with gravity.

G (-m) m/r^2 = (-m) a =>

a = G m/r^2

In fact, the whole thing would be unstable, since the positive mass would want to run away.. Any perturbation from spherical symmetry would send the whole thing into a gigantic mess.
  • #4
Let me follow your lines. Consider two mass points A and B. A has mass Ma>0, and B has mass Mb<0. Denote Aa the acceleration of A, Ab the acceleration of B and u the unit vector from A to B. The force acting on A is :
F(A) = G Ma Mb / AB^2 * u = Ma Aa
And the force acting on B is likely just :
F(B) = G Ma Mb / AB^2 * (-u) = Mb Ab
OK, so far so good. Then :
Aa = G Mb / AB^2 * u
Ab = G Ma / AB^2 * (-u)
Since Mb is negative, Aa is in the opposite direction of u, and A is repelled from B
But Ab is in the same direction as u, and therefore B is attracted towards A !

I believe that negative energy state must propagate from the future to the past. This is the only way to have a coherent picture. I am saying "I believe" because it is here purely classical.
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  • #5
Haelfix said:

a Negative mass would attract a positive mass, with gravity.

G (-m) m/r^2 = (-m) a =>

a = G m/r^2

In fact, the whole thing would be unstable, since the positive mass would want to run away.. Any perturbation from spherical symmetry would send the whole thing into a gigantic mess.

Are you talking about a negatively charged mass, or matter with a mass value that is negative? If we're dealing with a negative mass, then the substance causing that mass must be negative energy, yes? And engative energy is said to be gravitationally repulsive.
  • #6
Are you talking about a negatively charged mass, or matter with a mass value that is negative? If we're dealing with a negative mass, then the substance causing that mass must be negative energy, yes? And engative energy is said to be gravitationally repulsive.


I am talking about gravitationally repulsive energy associated with negatively
charged mass being repelled by positively charged mass - as though two unlike electric charges repel one another ,if the force mediating photons change from spin 1 to spin 2, and perhaps become gravitons.
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  • #7
I don't know what 'charged' means in terms of gravity.. But if you want to set mass values negative with Newtons equations, then you get what I describe above.

The negative mass is attracted to the positive mass, the positive mass is repelled by the negative.. So you get a rather funny situation where 1 particle chases the other, fleeing particle. You could imagine some sort of spherical solution (I don't know what it is, I'd have to calculate it.. but I imagine its possible.. maybe say with an inner sphere of positive mass particles, and an outer disk of negative mass).. But it would be unstable, and by phase space arguments, highly unlikely.

FAQ: How Fast Can a Mass-Charge Swapped Sun Generate Electromagnetic Waves?

1. What is "A new symmetry in nature"?

"A new symmetry in nature" refers to the discovery of a previously unknown pattern or structure in the natural world that follows a mathematical principle of symmetry.

2. How is this new symmetry different from existing symmetries?

This new symmetry differs from existing symmetries in that it was previously unknown and not predicted by existing theories. It may also have unique properties and applications.

3. What evidence supports the existence of this new symmetry?

The evidence for this new symmetry comes from observations and experiments in various fields such as physics, chemistry, and biology. Scientists may also use mathematical models and simulations to demonstrate its existence.

4. What are the potential implications of this new symmetry?

The discovery of a new symmetry in nature could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and for the development of new technologies. It may also lead to new discoveries and advancements in various scientific fields.

5. How does this new symmetry impact current scientific theories?

This new symmetry may challenge or expand upon existing scientific theories, leading to a deeper understanding of the natural world. It may also require scientists to revise or update their current models and theories to incorporate this new discovery.
