How Fast Do Carousel Rides Travel in Miles per Hour?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter karush
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In summary, the rides on a carousel are represented by $2$ circles with the same center, with a rotational speed of $\displaystyle\omega=\frac{2.4 \text {rev}}{\text {min}}$. The radius of the circles are $r_{13}=13 \text{ ft} 11 \text { in}= 167 \text { in}$ and $r_{19}=19 \text{ ft} 3 \text { in}= 231 \text { in}$. To find the speed of the circles in miles per hour, we use the formula $\displaystyle v = r\omega$, where $r$ is the radius and $\omega$ is the rotational speed. Converting the
  • #1
Gold Member
the rides on a carousel are represented by $2$ circles with the same center with

$\displaystyle\omega=\frac{2.4 \text {rev}}{\text {min}}$

and the radius are:

$r_{13}=13 \text{ ft} 11 \text { in}= 167 \text { in}$
$r_{19}=19 \text{ ft} 3 \text { in}= 231 \text { in}$


$\displaystyle\frac{\text {mi}}{\text {hr}}$ of $r_1$ and $r_2$

$\displaystyle v_{r13} =
167\text { in}
\cdot\frac{2.4 \text { rev}}{\text {min}}
\cdot\frac{2 \pi}{\text {rev}}
\cdot\frac{\text {ft}}{12\text { in}}
\cdot\frac{\text {mi}}{5280\text { ft}}
\cdot\frac{60 \text{ min}}{\text {hr}}
2.4\frac{\text{ mi}}{\text {hr}}

thus using the same $\displaystyle v_{r19}=3.3\frac{\text{ mi}}{\text {hr}}$

these ans seem reasonable but my question is on the

$\displaystyle\frac{2 \pi}{\text {rev}}$

isn't $\text {rev}$ really to the circumference of the circle
how ever if used the ans are way to large.
not sure why the $2\pi$ works.:cool:
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  • #2
Re: miles per hour on a carousel

karush said:
the rides on a carousel are represented by $2$ circles with the same center with

$\displaystyle\omega=\frac{2.4 \text {rev}}{\text {min}}$

and the radius are:

$r_{13}=13 \text{ ft} 11 \text { in}= 167 \text { in}$
$r_{19}=19 \text{ ft} 3 \text { in}= 231 \text { in}$


$\displaystyle\frac{\text {mi}}{\text {hr}}$ of $r_1$ and $r_2$

$\displaystyle v_{r13} =
167\text { in}
\cdot\frac{2.4 \text { rev}}{\text {min}}
\cdot\frac{2 \pi}{\text {rev}}
\cdot\frac{\text {ft}}{12\text { in}}
\cdot\frac{\text {mi}}{5280\text { ft}}
\cdot\frac{60 \text{ min}}{\text {hr}}
2.4\frac{\text{ mi}}{\text {hr}}

thus using the same $\displaystyle v_{r19}=3.3\frac{\text{ mi}}{\text {hr}}$

these ans seem reasonable but my question is on the

$\displaystyle\frac{2 \pi}{\text {rev}}$

isn't $\text {rev}$ really to the circumference of the circle
how ever if used the ans are way to large.
not sure why the $2\pi$ works.:cool:
It's all about the units, which you didn't include in your rev - rad conversion. 1 revolution = 2 pi radians. For a unit conversion it becomes the factor
\(\displaystyle \frac{2 \pi ~ \text{rad}}{1 ~\text{rev}}\)

  • #3
Re: miles per hour on a carousel

so my eq should be this. but ans is them same?

\displaystyle v_{r13} = 167\text { in}
\cdot\frac{2.4 \text { rev}}{\text {min}}
\cdot\frac{2 \pi\text{ rad}}{\text {rev}}
\cdot\frac{\text {ft}}{12\text { in}}
\cdot\frac{\text {mi}}{5280\text { ft}}
\cdot\frac{60 \text{ min}}{\text {hr}}
\approx 2.4\frac{\text{ mi}}{\text {hr}}
  • #4
Re: miles per hour on a carousel

karush said:
so my eq should be this. but ans is them same?

\displaystyle v_{r13} = 167\text { in}
\cdot\frac{2.4 \text { rev}}{\text {min}}
\cdot\frac{2 \pi\text{ rad}}{\text {rev}}
\cdot\frac{\text {ft}}{12\text { in}}
\cdot\frac{\text {mi}}{5280\text { ft}}
\cdot\frac{60 \text{ min}}{\text {hr}}
\approx 2.4\frac{\text{ mi}}{\text {hr}}
Yes, the number will be the same, but now the units line up. Keep the 2 pi rad = 1 rev in mind. You'll see it a lot in these kinds of problems.

  • #5

I can explain why the $2\pi$ term is necessary in this calculation. The term $\frac{2 \pi}{\text{rev}}$ represents the conversion factor from revolutions to the circumference of a circle. This is because one revolution of a circle is equivalent to traveling the circumference of the circle. Therefore, in order to convert the number of revolutions per minute to a distance traveled in a given unit (in this case, feet), we need to multiply by the circumference of the circle.

In the context of the carousel, the $2\pi$ term is necessary because the radius of the carousel changes as you move from the center to the outer edge. This means that the circumference of the circle also changes, and we need to take into account this changing distance in our calculation. By multiplying by $2\pi$, we are essentially taking into account the average distance traveled for each revolution, rather than just the distance traveled at the outer edge.

In summary, the $2\pi$ term is necessary in this calculation because it represents the conversion from revolutions to distance traveled and takes into account the changing distance of the circumference of the carousel. Without it, our calculation would not accurately represent the speed of the carousel.

Related to How Fast Do Carousel Rides Travel in Miles per Hour?

1. What is the average speed of a carousel in miles per hour?

The average speed of a carousel can vary, but it is typically around 3-4 miles per hour.

2. How fast does a carousel need to spin to reach 1 mile per hour?

A carousel would need to spin at a very slow speed, around 0.15 miles per hour, to reach 1 mile per hour.

3. Can the speed of a carousel be adjusted?

Yes, the speed of a carousel can be adjusted by the operator. Most carousels have different speed settings for safety reasons.

4. What is the maximum speed a carousel can reach?

The maximum speed of a carousel is typically around 10 miles per hour, but some larger or more advanced carousels may be able to reach higher speeds.

5. Does the direction of a carousel affect its speed?

Yes, the direction of a carousel can affect its speed. When moving in a clockwise direction, the outer horses have a larger radius of rotation and therefore move faster than the inner horses. This is reversed when moving counterclockwise.

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