How Fast Does a Penguin Slide on Ice After 8.75 Seconds?

In summary: Good job!In summary, the penguin starts with an initial speed of 0.75 m/s along the positive x-axis and is pushed by a force of 0.37 N along the positive y-axis. After 8.75 s, the penguin's speed is 0.892 m/s and the direction of its velocity is 32.8 degrees with respect to the x-axis.
  • #1
A car that weighs 12000.0 N is initially moving at a speed of 30.0 km/hr when the brakes are applied and the car is brought to a stop in 4.1 s. Find the magnitude of the force that stops the car, assuming it is constant.
This is the wrong problem ^^^

A 6.70 kg penguin runs onto a huge horizontal sheet of frictionless ice. The sheet lies on the xy-plane. At t = 0 s it is at x = 0 m and y = 0 m with an initial speed of 0.75 m/s along the positive x-axis. It slides while being pushed by the wind with a force of 0.37 N directed along the positive y-axis. Calculate the penguin's speed at t = 8.75 s.

F=ma => 0.37=6.7a => a=0.6 m/s^2
vy(t )= vy0 + at = 0 + .06(8.75) = 0.483 m/s
v(t)^2 = vx(t)^2 + vy(t)^2 = 0.75^2 + 0.483^2 = 0.796
v(t) = 0.892 m/s
This part is CORRECT.

Calculate the direction of his velocity at that time. Give the angle with respect to the x-axis.

Set the vectors up as a right triangle, find the angle between the resultant vector and the x-vector.

x-vector: 0.75 m/s
y-vector: 0.483 m/s
angle should be: sin^-1(y/x) = sin^-1(.483/.75) = 40.1 deg
This part is INCORRECT.

What did I do wrong?
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  • #2
I don't see why you're setting up right angles. The problem appears one dimensional to me. Are you leaving something out? Did you mean acceleration instead of velocity?
  • #3
"Draw the components of the resultant velocity and extract the answer from the right triangle you obtain. The angle must be between 0 and 2 pi radians."

That's what it told me when I entered the incorrect answer. I'm taking the x-component of the velocity and the y-component and setting them up tip-to-tail. The resultant vector should be the magnitude and direction of the velocity I was looking for in the first part (and I got the magnitude part right).Edit: I'm sorry -- I wrote the first part of the problem wrong. Actually I copied the wrong problem. I'll fix that.
  • #4
Figured it out: for some reason I was thinking "soa" instead of "toa" -- tan of an angle = opposite/adjacent

So I should have done arctan (y/x) which yields 32.8 deg; this is the correct answer.
  • #5
anastasiaw said:
Edit: I'm sorry -- I wrote the first part of the problem wrong. Actually I copied the wrong problem. I'll fix that.

Ah yes, I suspected something off. Glad you got it worked out on your own.

FAQ: How Fast Does a Penguin Slide on Ice After 8.75 Seconds?

1. What is a kinematics problem?

A kinematics problem is a type of physics problem that deals with the motion of objects without considering the forces that cause that motion. It involves analyzing the position, velocity, and acceleration of an object over time.

2. How is penguin kinematics different from other kinematics problems?

Penguin kinematics is a specific type of kinematics problem that focuses on the motion of penguins. This can include their movements on land, in water, and during different activities such as swimming, diving, and waddling.

3. What are some common variables used in penguin kinematics problems?

Some common variables used in penguin kinematics problems include distance, time, velocity, acceleration, and displacement. These variables help to describe the penguin's motion and can be used to solve kinematics equations.

4. How can penguin kinematics be applied in real life?

Penguin kinematics can be applied in real life in various ways. For example, scientists may use kinematics to study the hunting techniques of penguins or to track their migration patterns. Kinematics can also be used to design more efficient swimming and diving equipment based on the movements of penguins.

5. What are some challenges when solving penguin kinematics problems?

One challenge when solving penguin kinematics problems is the complexity of their motion. Penguins have a unique anatomy and can move in different ways, making it challenging to accurately model their movements. Another challenge is collecting accurate data on penguin motion, as it can be difficult to observe and measure in their natural habitats.

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