How fast does liquid nitrogen expand

In summary, when liquid nitrogen (-200 degrees Celsius) is heated with gases of about 3000 degrees Celsius, it expands very quickly. The speed of expansion is dependent on how fast the gas is percolated through and the amount of energy put in. The specific volume increases by a factor of about 7700, with an initial expansion by 180 when going from liquid to gas at 77K and a further expansion by 43 when going from gas at 77K to gas at 3273K.
  • #1
i would like to know how fast and how much liquid nitrogen (-200 degrees Celsius) expands when it is heated with gasses of about 3000 degrees Celsius
Chemistry news on
  • #2
Veeerrrrryyyyyy fast!
  • #3
Without more info, we can't be any more specific than that. It isn't just a matter of how hot the gas going in is, but how fast it is percolated through (and therefore how fast energy is put in).
  • #4
See posts #2 and 3 for how fast. As for how much - that can be easily estimated. In going from liquid at 73K to liquid at 77K, there is hardly any change in specific volume. In going from liquid to gas at 77K, there's an expansion by a factor of about 180. And in going from gas at 77K to gas at 3273K, there's a further expansion of a factor of about 43. The net increase in specific volume is thus, a factor of about 7700.

FAQ: How fast does liquid nitrogen expand

1. How does liquid nitrogen expand?

Liquid nitrogen expands due to its extremely low boiling point of -195.79°C (-320.42°F). As the temperature increases, the molecules in the liquid gain energy and move faster, causing the liquid to expand and eventually turn into a gas.

2. What factors affect the expansion rate of liquid nitrogen?

The expansion rate of liquid nitrogen is affected by temperature, pressure, and volume. As the temperature and pressure increase, the expansion rate also increases. Additionally, the expansion rate is inversely proportional to the volume, meaning that as the volume decreases, the expansion rate increases.

3. How fast does liquid nitrogen expand compared to other substances?

Liquid nitrogen expands at a much faster rate than most other substances. It has a expansion ratio of 1:696, meaning that 1 liter of liquid nitrogen will expand to 696 liters of gas at room temperature and pressure. This is much higher than substances such as water, which has an expansion ratio of 1:1600.

4. Is the expansion of liquid nitrogen dangerous?

The expansion of liquid nitrogen can be dangerous if not handled properly. As the liquid expands, it can cause pressure to build up in a sealed container, potentially leading to explosions. It is important to handle liquid nitrogen with caution and follow safety protocols.

5. Can the expansion rate of liquid nitrogen be controlled?

Yes, the expansion rate of liquid nitrogen can be controlled by regulating the temperature and pressure in a closed system. By maintaining a constant temperature and pressure, the expansion rate can be kept at a steady rate, preventing any potential hazards.
