How Fast Does the Collar Travel Before Hitting Stop B?

  • Thread starter joemama69
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In summary, the 5lb collar is released from rest at A and travels along the smooth guide. It has an unstretched length of 12in. The spring has an initial stretch of 22in and a final stretch of 12in. At point B, the elastic and gravitational PEs both become zero, but the KE is not zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Ok sorry for the horrible drawing i freehanded it on paint.

The 5lb collar is released from rest at A and travels along the smooth guide. Determine the speed of the collar just before it strikes the stop at B. The spring has an unstretched length of 12in. k=2 lb/in

please note that from point C to point A it is a 1/4 circle of radius 12in
From C to B, it is horizontal.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I could do this problem if it was traveling from just C to B but the curve has me lost.

I attempted to find my Y and i got y=(144-x^2)^1/2+10
I solved that for x and got x=(144-(y-10)^2)^1/2
I did this to find the hypotenus or the s length of the spring. would it be correct for my s to be (x^2+y^2)^1/2. i feel like I am way off hlep


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  • #2
Not sure what you are trying to do. What are y, x, and s?

Hint: Use energy conservation. Find the initial and final stretch of the spring.
  • #3
s is the length of spring. the initial stretch is 22in, and the final is 12in, but how does that help
  • #4
joemama69 said:
s is the length of spring. the initial stretch is 22in, and the final is 12in, but how does that help
It will allow you to figure out the elastic potential energy stored in the spring. Be sure to take the unstretched length of the spring into account.
  • #5
I attempted to find my Y and i got y=(144-x^2)^1/2+10
I solved that for x and got x=(144-(y-10)^2)^1/2

am i correct is saying that my s would the hypotenus using the x and y above.

I would then plug it into V(e) = .5ks^2 for elastic potential energy

I believe I also have to use V(g) = Wy

My main problem is that my y value is a peacewise function. From point B-C it is a different function than from C-A

Note the Picture attached above
  • #6
joemama69 said:
I attempted to find my Y and i got y=(144-x^2)^1/2+10
I solved that for x and got x=(144-(y-10)^2)^1/2
Sorry, but I still have no idea what you are trying to calculate here.

am i correct is saying that my s would the hypotenus using the x and y above.
No. All you need to find is the initial and final stretch of the spring from its unstretched length--the curved section is irrelevant. Your previous post had all the data needed to find the spring PE.

I would then plug it into V(e) = .5ks^2 for elastic potential energy
Yes, once you find the amount that the spring is stretched, that's how you find the elastic PE.

I believe I also have to use V(g) = Wy
If you mean gravitational PE, then yes, you definitely need that.

My main problem is that my y value is a peacewise function. From point B-C it is a different function than from C-A
So what? Energy is conserved. All you care about it is the total energy (elastic, gravitational, and kinetic) at points A and B.
  • #7
Ok I think i got it, i thought it would be much more complicated, my book is confusing

ok here's what i did,

V(A) = V(e) - V(g) = .5ks^2 - Wy = -3292 k=2lb/in s=10in W=5lb*32.2 ft/s^2 <-- should this be in/s^2 since k is in lb/in... & y=22in

T(A) = .5mv^2 = (5/2)v^2

And V(C) & T(C) = 0 because the spring is no longer stretcher and the y = o

so i got v = 36.29 in/s

Are my units correct.
  • #8
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  • #9
joemama69 said:
ok here's what i did,

V(A) = V(e) - V(g) = .5ks^2 - Wy = -3292
Why the minus sign?
k=2lb/in s=10in W=5lb*32.2 ft/s^2 <-- should this be in/s^2 since k is in lb/in... & y=22in
I would put all quantities into standard units, distances in feet. (k = 2lb/in = 24lb/ft.) Note that 5 lbs is the object's weight, not its mass, so no need to multiply by g when finding the gravitational PE. (What's the object's mass?)

T(A) = .5mv^2 = (5/2)v^2
The collar starts from rest at point A.

And V(C) & T(C) = 0 because the spring is no longer stretcher and the y = o
The elastic and gravitational PEs are both zero at point B (not point C, at least according to your diagram). The KE is not zero.
  • #10
I subtracted Wy because of a similar example in my book but i guess i read into it wrong

ok so my new mass is 2.26 slug

ok so my T(a) = 0, but my T(B) is now 1.134v^2

plug and chug and i got a velocity of 11.98 ft/sec, that just seems wrong, too fast

note the new pic


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  • #11
joemama69 said:
I subtracted Wy because of a similar example in my book but i guess i read into it wrong

ok so my new mass is 2.26 slug
How did you get that?

As a sanity check for the speed, how fast would something be moving if it were simply dropped from that same height? (That speed must be less than the speed of the collar in this problem, since there's no spring pulling it down.)
  • #12
1 pound = 0.0310809502 slug

5lb = .1554045... oops calc error

ok so i got at point A
V(g)=9.157366, V(e)=9.96, T=0

Point B
V(g)=0, V(e)=0, T=.77v^2

v=4.96 ft/sec I hope
  • #13
joemama69 said:
1 pound = 0.0310809502 slug

5lb = .1554045... oops calc error
That's better.

ok so i got at point A
V(g)=9.157366, V(e)=9.96, T=0
Your V(g) is close to my value: mgh = (5)*(22/12) = 9.167
Show your calculation for V(e).

Point B
V(g)=0, V(e)=0, T=.77v^2
Show your calculation for T.

v=4.96 ft/sec
Did you do the sanity check I suggested?
  • #14
Point A

Vg = .554*32.2*1.83 = 9.157366<-- Different than urs Doc
Ve = .5*24*.83 = 9.96

Point B

T = .5*1.554*v^2 = .777v^2
  • #15
oops Ve = .5 *24*.83^2 = 8.2668

v = 4.74
  • #16
joemama69 said:
Point A

Vg = .554*32.2*1.83 = 9.157366<-- Different than urs Doc
You must have a typo in here, since the left and right sides don't match.
Since mg is given as 5 lb, mgh = 5*(22/12) = 9.167
Since mg = 5; m = 5/g = 5/32.2 = 0.1553
Ve = .5*24*.83 = 9.96
The 0.83 (really 0.8333...) should be squared.

Point B

T = .5*1.554*v^2 = .777v^2
Wrong mass.
  • #17
Sorry for the typo, i meant 1.554

I thought that the mass was 1.554 slug, and 5lb was the force
  • #18
joemama69 said:
I thought that the mass was 1.554 slug, and 5lb was the force
You're off by a factor of ten. The mass is 0.1554 slugs. (See my previous post.)
  • #19
man i keep making stupid mistakes

V(g) = .1554*32.2*1.83333333333 = 9.1738
V(e) = .5*24*.8333333333333333^2 = 10
T(B) = .5*.1554*v^2 = .0777v^2

Therefor v = 15.71 ft/sec
  • #20
joemama69 said:
V(e) = .5*24*.8333333333333333^2 = 10
Redo this one.

FAQ: How Fast Does the Collar Travel Before Hitting Stop B?

1. What is "Not a clue Springs"?

"Not a clue Springs" is a fictional location that does not actually exist. It is often used as a humorous way to refer to a place that is unknown or unfamiliar.

2. Where did the name "Not a clue Springs" come from?

The name "Not a clue Springs" is likely a play on words, using the phrase "not a clue" to describe a lack of knowledge or understanding, and the word "springs" to refer to a natural water source.

3. Is there any scientific significance to "Not a clue Springs"?

No, there is no scientific significance to "Not a clue Springs" as it is a made-up location and not based on any real scientific research or discovery.

4. Why is "Not a clue Springs" often used in a humorous manner?

"Not a clue Springs" is often used in a humorous manner because it is a nonsensical and absurd name, making it a perfect choice for a fictional location or as a response to a question about a place that is unknown.

5. Are there any real places called "Not a clue Springs"?

No, "Not a clue Springs" is a completely fictional location and there are no known real places with this name.
