How Fast Does Water Exit the Sprinkler Holes According to Bernoulli's Equation?

  • Thread starter aliz_khanz
  • Start date
In summary, the problem involves a garden hose with a diameter of 1.75cm and a lawn sprinkler with 24 holes, each with a diameter of 0.05cm. The given information includes the speed of water in the hose (2m/s) and the density of water (999.7026 kg/m3 at T = +10 C). The task is to determine the speed at which the water leaves the sprinkler holes. To solve this problem, the number of holes and their diameter will be used to calculate the total speed of water from the sprinkler, which can then be divided by 24 to find the speed of water from a single hole. The density of water may also need to be taken into account
  • #1

Homework Statement

A garden hose having internal diameter of 1.75cm is connected to a lawn sprinkler that consists merely of an enclosure with 24 holes each , each 0.05cm in diameter. If the water in the hose has a speed of 2m/s, at what speed does it leave the sprinkler holes ?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I think the 24 holes will be multiplied with 0.05 in order to get the total speed and then later dividing it by 24 to get a single hole speed . But we don't know the density? Stumped !
Physics news on
  • #2
Perhaps You have to look up at the density of water? [tex]\rho[/tex] = 999.7026 kg/m3 at T = +10 C
  • #3

There are a few equations that can be used to solve this problem, including Bernoulli's equation and the continuity equation. First, we can use the continuity equation, which states that the mass flow rate of a fluid is constant throughout a pipe or system. This means that the mass flow rate of water entering the hose (ρ1A1V1) is equal to the mass flow rate of water exiting the sprinkler (ρ2A2V2), where ρ is the density of water, A is the cross-sectional area of the hose or sprinkler hole, and V is the velocity of the water.

Next, we can use Bernoulli's equation, which states that the total energy of a fluid (pressure energy, kinetic energy, and potential energy) remains constant throughout a pipe or system. Since the water is at the same height throughout the system, we can ignore the potential energy term. This means that the pressure energy (P1 + 1/2ρV1^2) at the hose entrance is equal to the pressure energy (P2 + 1/2ρV2^2) at the sprinkler holes.

Using these two equations, we can solve for the velocity at the sprinkler holes (V2). We know the velocity at the hose entrance (V1 = 2m/s), the cross-sectional area of the hose (A1 = π(0.875cm)^2), and the number of holes (n = 24). We also know the diameter of each hole (d = 0.05cm), so we can calculate the cross-sectional area of one hole (A2 = π(0.025cm)^2).

Plugging these values into the continuity equation, we get:

ρ1A1V1 = ρ2A2V2

ρ2 = ρ1(A1V1)/(A2V2)

Since we don't know the density of water, we can plug in the values for the density of water at room temperature (1g/cm^3) and solve for V2:

1g/cm^3 = (1g/cm^3)(π(0.875cm)^2(2m/s))/((24)(π(0.025cm)^2)V2)

V2 = 0.05m/s

Therefore, the water leaves the sprinkler holes at a speed of 0.05m/s. This is a much slower velocity

FAQ: How Fast Does Water Exit the Sprinkler Holes According to Bernoulli's Equation?

1. What is Bernoulli's equation problem?

Bernoulli's equation problem is a mathematical equation that relates the pressure, velocity, and height of a fluid flowing in a closed system. It can be used to analyze and predict the behavior of fluids in various situations.

2. How is Bernoulli's equation derived?

Bernoulli's equation is derived from the principle of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. In fluid dynamics, this principle is applied to the energy of a fluid as it moves through a system.

3. What are the assumptions made in Bernoulli's equation?

The assumptions made in Bernoulli's equation include: the fluid is incompressible, the flow is steady, the flow is frictionless, and the fluid is non-viscous. These assumptions allow for a simplified analysis of fluid behavior.

4. How is Bernoulli's equation used in real-world applications?

Bernoulli's equation is used in various real-world applications, such as aircraft design, pipe flow, and hydroelectric power plants. It can also be used to analyze weather patterns and blood flow in the human body.

5. What are the limitations of Bernoulli's equation?

Bernoulli's equation is limited in its application to ideal fluid flow situations. In reality, fluids are not always incompressible, steady, frictionless, or non-viscous, which can affect the accuracy of the equation's predictions. It also does not take into account external factors, such as external forces acting on the fluid or the shape of the container.
