How Fast Must a Bullet Travel to Tip a Rotating Cube?

In summary, the conversation is about finding the minimum speed required to tip a solid cube of wood resting on a horizontal surface, with a bullet embedded in it, so that it falls on a specific face. The main difficulty is in calculating the moment of inertia of the cube, and the parallel axis theorem must be applied to find the distance between the centroidal axis and the axis of rotation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A solid cube of wood with side 2a and mass M is resting on a horizontal surface. The cube is constraint to rotate about a fixed axis AB. A bullet of mass m and speed v is shot at the face opposite ABCD at a height of 4a/3. The bullet becomes embedded in the cube. Find the minimum value of speed v required to tip the cube so that it falls on the face ABCD. Assuming m << M.

2. Homework Equations

I = MR2 (the integral one)
KE = 0.5 mv2
Force*height = Moment of Inertia*angular acceleration
(i am not sure)

The Attempt at a Solution

Actually, I have just learned moment of inertia and rotational motion. And teacher just give me this. I have difficulties in finding moment of inertia of a cube. I just can't get the result something like ms2/6 if the axis passes through center.

I am confused... I know that for a sphere we can make it into a very thin shell that dV = 4 πr2dr
But how can I do it when it comes to cube? The r seems different when it touches the side and the corner?
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  • #2
You are having difficulty calculating the MOI of the block because the definition of MOI you are using is not quite general enough.

The MOI is calculated as defined in the following article:

This article contains a list of MOI for common shapes:

Be aware that these MOI are the values about axes whose origin is at the centroid of the body. If the body is not being rotated about its centroid, then you must use the parallel axis theorem to find the MOI about the axis of rotation.
  • #3
So for a cube, x, y and z must be used?
How can I apply parallel-axis theorem in this?
I know it states that

I = Icm + MD2
But in this case, how do I measure D? From where to the axis? Corner?
  • #4
MickeyGoh said:
So for a cube, x, y and z must be used?

Yes, if you wish to derive the MOI for the block. However, you can also use the dimensions of the block
and the appropriate formula in the table attached to my previous post.

How can I apply parallel-axis theorem in this?
I know it states that

I = Icm + MD2
But in this case, how do I measure D? From where to the axis? Corner?

Presumably, you'll start with the MOI of the block about an axis running thru its centroid. D must be the distance between the centroidal axis and the axis of rotation. The axis through the centroid and the axis of rotation must be parallel to one another, in order to apply the parallel axis theorem, so there is only one distance which can be used.
  • #5
thank you very much
I'll try my best

Related to How Fast Must a Bullet Travel to Tip a Rotating Cube?

1. What is moment of inertia and how is it calculated?

Moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its rotation. It is calculated by multiplying the mass of the object by the square of its distance from the axis of rotation.

2. How does moment of inertia affect an object's rotational energy?

The moment of inertia directly affects an object's rotational energy. The higher the moment of inertia, the more energy is required to change the object's rotational motion.

3. What is the difference between rotational and translational kinetic energy?

Rotational kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its rotation around an axis, while translational kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its linear motion. The formulas for calculating these energies are also different.

4. Can moment of inertia be negative?

No, moment of inertia cannot be negative. It is a physical property of an object and represents its resistance to changes in rotation. Negative values do not have any physical meaning in this context.

5. How does the distribution of mass affect an object's moment of inertia?

The distribution of mass has a significant impact on an object's moment of inertia. Objects with more mass concentrated towards their axis of rotation have a lower moment of inertia, while objects with more mass distributed away from their axis of rotation have a higher moment of inertia.

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