How Fast Should a TV Show's Rotating Platform Spin to Safely Move Contestants?

In summary, the conversation discusses a quiz show concept that involves a rotating platform with three positions and a monitor facing the players. The platform will rotate 120 degrees in five seconds and the question is raised about the safety of this speed for players holding onto padded railings. The estimated centrifugal acceleration is 0.175 ft/s^2, which is considered safe, and the need for railings and grips is questioned.
  • #1
Hi, nice to find a physics forum. I had a quick question.

I'm a television producer and developer, primarily in the unscripted TV area. We're developing a quiz show which utilizes a center circular platform. It's divided into thirds, with a different person standing on their own third. Across from them, not on the platform and stable on the actual stage, is a monitor.

The catch for our show is that if you miss a question, you move jobs and positions. So, for instance, the person in position one moves to position two, position two to three, and position three to one. The most visually entertaining way we figured to do this is have the center circular platform rotate. Sort of a sit and spin, if you will, though the players will be standing up and holding onto padded railings.

We're trying to make sure we can safely rotate the players only 120 degrees each time to their new position in a speed which takes around five seconds to get to. It'll be starting at a stand still and stopping when the platform rotates 120 degrees to the next position.

My question to you physics experts is how fast would we have to rotate a platform that's roughly eight feet in diameter to move 120 degrees in five seconds, give or take a second. We're not looking for anything high speed. It's more of a time penalty and a visual aid for viewers than anything. My second question then is, with padded railings and grips so you can hold on tightly, would this be safe at all to do, given the speed?

If you need any more information, I'd be glad to supply it. Thanks!
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  • #2
The linear speed at the circumference would be around 1.67 ft/s. But that is not very important. The centrifugal acceleration acting radially outward, which is the thing to look out for, would be around 0.175 ft/s^2, which translates to 0.022 g, which is around 1/50 of the gravity at the surface of earth. This is assuming that the angular speed is constant.

In reality, the angular speed would not be constant, and the platform would have to speed up and then slow down. Let's assume that it speeds up with uniform angular acceleration up to 60 deg, and then slows down for the next 60 deg. In that case, the maximum centrifugal acceleration at the the halfway mark would be double the former value, i.e., (1/25)g.

These values of g forces seem to be completely safe. Of course, you would be conducting trials. I doubt that you'll need those railings and grips.
  • #3

Hi there! It sounds like you have an interesting concept for your quiz show. I can help answer your questions about the rotating platform.

To calculate the speed needed to rotate the platform 120 degrees in five seconds, we can use the formula: angular velocity = angular displacement/time. In this case, the angular displacement is 120 degrees, which is equivalent to 2π/3 radians, and the time is five seconds. So, the angular velocity would be 2π/3 radians per five seconds, or approximately 0.42 radians per second.

To convert this to linear speed, we can use the formula: linear speed = radius x angular velocity. Since the platform is eight feet in diameter, the radius would be four feet, or approximately 1.22 meters. So, the linear speed would be 1.22 meters x 0.42 radians per second, which is about 0.51 meters per second.

As for safety, it's important to consider the centripetal force that will act on the players as the platform rotates. This force increases with the speed and radius of the rotation. It's difficult to determine the exact force without knowing the weight of the players and the strength of the padded railings, but it's important to make sure they are sturdy and can withstand the force. It may also be a good idea to have safety precautions in place, such as having the players wear safety harnesses or having a trained professional oversee the rotation.

I hope this helps answer your questions and provides some guidance for your show. Let me know if you need any further clarification or information. Good luck with your project!

Related to How Fast Should a TV Show's Rotating Platform Spin to Safely Move Contestants?

What is the purpose of a rotating platform?

A rotating platform is a scientific tool used to simulate the effects of a rotating environment on an object or system. It is often used in experiments to study the effects of centrifugal force, Coriolis force, and other rotational forces on objects or systems.

How does a rotating platform work?

A rotating platform typically consists of a circular platform that can rotate at various speeds. The object or system being studied is placed on the platform, and the platform is then rotated to simulate a rotating environment. The platform can be rotated manually or using a motorized mechanism.

What types of experiments can be performed using a rotating platform?

A rotating platform can be used to study a wide range of scientific phenomena, including the behavior of fluids, the effects of rotation on the human body, the motion of objects in a rotating environment, and more. It is a versatile tool that can be used in various fields such as physics, biology, and engineering.

What are the benefits of using a rotating platform in experiments?

One of the main benefits of using a rotating platform is that it allows scientists to study the effects of rotation in a controlled and repeatable manner. This can provide valuable insights and data that may not be possible to obtain in real-world scenarios. Additionally, a rotating platform can also be used to test the effects of rotation on different objects or systems without the need for expensive or complex equipment.

Are there any safety precautions to consider when using a rotating platform?

Yes, safety precautions should always be taken when using a rotating platform. This may include wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, ensuring the platform is stable and properly balanced, and following all instructions and safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer. It is also important to have proper training and supervision when using a rotating platform, especially for more complex experiments.

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