How Flat is Our Universe Really?

In summary: I'm just trying to understand better the relationship between local and global properties of the universe.In summary, the paper "How Flat is Our Universe Really?" explores the question of the spatial curvature of our universe without assuming anything about dark energy. By considering various data sets, the authors find that our universe is very close to being flat, with a slight positive curvature of 0.002 ± 0.009. This indicates that the universe is not exactly flat, but the difference is undetectable on a large scale. The authors also discuss the implications of this for the global topology of the universe and the role of inflation in making it nearly flat.
  • #1
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"How Flat is Our Universe Really?"
Interesting paper, trying to get a model-independent grip on largescale spatial curvature using the available datasets.

I've acquired respect for Bruce Bassett from his other papers over the years, so am inclined to at least look this over and get the gist.

Abstract summary:
How Flat is Our Universe Really?
Distance measurement provide no constraints on curvature independent of assumptions about the dark energy, raising the question, how flat is our Universe if we make no such assumptions? Allowing for general evolution of the dark energy equation of state with 20 free parameters that are allowed to cross the phantom divide, w(z) = 1, we show that while it is indeed possible to match the first peak in the Cosmic Microwave Background with non-flat models and arbitrary Hubble constant, H0, the full WMAP7 and supernova data alone imply −0.12 < Ωk < 0.01(2σ). If we add the HST H0 prior, this tightens significantly to Ωk = 0.002 ± 0.009. These constitute the most conservative and model-independent constraints on curvature available today, and illustrate that the curvature- dynamics degeneracy is broken by current data, with a key role played by the Integrated Sachs Wolfe effect rather than the distance to the surface of last scattering. If one imposes a quintessence prior on the dark energy (−1 ≤ w(z) ≤ 1) then just the WMAP7 and supernova data alone force the Universe to near flatness: Ωk = 0.013 ± 0.012. Finally, allowing for curvature, we find that all datasets are consistent with a Harrison-Zel’dovich spectral index, ns = 1, at 2σ.
4 pages, 3 figures.
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  • #2
A quick question:

If dark energy really is a cosmological constant, shouldn't we expect the universe to have a slight positive curvature, undetectable in our observable universe? Considering the de Sitter solution to the EFE is positively curved, shouldn't we expect [itex] \Lambda [/itex] to contribute positively to the total curvature?
  • #3

Mark M said:
A quick question:

If dark energy really is a cosmological constant, shouldn't we expect the universe to have a slight positive curvature, undetectable in our observable universe? Considering the de Sitter solution to the EFE is positively curved, shouldn't we expect [itex] \Lambda [/itex] to contribute positively to the total curvature?

de Sitter is a maximally symmetric spacetime that has constant, positive spacetime curvature. For cosmology "flat", refers to curvature of spatial slices.The spatial curvature of spatial slices for de Sitter can be positive, zero, or negative, depending on how de Sitter is foliated.

Now I am going to think out loud, so what I write might be complete rubbish.

I think because of this symmetry, there exist different congruences of integral curves (comoving observers) for which the universe is spatially homogeneous and isotropic. These different congruences give rise to the different types of foliations.

Adding normal matter breaks some of the symmetry, and only one type of foliation remains (which one depends on amounts), and, with the right combination of cosmological constant and matter density, it is possible to have flat spatial slices.
  • #4
Thanks for the answer.

If it requires fine tuning of the matter density to get a foliation that allows you to define a family of spacelike surfaces in the which we get a spatially flat slice, why would we expect the universe to be exactly flat? Since the expansion provided by inflation would have made a curved universe very, very close to flat, wouldn't it be more realistic to say that the global topology is very close to flat because of of inflation, but not exactly flat?
  • #5

Our universe is only a FLRW universe on average at large scales, so, with or without inflation, I don't think that our universe can be exactly spatially flat.
  • #6
Thanks, that's what I was thinking. The reason I mentioned inflation was that it would make any global curvature undetectable. The reason I asked the question is that I have often heard people generalize that flatness of the observable universe to the universe as a whole.

Related to How Flat is Our Universe Really?

1. What does it mean for the universe to be "flat"?

When we say that the universe is "flat", we mean that the geometry of the universe is described by Euclidean geometry. This means that parallel lines will never intersect, and the angles of a triangle will always add up to 180 degrees. Essentially, it means that the universe is not curved or warped in any way.

2. How do we measure the flatness of the universe?

Scientists use a variety of different methods to measure the flatness of the universe. One common method is to look at the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is the leftover heat from the Big Bang. This radiation is incredibly uniform, and any variations can tell us about the curvature of the universe. Another method is to study the large-scale structure of the universe, such as the distribution of galaxies, to see if there are any signs of curvature.

3. Is the universe actually flat?

Based on current observations and measurements, the universe appears to be very close to flat. However, there is still some uncertainty and debate among scientists. Some theories suggest that the universe may be slightly curved, but the curvature is so small that it is difficult to measure with our current technology.

4. What implications does a flat universe have for the expansion of the universe?

If the universe is truly flat, it means that the expansion of the universe will continue forever, without slowing down or eventually reversing. This is known as a "flat" or "open" universe. However, if the universe is curved, it could have different implications for the fate of the universe. For example, a positively curved universe (like a sphere) would eventually collapse in on itself, while a negatively curved universe (like a saddle) would expand forever but at a decreasing rate.

5. How does flatness relate to the overall shape of the universe?

The flatness of the universe is closely related to its overall shape. In a flat universe, the overall shape is likely to be infinite, with no boundaries or edges. This is known as a "flat" or "open" universe. In a positively curved universe, the overall shape is likely to be finite, like a sphere, while a negatively curved universe would have a shape more like a saddle. The shape of the universe is still a topic of ongoing research and debate among scientists.

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