How High Should a Rifle Barrel Be Aimed to Hit a Target 200m Away?

In summary, the problem involves a rifle aimed horizontally at a target 200 m away with an initial speed of 500 m/s. To hit the center of the target, the barrel must be at an angle above the line of sight. The problem can be solved by finding the time it takes for the bullet to travel 200 meters horizontally and the final vertical position of the bullet as a function of the initial angle. This can be used to find the angle of elevation needed to hit the center of the target.
  • #1
A rifle is aimed horizontally at the center of a large target 200 m away. The initial speed of the bullet is 500 m/s. Where does the bullet strike the target? To hit the center of the target, the barrel must be at an angle above the line of sight. Find the angle of elecation of the barrel.

So far I know that

in the x-direction:

V0 = 500 m/s
x= 200 m

in the y-direction:
V0= 0 m/2
a = 9.81 m/s^2

and I know that they have time in common. But I don't really know where to go from here. Do we even have enough information to solve the problem?
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  • #2
You have 2 exercises here:
1) The rifle is aimed horizontally
You have listed the correct quantities you must use here.
2) What angle must you aim the rifle along in order to hit the center of the target?

Let the origin be the muzzle of the rifle (i.e, x=0,y=0)
(This means, in particular, that the ground level has some unspecified, negative value)
a)What time does it take for the bullet to travel 200 meters horizontally?
b) After that time, how far down from y=0 has the bullet fallen?

The speed of the bullet is [tex]V_{0}=500[/tex]
With a non-zero angle to the vertical, we have for the initial horizontal velocity:
The initial vertical velocity satisfies:

(Note that in the particular case [tex]\theta=0[/tex] we retrieve the relations for a horizontally aimed rifle)

a) What is now the time the bullet takes to traverse 200 meters in the horizontal direction?
b) Solve now for the final vertical position as a function of the initial angle.
You want to find the angle such that [tex]y_{final}=0[/tex]
  • #3

Based on the information given, we can use the kinematic equations to solve for the angle of elevation of the barrel. We know that the initial velocity in the y-direction is 0 m/s, and the acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s^2. We also know that the displacement in the x-direction is 200 m. Using the equation x = x0 + V0t + 1/2at^2, we can solve for the time it takes for the bullet to reach the target in the x-direction.

x = 200 m
x0 = 0 m
V0 = 500 m/s
a = 0 m/s^2

200 m = 0 + 500 m/s * t + 1/2 * 0 m/s^2 * t^2
200 m = 500 m/s * t
t = 0.4 s

Now, using the equation V = V0 + at, we can solve for the initial velocity in the y-direction.

V = 0 m/s
V0 = ?
a = 9.81 m/s^2
t = 0.4 s

0 m/s = V0 + 9.81 m/s^2 * 0.4 s
V0 = -3.924 m/s

Since we know the initial velocity in the y-direction, we can use the equation V = V0 + at to solve for the angle of elevation of the barrel.

V = 0 m/s
V0 = -3.924 m/s
a = 9.81 m/s^2
t = 0.4 s
θ = ?

0 m/s = -3.924 m/s + 9.81 m/s^2 * 0.4 s * sin(θ)
sin(θ) = 0.4
θ = sin^-1(0.4)
θ = 23.6°

Therefore, the angle of elevation of the barrel must be 23.6° in order for the bullet to hit the center of the target 200 m away with an initial speed of 500 m/s.

FAQ: How High Should a Rifle Barrel Be Aimed to Hit a Target 200m Away?

1. What is the rifle kinematics problem?

The rifle kinematics problem is a physics question that involves analyzing the motion of a rifle when fired. This includes understanding factors such as the initial velocity, trajectory, and recoil of the rifle.

2. How is the initial velocity of the rifle calculated?

The initial velocity of the rifle can be calculated using the equation v = √(2gh), where v is the velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the rifle's muzzle above the ground.

3. What factors affect the trajectory of a rifle?

The trajectory of a rifle can be affected by several factors, including the initial velocity, the angle at which the rifle is fired, air resistance, and wind speed and direction.

4. How does recoil impact the motion of a rifle?

Recoil is the backward force that occurs when a rifle is fired. This force can affect the motion of the rifle, causing it to move in the opposite direction of the bullet's trajectory. The magnitude of recoil depends on the mass of the rifle and the velocity of the bullet.

5. How can the rifle kinematics problem be applied in real life?

The rifle kinematics problem can be applied in various real-life scenarios, such as hunting, military and law enforcement operations, and sports shooting. Understanding the motion of a rifle can help improve accuracy and safety in these situations.

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