How High to Release a Granite Cube to Achieve Specific Speed in a Steel Cube?

In summary, the problem involves a 100g granite cube sliding down a 40 degree frictionless ramp and colliding with a 200g steel cube at rest at the bottom. The goal is to determine the height from which the granite cube must be released in order for the steel cube to have a speed of 150cm/s. Various methods were attempted, including conservation of energy and momentum, but the correct answer of 25.9cm was not obtained. It was suggested to use both conservation of energy and momentum equations, making v1 the subject and substituting it in the momentum equation to obtain two simultaneous equations. It was also noted to be careful with the value of g and to remember that v2' was given as
  • #1

Homework Statement

a 100g granite cube slides down a 40 degree frctionless ramp. at the bottom, just as it exits onto a horizontal table, it collides with a 200g steel cube at rest. how high above the table should the granite cube be released to give the stell cube a speed of 150cm/s

Homework Equations

maybe Ptot=ptot'

The Attempt at a Solution

first i tried the problem with the conservation of energy where the energy from the first block is transferred to the second (the Ek of 1st block is transferred to Ek second block). that didnt work. then i tried the conservation of momentum but you can't use it because you don't know if it is a perfectly elastic collision of the cubes stick together. you cannot assume anything, so i think i need to utilize the conservation of momentum, but its not giving me the right answer! the answer should be 25.9cm and i keep getting 23cm. also, using the conservation of energy, the angle is irrelevant.
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  • #2
At first use conservation of energy u=sqrroot(2gh) when the granite block slides down the ramp...Then use both conservation of momentum m1u1+m2u2=m1v1+m2v2 and conservation of energy m1sqr u1+m2sqr u2=m1sqr v1+m2sqr v2...If m1 is granite then u1 is initially zero..Sort out the two equations using the momentum equation to eliminate v2 in the energy equation...Yah,assume a perfectly elastic condition, they normally have a way of telling you if its not!
  • #3
this doesn't work. did you try and get the correct answer when you used your very long process?
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  • #4
Yes,it did work and its not a very long process..You'll get used to it once you attend to more questions!Show me what you have done!?
  • #5
Yes,it did work and its not a very long process..You'll get used to it once you attend to more questions and be careful what value of g you use,refer to the book's tables!Show me what you have done!?
  • #6
natives said:
Yes,it did work and its not a very long process..You'll get used to it once you attend to more questions!Show me what you have done!?

i set the total energy before the collision (mgh) equal to the kinetic energy of the initial cube and the now moving cube after collision. so

(.1)gh = .5(.1)v1'^2 + .5(.2)(1.5)^2

now i have two variables i need to solve for... first of all, this method doesn't work! if i put in conservation of momentum, then

.1(v1) = .1(v1') + .2(v2') now what!
  • #7
Remember v1 is the velocity of the first cube whose initial kinetic energy .5m1v1^2 u substitute with m1gh...So even though you didnt know but u had let .5m1v1^2=m1gh..cant you make v1 a subject and substitute in your momentum equation?then u'd 2 simultaneous equations which am sure you can solve easily!
  • #8
Remember v1 is the velocity of the first cube whose initial kinetic energy .5m1v1^2 you had substitute with m1gh...So even though you didnt know it but u had let .5m1v1^2=m1gh..cant you make v1 a subject out of this and substitute it in your momentum equation?then u'd 2 simultaneous equations which am sure you can solve easily!Also remember v2' was given as 150!
  • #9
Remember v1 is the velocity of the first cube whose initial kinetic energy .5m1v1^2 you had substitute with m1gh...So even though you didnt know it but u had let .5m1v1^2=m1gh..cant you make v1 a subject out of this and substitute it in your momentum equation?then u'd 2 simultaneous equations which am sure you can solve easily!Also remember v2' was given as 150 cm/s!

Related to How High to Release a Granite Cube to Achieve Specific Speed in a Steel Cube?

1. What is a "2 cube collision inquiry"?

A "2 cube collision inquiry" refers to a scientific investigation into the collision between two cubes. This inquiry can involve studying the forces involved, the resulting motion of the cubes, and any other factors that may affect the collision.

2. Why is studying 2 cube collisions important?

Studying 2 cube collisions can provide insights into the laws of motion and the principles of energy conservation. It can also have practical applications in fields such as engineering and transportation, where understanding collisions is crucial for safety and efficiency.

3. How do scientists study 2 cube collisions?

Scientists can study 2 cube collisions by setting up controlled experiments with different variables, such as the mass, velocity, and angle of impact of the cubes. They can also use mathematical models and computer simulations to analyze and predict the outcome of collisions.

4. What are some factors that can affect the outcome of a 2 cube collision?

The outcome of a 2 cube collision can be affected by various factors, including the mass and velocity of the cubes, the angle of impact, the surface properties of the cubes, and any external forces acting on the cubes.

5. What are some real-world examples of 2 cube collisions?

Real-world examples of 2 cube collisions include billiard balls colliding on a pool table, cars colliding in a car crash, and objects falling and colliding on a surface. These collisions can also be observed in sports, such as in a game of soccer when two players collide while going for the ball.
