How high will the pendulum rise?

In summary, the pendulum swings higher by .010 meters when moved 30° from the vertical and given an initial speed of .45 m/s tangent to the support string and away from the vertical.
  • #1

Homework Statement

You are given a pendulum composed of a 0.015 kg mass on the end of a 0.40 m long massless string. If the pendulum is moved 30° from the vertical and given an initial speed of 0.45 m/s tangent to the support string and away from the vertical, how much higher relative to the release point of the pendulum swing will the pendulum rise?

Homework Equations

(1/2)mv2 + mgh1 = mgh2

The Attempt at a Solution

I plugged in the values, using the second equation to find the initial height.
Mass cancels out and I have (1/2)(.45)2 + (9.8)(.4)(1-cos(30)) = (9.8)(h2)

Solving this gives the resultant height of 0.063921 m. Subtract the release height of 0.052518 m, I get that it rises 0.01033≈0.010 meters higher, however this answer is incorrect.
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  • #2
Hi tbdm, Welcome to Physics Forums.

tbdm said:

Homework Statement

You are given a pendulum composed of a 0.015 kg mass on the end of a 0.40 m long massless string. If the pendulum is moved 30° from the vertical and given an initial speed of 0.45 m/s tangent to the support string and away from the vertical, how much higher relative to the release point of the pendulum swing will the pendulum rise?

Homework Equations

(1/2)mv2 + mgh1 = mgh2

The Attempt at a Solution

I plugged in the values, using the second equation to find the initial height.
Mass cancels out and I have (1/2)(.45)2 + (9.8)(.4)(1-cos(30)) = (9.8)(h2)

Solving this gives the resultant height of 0.063921 m. Subtract the release height of 0.052518 m, I get that it rises 0.01033≈0.010 meters higher, however this answer is incorrect.

Note that for changes in gravitational PE that take place near the surface of the Earth you are free to set the location of your zero reference height to anything that's convenient. In this problem they're asking for the additional height achieved from the given initial position, so you could just choose the height of that position as the zero reference for gravitational PE as well as height.

To me your solution looks okay. Is there some particular format you're supposed to use to submit it?
  • #3
I finally tried using all of the significant figures, and that finally seemed to do it, thank you for your help!

FAQ: How high will the pendulum rise?

1. How does the length of the pendulum affect its maximum height?

The length of the pendulum affects its maximum height because the longer the length, the slower the pendulum swings. This means that it will not reach as high of a point as a shorter pendulum would.

2. Will the pendulum reach the same height every time it swings?

No, the pendulum will not reach the same height every time it swings. This is due to factors such as air resistance, friction, and variations in the starting position of the pendulum. These factors can cause the pendulum to have slightly different trajectories each time it swings, resulting in different maximum heights.

3. How does the mass of the pendulum affect its maximum height?

The mass of the pendulum does not affect its maximum height. As long as the pendulum is swinging with the same length and angle, the mass will not change its maximum height. However, a heavier pendulum will have more inertia and will be more difficult to get moving, which can affect the starting angle and therefore the maximum height.

4. Does the initial angle of release affect the maximum height of the pendulum?

Yes, the initial angle of release does affect the maximum height of the pendulum. The higher the initial angle, the higher the pendulum will swing. However, if the initial angle is too high, the pendulum may not have enough energy to complete a full swing and will stop short of its maximum height.

5. Can the maximum height of a pendulum be calculated?

Yes, the maximum height of a pendulum can be calculated using the formula h = L(1-cosθ), where h is the maximum height, L is the length of the pendulum, and θ is the amplitude or initial angle of release. This formula assumes no air resistance or friction and that the pendulum is released from a small angle.

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