How is "always" spontaneous reconciled with equilibrium?

In summary, the language used in introductory texts regarding the spontaneity of reactions can be misleading as reactions will always reach equilibrium in a closed system. The change in entropy (∆S) of a reaction depends on the reaction quotient, and the change in enthalpy (∆H) may also change signs depending on the direction of the reaction. The concept of "always" spontaneous reactions should be understood as "spontaneous when starting from substances in their standard state."
  • #1
Many introductory (high school chemistry) texts speak of reactions that are “always” or “never” spontaneous (in the former case they reference reactions where ∆H is - and ∆S is +, for example). I struggle with this concept when considering reactions in closed systems.

Premise: All reactions in a closed system will reach a point of equilibrium (even those that appear to go to completion with ridiculously large K’s).

So how can a reaction that reaches equilibrium be “always” spontaneous. Mathematically (again, sticking to algebra here risks losing a lot of the subtlety laid out in thermodynamics) ∆G=∆Go+RT ln Q=∆H-T∆S . Won’t there “always” be a Q for which ∆G changes sign for a given reaction (again, perhaps it is ridiculously large)? And does this mean that ∆H and ∆S depend on the reaction quotient to such an extent that they will actually change signs? Or is it that when Q>K the reaction IS proceeding in the reverse and the signs on ∆H and ∆S are reversed accordingly to match the reverse process? Finally, is the “always spontaneous” language laid out in introductory texts a false construct? If not, what does it mean in a real example: calling the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide “always spontaneous” (∆H is - and ∆S is + in this case) seems to imply that there is no Q for which the reverse reaction is spontaneous, but that is not true…

I suspect I am missing something fundamental, or that it is a small matter of semantics that is eluding me. Either way, I am hoping to clear this up. Any help would be appreciated.Michael
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  • #2
Interesting point. My take is that it is just a lousy language, with "always" meaning "always when starting from substances in their standard state" (as opposed to "when staring from an equilibrium mixture").

But then perhaps there exist some more precise definition that I am not aware of, thermodynamics is not my forte.
  • #3
IIRC, the correct set of equations would be:
∆G = ∆Go+RT ln Q
∆Go = ∆Ho - T∆So

But, yes, you are correct in your understanding. For a reaction at equilibrium, ∆G = 0. Therefore, ∆Go = –RT ln Qeq and the reaction quotient at equilibrium (aka the equilibrium constant) is given by K = Qeq = exp(–∆Go/RT).

Therefore, when Q < K, ∆G < 0 and the reaction proceeds in the forward direction; when Q > K, ∆G > 0 and the reaction proceeds in the reverse direction; and when Q = K, ∆G = 0 and the reaction is at equilibrium.

The actual change in entropy (∆S) of a reaction will depend on the reaction quotient (a mixture of product and reactant gives additional entropy compared to pure product or pure reactant). This entropy of mixing is not accounted for in ∆So, which considers the change in entropy of changing one molecule of reactant into one molecule of product.
  • #4
Gibbs free energy is the only criterion for the spontaneity of a chemical reaction.
  • #5
MichaelM95 said:
Many introductory (high school chemistry) texts speak of reactions that are “always” or “never” spontaneous (in the former case they reference reactions where ∆H is - and ∆S is +, for example). I struggle with this concept when considering reactions in closed systems.

Premise: All reactions in a closed system will reach a point of equilibrium (even those that appear to go to completion with ridiculously large K’s).

So how can a reaction that reaches equilibrium be “always” spontaneous. Mathematically (again, sticking to algebra here risks losing a lot of the subtlety laid out in thermodynamics) ∆G=∆Go+RT ln Q=∆H-T∆S . Won’t there “always” be a Q for which ∆G changes sign for a given reaction (again, perhaps it is ridiculously large)? And does this mean that ∆H and ∆S depend on the reaction quotient to such an extent that they will actually change signs? Or is it that when Q>K the reaction IS proceeding in the reverse and the signs on ∆H and ∆S are reversed accordingly to match the reverse process? Finally, is the “always spontaneous” language laid out in introductory texts a false construct? If not, what does it mean in a real example: calling the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide “always spontaneous” (∆H is - and ∆S is + in this case) seems to imply that there is no Q for which the reverse reaction is spontaneous, but that is not true…

I suspect I am missing something fundamental, or that it is a small matter of semantics that is eluding me. Either way, I am hoping to clear this up. Any help would be appreciated.Michael
It's just a rule of thumb to give you a feel for how far the reaction will go before it reaches equilibrium. Your assessment was completely correct.

Related to How is "always" spontaneous reconciled with equilibrium?

1. How is "always" spontaneous reconciled with equilibrium?

The concept of "always" being spontaneous and equilibrium may seem contradictory at first. However, they are both related to the thermodynamic properties of a system. "Always" spontaneous refers to a reaction or process that occurs without any external influence, while equilibrium is a state of balance where the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction. In other words, a system can reach equilibrium even if it is "always" spontaneous.

2. Is it possible for a reaction to be both "always" spontaneous and at equilibrium?

Yes, it is possible for a reaction to be both "always" spontaneous and at equilibrium. This can occur when the reaction is reversible and the forward and reverse reactions have equal rates. In this case, the reaction will be "always" spontaneous in both directions, but the concentrations of the reactants and products will remain constant at equilibrium.

3. How does temperature affect the relationship between "always" spontaneous and equilibrium?

The temperature has a significant impact on the relationship between "always" spontaneous and equilibrium. An increase in temperature can make a reaction that was previously "always" spontaneous become non-spontaneous, as the activation energy barrier may become too high to overcome. Additionally, temperature changes can also shift the equilibrium position of a reaction, altering the concentrations of reactants and products.

4. Can "always" spontaneous reactions reach equilibrium?

Yes, "always" spontaneous reactions can reach equilibrium. This can happen when the reactants are continuously added to the system, allowing the forward and reverse reactions to occur at equal rates. Once equilibrium is reached, the concentrations of the reactants and products will remain constant, and the reaction will continue to be "always" spontaneous in both directions.

5. How do chemical and physical changes affect the relationship between "always" spontaneous and equilibrium?

Chemical and physical changes can both affect the relationship between "always" spontaneous and equilibrium. Chemical changes, such as changes in concentration or temperature, can shift the equilibrium position of a reaction and alter the spontaneity of the reaction. Physical changes, such as changes in pressure or volume, can also affect the equilibrium position and spontaneity of a reaction, especially for gases.

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