How is Conjugacy a Group Action?

In summary, a group action is a binary operation between a group and a set. This ##\varphi_g## is just a normal function, but it is a group action because it is represented by conjugation on the set G.
  • #1
Mr Davis 97
I am told that ##\varphi_g (x) = g x g^{-1}## is a group action of G on itself, called conjugacy. However, I am a little confused. I thought that a group action was defined as a binary operation ##\phi : G \times X \rightarrow X##, where ##G## is a group and ##X## is any set. However, this ##\varphi_g## is just a normal function ##\varphi_g : G \rightarrow G##. If this is not a binary operation, how is it a group action?
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  • #2
Mr Davis 97 said:
I am told that ##\varphi_g (x) = g x g^{-1}## is a group action of G on itself, called conjugacy. However, I am a little confused. I thought that a group action was defined as a binary operation ##\phi : G \times X \rightarrow X##, where ##G## is a group and ##X## is any set. However, this ##\varphi_g## is just a normal function ##\varphi_g : G \rightarrow G##. If this is not a binary operation, how is it a group action?
##\phi = \varphi : G \times G \rightarrow G## defined by ##\phi(g,x) = \varphi (g,x) = \varphi_g(x) = gxg^{-1}## with ##X=G##.
  • #3
fresh_42 said:
##\phi = \varphi : G \times G \rightarrow G## defined by ##\phi(g,x) = \varphi (g,x) = \varphi_g(x) = gxg^{-1}## with ##X=G##.
So is ##\varphi_g## the group action or is ##\varphi##?
  • #4
Mr Davis 97 said:
So is ##\varphi_g## the group action or is ##\varphi##?
Formally, ##(\phi,G,X=G)## is, because it assigns to every group element ##g## a conjugation ##g \mapsto (x \mapsto gxg^{-1})## on ##X=G##, that is ##\phi = \varphi = (\phi=\varphi,G,X)## operates via conjugation ##(\varphi ,G,X) \ni (\varphi,g)=\varphi_g = (x \mapsto gxg^{-1})## on ##X=G##.

It is more important to know what a group action is, which is another word for "operates on". And another expression is "G is represented (here by conjugation) on ##X## (here =##G##)". So it's really easy to get confused when learning these terminology. If you actually want to define it rigorously then you will have to take the entire triple ##(\textrm{form of action, group, set upon the action takes place}) = (\phi, G, X) = (\varphi , G, G)##.

Your first question is based on the confusion, that you might not have considered that ##g \mapsto \varphi_g ## is already a mapping which gives you the missing argument in ##\phi##.
  • #5
You might like to check that a group action by G on a set S is also equivalent to a homomorphism G-->Bij(S) where Bij(S) is the group of bijections of the set S with itself. This shows you that a group action is a way of representing an abstract group inside a concrete group of permutations.

FAQ: How is Conjugacy a Group Action?

1. What is a group action?

A group action is a mathematical concept that describes the way a group of elements interacts with a set of objects. It is a way of representing how a group can transform or change the elements of a set.

2. How is group action different from group theory?

Group theory is the study of algebraic structures called groups, while group action is a specific application of group theory that looks at how groups act on sets. In other words, group action is a concept within group theory, but not all of group theory is about group actions.

3. What are some examples of group actions?

Group actions can be found in various areas of mathematics and science, such as symmetries in geometry, operations on matrices in linear algebra, and transformations in physics. They can also be applied to real-world scenarios, such as the movements of a Rubik's cube or the rotations of a bicycle wheel.

4. How are group actions useful in real-world applications?

Group actions have a wide range of applications, from understanding the symmetries of physical systems to analyzing data in computer science. They can be used to simplify complex problems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts. Additionally, group actions provide a way to categorize and classify objects based on their properties and transformations.

5. Are there any practical implications of group actions?

Yes, group actions have practical implications in various fields, such as cryptography, coding theory, and signal processing. They can also be used in social sciences to study group behavior and in engineering to design efficient algorithms. Additionally, understanding group actions can lead to new discoveries and advancements in other areas of mathematics and science.

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