How Is Electric Flux Calculated for a Cone in a Uniform Field?

In summary, the problem involves calculating the electric flux entering a cone with a horizontal uniform electric field passing through it. The solution involves projecting the cone onto a plane normal to the field and calculating the projection of each area element along the direction of the field, which is equal to the area of the "shadow" cast by the electric field. This results in the formula E*R*h for the electric flux.
  • #1

Homework Statement

24.9 A cone of base radius R and height h is located on a horizontal table, and a horizontal uniform electric field E penetrates the cone, as shown here. Determine the electric flux entering the cone.

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Homework Equations

[tex]\phi_E = EA[/tex]
[tex]\phi_E = EA' = EA \cos \theta[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

My first reaction was to set up a double integeral involving the surface area and cosine but that didn't go very far and then I found the solution on the web. My question is why? Here is the solution from the cited page:

A = .5 * b * h, b = 2R
so [tex]\phi_E = E \frac{1}{2} 2 R h = E R h[/tex]

It is as if they unrolled half the surface of the cone and formed a triangle out of it which gave the area. Is that correct?
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  • #2
No, that's not what they did. They projected the cone onto a plane normal to the E-field, and found the area of this projection.

[itex]E \cdot dA = EAcos \theta [/itex]; the dot product is the projection of the area vector along the E-field times the strength of the E-field (recall the construction of the dot/scalar product). So, if you take each little area element (remember that the area vector points normally to the plane of the element), find its projection along the E-direction and then "add up" (integrate) these projections you find yourself with nothing but the projection of the entire surface area (which is nothing but the area of the "shadow" cast by this E-field).
  • #3

Yes, that is correct. The solution on the cited page is using a simplified method to calculate the electric flux. The cone can be thought of as a flat surface that has been curved into a cone shape. By unrolling half of the cone, we can calculate the surface area of the curved surface as a triangle, as you mentioned. This makes the calculation much simpler and allows us to use the formula for the flux through a flat surface, \phi_E = EA.

Another way to think about it is that the electric field is perpendicular to the surface of the cone at every point, so we can use the simpler formula for a flat surface. This is because the electric flux is a measure of the number of electric field lines passing through a given area, and in this case, all of the field lines are perpendicular to the surface.

In general, it is important to understand the concept behind the solution and how it relates to the problem at hand, rather than just memorizing formulas. In this case, understanding the relationship between the electric field and the surface of the cone allows us to simplify the calculation and arrive at the correct solution.

FAQ: How Is Electric Flux Calculated for a Cone in a Uniform Field?

1. What is electric flux on half a conic?

Electric flux on half a conic refers to the measure of the electric field passing through a surface that is shaped like half of a cone. It is a concept used in electromagnetism to understand the flow of electric fields through different shapes and surfaces.

2. How is electric flux calculated on half a conic?

To calculate electric flux on half a conic, you can use the formula Φ = ∫ E · dA, where Φ is electric flux, E is the electric field, and dA is the differential area element on the surface. This integral can be evaluated using vector calculus and the geometry of the half conic shape.

3. What factors affect the electric flux on half a conic?

The electric flux on half a conic is affected by the strength of the electric field, the surface area of the half cone, and the angle between the electric field and the surface. Additionally, the shape and curvature of the half cone can also impact the electric flux.

4. How does electric flux on half a conic relate to Gauss's law?

Gauss's law states that the electric flux through a closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed by that surface divided by the permittivity of free space. This law can also be applied to the half conic shape, where the flux is calculated using the electric field and the surface area of the half cone.

5. What are some real-world applications of electric flux on half a conic?

Electric flux on half a conic is a useful concept in many fields, including electrical engineering, physics, and astronomy. It can be used to understand and design electrical circuits, analyze the behavior of particles in electric fields, and study the formation of stars and galaxies.
