How Is Energy Lost in a Resistanceless System?

  • Thread starter VishalChauhan
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In summary, when connecting two concentric shells with different charges through an ideal, resistanceless wire, charges will flow until the potential of both shells is equal. However, for an arbitrary selection of charges, the final and initial energy will not be the same. This is due to the non-zero inductance of the system, causing oscillations of energy between potential and magnetic fields. In a real system, the resistance of the wire will cause most of the energy to be lost as resistive heating, but in a system with zero resistance, the energy loss would be due to radiation.
  • #1
Say, i have two concentric shells,each carrying a different charge.If i connect an ideal, resistance less wire between the two, charges will flow till potential of the two shells is equal.For an arbitrary selection of charges, the final and initial energy is not same(try it with two shells of radius r and 2r, with the inner one charged initially). Since the connecting wire is resistanceless, it does not cause any loss of energy.

Where does did my energy go?
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  • #2
VishalChauhan said:
If i connect an ideal, resistance less wire between the two, charges will flow till potential of the two shells is equal.

No, it will continue to flow until the initial potential energy is reached. Than the charges will flow backward and the process starts again. During this oscillation the total energy remains constant.
  • #3
That is quite contrary to what i have read.The only "motivation" for charges to flow will be a potential difference, and once that does not exist,there should be no flow of current.
  • #4
VishalChauhan said:
That is quite contrary to what i have read.The only "motivation" for charges to flow will be a potential difference

Have you read about inductance?
  • #5
  • #6
How are you calculating the energy of the system..
  • #7
DrStupid said:
Have you read about inductance?

VishalChauhan said:

Then you have your answer. The setup you described has non-zero inductance, so as the current flows a magnetic field forms; as the potential difference is reduced the magnetic field collapses generating an induced voltage which continues to drive the current even after the potential difference has fallen to zero. Then when the magnetic field is completely collapsed, the two previously low-potential shell will be at a higher potential and the cycle will repeat in the other direction.

You've just built an capacitor/inductor oscillating circuit - google will find you plenty more explanations.

And the answer to your question "where does the energy go" is that it goes into the magnetic field, and then back into potential energy to drive the next cycle of the oscillation.
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  • #8
Or it may radiate away, particularly if the time constant is very low.
  • #9
I am making a guess here, but ultimately these oscillations would damp out.Would then, the final energy loss be due to radiations?
  • #10
Yes. If there is no radiation and no resistance then there would be no mechanism for damping.
  • #11
VishalChauhan said:
I am making a guess here, but ultimately these oscillations would damp out.Would then, the final energy loss be due to radiations?

In any real system, the resistance of the wire won't be quite exactly zero, so most of the energy will end up as resistive heating of the wire. But if you really could build something with zero resistance... yes, the energy loss would be due to radiation.

FAQ: How Is Energy Lost in a Resistanceless System?

1. Where does the energy go when it is converted from one form to another?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another. When energy is converted, it is either used up or dissipated as heat. This means that the energy is still present in the system, but it is in a different form that may not be useful for the intended purpose.

2. What happens to the energy when it is lost or wasted?

If energy is lost or wasted, it is usually converted into heat energy and dissipated into the environment. This is why energy efficiency is important, as it reduces the amount of energy that is lost or wasted.

3. Does energy ever truly disappear?

No, energy cannot disappear. It is always present in one form or another. However, it can become less accessible or usable as it is converted into different forms. This is why it is important to find ways to efficiently use and conserve energy.

4. Can we trace the path of energy to see where it goes?

Yes, we can trace the path of energy to see where it goes by using energy flow diagrams. These diagrams show the flow of energy from one form to another, and can help us understand how energy is used and transferred in a system.

5. How does energy dissipate or spread out?

Energy dissipates or spreads out as it is converted from one form to another. This can happen through various processes such as friction, conduction, or radiation. The amount of energy dissipated or spread out depends on the efficiency of the system and the properties of the materials involved.
