How Is Equilibrium Price Stability Determined in Market Dynamics?

Your Name]In summary, the stability condition for equilibrium price p* in the presence of excess supply or demand can be determined by considering the second derivative p'' of p with respect to time, as well as the slope of the function F'(p). If F'(p) is positive, p* will be stable only if D'(p*) > S'(p*). If F'(p) is negative, p* will be stable only if D'(p*) < S'(p*). The magnitude of p'' also plays a role, with values close to zero leading to a smaller stable range for D'(p*) and S'(p*). When F'(p) = 0, the stability of p* is solely
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Homework Statement

In the market for a certain good, the price p(t) adjusts continuously in the presence of excess supply or demand:
[itex]\frac{dp}{dt}[/itex] = F(D(p)-S(p)) where F(0) = 0, F'>0.
Obtain the condition for stability of the equilibrium price p* in terms of the slopes D'(p*) and S'(p*), and illustrate stable and unstable equilibria graphically for straight-line supply and demand schedules.

Homework Equations

General I suppose, p' = F(p)

The Attempt at a Solution

This is what I've come up with so far, but I'm not sure if it's correct or delves deeply enough:
We know there would be an equilibrium point where p'=0 and therefore where F(D(p)-S(p))=0.
Since F(0) = 0, we know that at least one equilibrium exists at p=0, so p*=0. From that, we can see that p'=0=F(D(0)-S(0)) and therefore at p*, D(0) = S(0).

To test stability we would look at the sign of p'' at p*.
p'' = F'(D(p*)-S(p*))(D'(p*)-S'(p*))
Since we're given F'>0, we know that the D'(p*)-S'(p*) dictates stability.
So if D'(p*) > S'(p*) then p'' >0 and p* is unstable.
Else, if D'(p*) < S'(p*) then p'' <0 and p* is stable.

That's what I've come up with. It seems a bit simple which leads me to believe I may be missing something. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Your solution is correct and provides a good understanding of the stability condition for equilibrium price. However, to provide a more in-depth analysis, I would like to suggest considering the second derivative of p with respect to time, p''.

As you have correctly stated, p'' = F'(D(p*)-S(p*))(D'(p*)-S'(p*)). This means that the stability of the equilibrium price p* also depends on the slope of the function F'(p). If F'(p) is positive, then p* will be stable only if D'(p*) > S'(p*), as you have mentioned. However, if F'(p) is negative, then p* will be stable only if D'(p*) < S'(p*).

Moreover, it is also important to consider the magnitude of the second derivative p''. If p'' is close to zero, then p* will be stable for a small range of values of D'(p*) and S'(p*). However, if p'' is significantly positive or negative, then p* will be stable for a wider range of values of D'(p*) and S'(p*).

To illustrate this, you can plot graphs of p'' vs D'(p*) and p'' vs S'(p*). This will give you a better understanding of how the stability of p* changes with respect to the slopes of D(p) and S(p).

Additionally, you can also consider the case when F'(p) = 0. In this case, the stability of p* will depend solely on the slopes D'(p*) and S'(p*). If D'(p*) > S'(p*), then p* will be stable, and if D'(p*) < S'(p*), then p* will be unstable.

I hope this helps in providing a deeper understanding of the stability condition for equilibrium price. Keep up the good work in analyzing and solving scientific problems!

Related to How Is Equilibrium Price Stability Determined in Market Dynamics?

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A first order ODE (ordinary differential equation) is a mathematical equation that relates an unknown function to its derivatives. It involves only one independent variable and its derivatives, and can be expressed in the form of dy/dx = f(x,y).

2. What does stability mean in the context of first order ODEs?

In the context of first order ODEs, stability refers to the behavior of the solution over time. If a solution remains bounded as time approaches infinity, it is considered stable. If the solution diverges or oscillates without approaching a steady state, it is considered unstable.

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The stability of a first order ODE can be determined by analyzing the eigenvalues of its corresponding matrix. If all eigenvalues have negative real parts, the solution is stable. If any eigenvalue has a positive real part, the solution is unstable. Additionally, the direction and behavior of the solution can also provide insight into stability.

4. What is the difference between asymptotic stability and Lyapunov stability?

Asymptotic stability refers to the behavior of a solution as time approaches infinity. If the solution approaches a steady state or equilibrium point, it is considered asymptotically stable. Lyapunov stability, on the other hand, considers the behavior of the solution at all points in the domain. A solution is Lyapunov stable if it remains bounded and does not approach any unstable points.

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The stability of a first order ODE can significantly impact its solutions. A stable solution will approach a steady state or equilibrium value, while an unstable solution will diverge or oscillate without approaching a steady state. Additionally, the direction and behavior of the solution can also be affected by stability, with stable solutions tending towards equilibrium and unstable solutions exhibiting chaotic or unpredictable behavior.

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