How is galaxy mass calculated using luminosity

In summary, the conversation discusses the complexities of calculating the luminosity and mass of galaxies. It is mentioned that the formula for these calculations can be quite complicated and may require calibration using theoretical models or observations of nearby galaxies. The accuracy of these calculations can also be affected by factors such as dark matter and the use of MOND as a predictor for star velocities. A basic formula for calculating mass is also discussed, but it is noted that it may not be accurate for the total mass of a galaxy as it only considers the mass within a certain radius.
  • #1
Gold Member
This seems like it would be fairly complex as any material that is not in the suns would absorb photons and convert part of that energy over to kenetic energy giving a false value for actual luminosity from the stars themselves.

Galaxies appear to be very different from one another, is it simply assumed that most galaxies have similar material properties to make the numbers easier to calculate for?

And finally what is the formula for doing calculations of luminosity vs galaxy mass?
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  • #2
You need some way to calibrate the scales. This can be done with theoretical models, or with observations of nearby galaxies (where it is possible to measure the mass via radial velocities of the stars). Depending on the required accuracy, the formula could be quite complicated.
  • #3
mfb said:
You need some way to calibrate the scales. This can be done with theoretical models, or with observations of nearby galaxies (where it is possible to measure the mass via radial velocities of the stars). Depending on the required accuracy, the formula could be quite complicated.

Aren't the radial velocities way off from Newtonian/relativistic mechanics and calculated based on a theoretical model about dark matter? I see MOND can be an excellent predictor of star velocites for very specific types of galaxies but it appears to be just a mathematical trick so it really isn't a good explanation for the higher velocities that we see.

What would be an example of a basic formula used to calculate mass without going for significant accuracy?
  • #4
Luminous mass I believe is measured experimentally through star count, and is a fairly rough estimate. It's only real purpose is to get the order of magnitude right, which is clearly an order of magnitude less than the total mass, so it is an estimate just accurate enough to tell us that there is a lot of mass somewhere else.

Calculating the mass of the galaxy can be done using a solar systems radial velocity:

say a solar system is orbiting the center of a galaxy with radius d. The orbit is circular, but if you draw a sphere around the center of the galaxy, again with radius d so that the solar system is rotating along the edge of the sphere, then the mass contained within the volume of this sphere is :

P = orbital period
G = grav. constant

Kepler's Law: d^3/P^2 = GM/(4*pi^2)

mass in sphere: M = 4*pi^2*d^3/(GP^2) = d*v^2/G

Most of the mass, especially the "dark mass" will be located within a solar systems orbit, so this is a sufficient approximation.
  • #5
@mesa: You said "mass", radial velocity measures the total mass (inside).

The number of MOND postdictions looks similar to the number of free parameters to me, so I'm not really convinced that there is anything into it. Apart from that, it has some issues with the bullet cluster and similar objects.
  • #6
You stated:
Most of the mass, especially the "dark mass" will be located within a solar systems orbit, so this is a sufficient approximation.

I'm just a bystander, but I think your post was correct until that statement. If one is trying to determine the galaxy's total mass, as you point out your method only calculated the mass within the radius d. Mass outside that radius will not be included in the estimate. As I understand, to compensate Keplerian rotation curves to produce those observed, the vast majority of galacti mass (dark matter) must be located outside the periphery of the visible galaxy.
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FAQ: How is galaxy mass calculated using luminosity

1. How is the luminosity of a galaxy measured?

The luminosity of a galaxy is measured by analyzing the amount of light emitted by the galaxy across different wavelengths, from ultraviolet to infrared. This data is then used to create a spectral energy distribution (SED) curve, which shows the energy output of the galaxy at each wavelength. The area under the SED curve is used to calculate the total luminosity of the galaxy.

2. What is the relationship between luminosity and mass in galaxies?

There is a direct correlation between the luminosity and mass of galaxies. Generally, galaxies with higher luminosities have higher masses. This is because larger galaxies tend to have more stars and therefore emit more light. However, the exact relationship between luminosity and mass varies depending on the type of galaxy and other factors such as age and star formation rate.

3. Can galaxy mass be calculated using luminosity alone?

No, luminosity alone is not enough to accurately calculate the mass of a galaxy. Other factors such as the type of galaxy, the distribution of stars within the galaxy, and the amount of dark matter present also play a significant role in determining the mass of a galaxy. Luminosity is just one piece of the puzzle in calculating galaxy mass.

4. How does the distance of a galaxy affect its luminosity and mass calculations?

The distance of a galaxy does affect its luminosity and mass calculations. The farther away a galaxy is, the more its light is spread out and therefore appears less bright. This can affect the accuracy of luminosity measurements. Additionally, distance is also a factor in calculating the mass-to-light ratio, which is used in determining the total mass of a galaxy.

5. Are there any limitations to using luminosity to calculate galaxy mass?

Yes, there are limitations to using luminosity to calculate galaxy mass. As mentioned before, luminosity is just one factor in the calculation and does not take into account other important factors such as the galaxy's type and dark matter content. Additionally, luminosity measurements can be affected by factors like distance and dust obscuration, which can lead to inaccuracies in mass calculations.

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