How is internal energy U(S,V) a function of temperature?

In summary: C(S) + D(V) (1)U=U(T,P) would be T= (∂U/∂S)C + (∂U/∂V)D (2)In the latter, we lost the information about C as D has been eliminated. For example, if C(S)=S^2 and D(V)=V^2 then U(S,V) = S^2+V^2, then T= 2S and P=2V, (2) gives S=T/2 and V=P/2.This means that knowing the fundamental equation U=U(S,V) =S^2+V^2 is more informative as it provides more information compared to the simpler
  • #1
In my chemical thermodynamics class/notes (and other references I've used) it is stated throughout that internal energy U is a function of entropy and volume , i.e. it's "natural" variables are S and V:
  • U = U(S,V)
I suspect that I must take this "axiomatically" and move on.

Since U is a state function, it's exact differential will be:
  • dU = (dU/dS) dS + (dU/dV) dV
Okay, fine until here.

Then we are introduced to the "fundamental thermodynamic equation" :
  • dU = TdS - pdV
(BTW I'm not too sure how this comes about, but that's another topic.)

Comparing these two forms for dU, we readily see that:
  • (dU/dS) = T
  • (dU/dV) = - p
So as I understand the math above, temperature (as well as pressure) are the partial derivatives of internal energy.

But then later on in the course I find numerous expressions like (dU/dT) and others where it is implied that internal energy is a function of temperature (and pressure). What am I to make of these expressions? Sure, I understand that temperature actually DOES affect the internal energy of a system, but U has been defined in a way that "excludes" it. I mean there must be a reason that they don't state the dependence explicitly (i.e. U = U(S,V,T,p) ) but I just don't understand it.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that (dU/dS) = T but then what am I to understand about the form of U from (dU/dT) ? It must mean that whatever the function for U is, it contains the expression for T, so it is a differential equation. For example: If we have
  • U(S,V) = exp(S) + exp(V)
  • T = (dU/dS) = exp(s)
  • p = - (dU/dV) = - exp(V)
and then all of the following are valid:
  • U(S,V) = exp(S) + exp(V) = T - p = U(T,p)
  • U(S,V) = exp(S) + exp(V) = T + exp(V) = U(T,V)
  • U(S,V) = exp(S) + exp(V) = exp(S) - p = U(S,p)
So then (dU/dT) & (dU/dp) actually have a meaning:
  • (dU/dT) = exp(V) ( = (dU/dS) )
  • (dU/dp) = exp(S) ( = (dU/dV) )
But obviously these partial derivatives can be readily expressed by the partial derivatives of U with respect to the natural variables S,V , so what was the meaning of the change of variables in the first place?
What's going on? It's things like these that make me hate thermodynamics with a PASSION...
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  • #2
kostikas2002 said:
In my chemical thermodynamics class/notes (and other references I've used) it is stated throughout that internal energy U is a function of entropy and volume , i.e. it's "natural" variables are S and V:
  • U = U(S,V)
I suspect that I must take this "axiomatically" and move on.

Since U is a state function, it's exact differential will be:
  • dU = (dU/dS) dS + (dU/dV) dV
Okay, fine until here.

Then we are introduced to the "fundamental thermodynamic equation" :
  • dU = TdS - pdV
(BTW I'm not too sure how this comes about, but that's another topic.)

Comparing these two forms for dU, we readily see that:
  • (dU/dS) = T
  • (dU/dV) = - p
So as I understand the math above, temperature (as well as pressure) are the partial derivatives of internal energy.

But then later on in the course I find numerous expressions like (dU/dT) and others where it is implied that internal energy is a function of temperature (and pressure). What am I to make of these expressions? Sure, I understand that temperature actually DOES affect the internal energy of a system, but U has been defined in a way that "excludes" it. I mean there must be a reason that they don't state the dependence explicitly (i.e. U = U(S,V,T,p) ) but I just don't understand it.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that (dU/dS) = T but then what am I to understand about the form of U from (dU/dT) ? It must mean that whatever the function for U is, it contains the expression for T, so it is a differential equation. For example: If we have
  • U(S,V) = exp(S) + exp(V)
  • T = (dU/dS) = exp(s)
  • p = - (dU/dV) = - exp(V)
and then all of the following are valid:
  • U(S,V) = exp(S) + exp(V) = T - p = U(T,p)
  • U(S,V) = exp(S) + exp(V) = T + exp(V) = U(T,V)
  • U(S,V) = exp(S) + exp(V) = exp(S) - p = U(S,p)
So then (dU/dT) & (dU/dp) actually have a meaning:
  • (dU/dT) = exp(V) ( = (dU/dS) )
  • (dU/dp) = exp(S) ( = (dU/dV) )
But obviously these partial derivatives can be readily expressed by the partial derivatives of U with respect to the natural variables S,V , so what was the meaning of the change of variables in the first place?
What's going on? It's things like these that make me hate thermodynamics with a PASSION...
dU/dT comes about from dividing the dU expression by dT

So dU = TdS - pdV becomes
dU/dT = T dS/dT - p dV/dT

So then the derivatives you worry about are dS/dT and dV/dT

You don't have to really consider what U is explicitly.
  • #3
I agree that most thermodynamics texts mess up this point. The clearest text on this particular point is :

Chapter 1-3 cover your question very clearly.

In summary U=U(S,V) is the fundamental equation of a simple system that is made of one type of matter. It contains all thermodynamic information. Since we are typically interested in changes in U rather than the absolute value of U, we need to compute its total differential. Thus,

dU= (∂U/∂S)dS + (∂U/∂V)dV

Let's "define"
T≡ (∂U/∂S) , P = - (∂U/∂V)
Then it turns out that this definition matches our intuition about temperature and pressure.

Then as you showed in your post, you can always eliminate S, V and replace them with T, P and obtain the equation:
However, the latter is NOT the fundamental equation and it contains LESS information compared to U=U(S,V) . The reason is that it is a partial differential equation , that is
U=U(∂U/∂S, ∂U/∂V ).
A solution of a partial differential equation is alway missing one or two undetermined integration constants. A simple example:

Suppose U = aT where a is a positive constant (Suppose P is constant for simplicity). Then U=a(dU/dS) , and by integration:

U= B exp(S/a) where B is an undetermined integration constant.

In summary U(S,V) has more information compared to U(T,P).

BUT experimentalists like to deal with T, P not S,V. Simply because T,P are easy to measure and control. Whereas who can measure and control S ?! This is the reason why there is interest in thermodynamics to reformulate it around T,P, ... (the intensive variables) without losing the valuable information content in U(S,V,...). The way to do this is called Legendre Transformation which leads to introducing Gibbs , Helmholtz free energies and the enthalpy.
  • #4
Wow thanks for the answers! :)
Both have given me some food for thought.
I'll try looking into your suggestions and if I'm still having a hard time, I'll ask again!
  • #5
Thermodynamics can derived from statistical physics. Then all these relations between the various thermodynamic potentials come out very naturally. From the point of view of phenomenological thermodynamics you just have to take the fundamental laws as given. The internal energy, ##U## obeys under changes of the thermodynamic state
$$\mathrm{d} U=T \mathrm{d} S-p \mathrm{d} V,$$
which is the 0th-2nd law combined. It's just energy conservation, i.e., the change of the internal energy of the thermodynamic system is due to the change in heat ##T \mathrm{d} S## and mechanical work due to the pressure, ##-p \mathrm{d} V##.

From this relation you read off
$$\left (\frac{\partial U}{\partial S} \right )_{V}=T, \quad \left (\frac{\partial U}{\partial V} \right )_{S}=-p,$$
where the subscript tells you which variable is kept constant in taking the partial derivative. This is very important to remember when switching to another thermal potential, which you always get from ##U## by Legendre transformations.

E.g., you can introduce the free energy via
$$F=U-T S.$$
Then you have
$$\mathrm{d} F=\mathrm{d} U - T \mathrm{d} S-S \mathrm{d} T=-S \mathrm{d} T - p \mathrm{d} V,$$
which tells you that the "natural independent variables" for ##F## are ##T## and ##V##, and you have the relations
$$\left (\frac {\partial F}{\partial T} \right )_V=-S, \quad \left (\frac{\partial F}{\partial V} \right )_{T} = -p.$$
Via several Legendre transformations you can make any pair of thermodynamical quantities the "natural independent variables".

In other words, despite the physics behind the 3 (or 4) fundamental laws, all there is to phenomenological thermodynamics are Legendre transformations!

Related to How is internal energy U(S,V) a function of temperature?

1. What is internal energy U(S,V) and how is it related to temperature?

Internal energy (U) is the total energy of a thermodynamic system, including both its kinetic and potential energies. It is a state function, meaning it depends only on the current state of the system and not on how it got there. U(S,V) is a mathematical representation of internal energy that takes into account the system's entropy (S) and volume (V) in addition to temperature (T).

2. How does internal energy U(S,V) change with temperature?

The relationship between internal energy and temperature is described by the first law of thermodynamics, which states that the change in internal energy of a system is equal to the heat added to the system minus the work done by the system. This means that as temperature increases, the internal energy of a system also increases, as more heat is added to it.

3. Can internal energy U(S,V) ever decrease with increasing temperature?

No, according to the first law of thermodynamics, the internal energy of a system can only increase with increasing temperature. This is because as temperature increases, more heat is added to the system, causing an increase in its internal energy. However, the rate of increase in internal energy may vary depending on the system's properties and the type of heat transfer involved.

4. How is the relationship between internal energy U(S,V) and temperature affected by changes in entropy and volume?

The relationship between internal energy and temperature is described by the equation U(S,V) = T(S,V), where T is the temperature of the system. Changes in entropy and volume can affect this relationship in a few ways. For example, if the volume of a system is kept constant, an increase in entropy will result in an increase in internal energy and temperature. Similarly, if the entropy is kept constant, an increase in volume will result in a decrease in internal energy and temperature.

5. How is the concept of internal energy U(S,V) utilized in different fields of science?

The concept of internal energy is utilized in various fields of science, such as thermodynamics, chemistry, and physics. In thermodynamics, it is a fundamental concept used to understand the behavior of systems in different states. In chemistry, it is used to analyze the energy changes that occur during chemical reactions. In physics, it is used to study the behavior of matter at the molecular level. Overall, the concept of internal energy is crucial in understanding and predicting the behavior of various systems in different scientific disciplines.

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