How Is Rocket Speed and Height Calculated Under Varying Thrust and Mass?

In summary: No, it's not contradictory. In the first step, we are taking the derivative of "F" with respect to "u". In the second step, we are taking the derivative of "F" with respect to "v". No, it's not contradictory. In the first step, we are taking the derivative of "F" with respect to "u". In the second step, we are taking the derivative of "F" with respect to "v".
  • #1

Homework Statement

A rocket with initial mass of m0. The engine that can burn gas at a rate defined by m(t)=m0-αt, and expel gas at speed (relative to the rocket) of u(t)=u0-βt. Here, m0, α, u0, and β are all constants. Assume the lift-off from ground is immediate

a) The rocket speed v(t)=?

b) The rocket height (from ground) y(t)=?

Homework Equations

F = dp/dt

The Attempt at a Solution

So F = dp/dt → -mg = u dm/dt + m dv/dt since dm/dt = -α → -g = (-α/m)u + dv/dt

→ ∫(-g + α(u0 - βt)/(m0 - αt) dt) = v

so I am not really too sure about how to solve the above integral
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  • #2
You need to be careful using dp/dt =mdv/dt+vdm/dt. That equation is as though the mass can magically change without the total momentum changing. E.g. consider a car moving at speed v, not burning fuel, just leaking it. With no external force, dp/dt =0. Since dm/dt<0, you would conclude that the car must be accelerating. In short, it is only correct in a reference frame where the gained or lost mass now has zero velocity.
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  • #3
haruspex said:
You need to be careful using dp/dt =mdv/dt+vdm/dt. That equation is as though the mass can magically change without the total momentum changing. E.g. consider a car moving at speed v, not burning fuel, just leaking it. With no external force, dp/dt =0. Since dm/dt<0, you would conclude that the car must be accelerating. In short, it is only correct in a reference frame where the gained or lost mass now has zero velociity.
I don't see what the problem is using dp/dt in the way i have here is?
  • #4
John004 said:
I don't see what the problem is using dp/dt in the way i have here is?
The lost mass, the burnt fuel, does not have zero velocity in the reference frame.

Edit: Maybe your final equation is ok, though. I haven't checked that. I will now.

Edit 2: My mistake. I misread this line: u dm/dt + m dv/dt as v dm/dt + m dv/dt.
Sorry about the confusion.

To solve the integral, expand the (u0-βt)/(m0-αt) using partial fractions.
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  • #5
haruspex said:
The lost mass, the burnt fuel, does not have zero velocity in the reference frame.

Edit: Maybe your final equation is ok, though. I haven't checked that. I will now.
So then how can i take into account the changing mass? I thought your argument was just about when there is zero external force
  • #6
John004 said:
So then how can i take into account the changing mass? I thought your argument was just about when there is zero external force
Please see my later edit.
  • #7
haruspex said:
The lost mass, the burnt fuel, does not have zero velocity in the reference frame.

Edit: Maybe your final equation is ok, though. I haven't checked that. I will now.

Edit 2: My mistake. I misread this line: u dm/dt + m dv/dt as v dm/dt + m dv/dt.
Sorry about the confusion.

To solve the integral, expand the (u0-βt)/(m0-αt) using partial fractions.
ah ok, i see. anyways, i was still using the equation without knowing why it was right. So it is valid because "u" is measured relative to the rocket?
  • #8
John004 said:
ah ok, i see. anyways, i was still using the equation without knowing why it was right. So it is valid because "u" is measured relative to the rocket?
On this forum, we often see dp/dt = d(mv)/dt = mdv/dt+vdm/dt, using the product rule. That's why I misread what you posted.
I'm not sure how you figured out to use mdv/dt+udm/dt, where u is the relative velocity of the exhaust. Maybe you did it using the frame of reference of the instantaneous velocity of the rocket.
  • #9
haruspex said:
On this forum, we often see dp/dt = d(mv)/dt = mdv/dt+vdm/dt, using the product rule. That's why I misread what you posted.
I'm not sure how you figured out to use mdv/dt+udm/dt, where u is the relative velocity of the exhaust. Maybe you did it using the frame of reference of the instantaneous velocity of the rocket.
I just noticed that you can do the following also
Fext dt = u dm + m dv, since dm/dt = -α
-mg dt = -uαdt + m dv
-g dt + (u/m) α dt = dv
(-g + (u/m)α)dt = dv. Then using the same relation from before

(-g + (u/m)α) (-dm/α) = dv
(g/α)(m-m0) + u ln(m0/m) = v, then using m - m0 = -αt
-gt + u ln (m0/m) = v
Isn't this contradictory to my previous result?
  • #10
John004 said:
(-g + (u/m)α) (-dm/α) = dv
(g/α)(m-m0) + u ln(m0/m) = v, then using m - m0 = -αt
Doesn't that step treat u as constant?
  • #11
haruspex said:
Doesn't that step treat u as constant?
It is a constant with respect to m isn't it?
  • #12
John004 said:
It is a constant with respect to m isn't it?
No. Both m and u vary over time.
  • #13
haruspex said:
No. Both m and u vary over time.
Not sure if you worked out the whole problem, but if you did, could you take a look at what I got and let me know if it's ok?


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  • #14
John004 said:
Not sure if you worked out the whole problem, but if you did, could you take a look at what I got and let me know if it's ok?
Unfortunately your image is sideways, making it hard to read.
I get the same expression for v, except that you can simplify it by recognising that the two ln() functions are the same, just opposite sign.
I end up with
##y=\frac 12 (\beta-g)t^2-(\beta-\frac{u_0\alpha}{m_0})((1-\frac{\alpha}{m_0}t)\ln(1-\frac{\alpha}{m_0}t)-\frac{\alpha}{m_0}t))##
I'll leave you to decide whether that matches your result. If it doesn't, try differentiating both to get back to v.

Related to How Is Rocket Speed and Height Calculated Under Varying Thrust and Mass?

1. How does gravity affect rocket motion?

Gravity plays a crucial role in the motion of a rocket. As the rocket moves upwards, it is constantly pulled back towards the Earth by gravity. This results in a curved trajectory known as a parabolic path.

2. What factors affect the trajectory of a rocket under gravity?

Apart from gravity, the trajectory of a rocket is affected by factors such as the initial velocity, angle of launch, air resistance, and the mass of the rocket. These factors determine the shape and height of the rocket's path.

3. How does the mass of a rocket affect its motion under gravity?

The mass of a rocket affects its motion under gravity in two ways. Firstly, a heavier rocket will experience a greater force of gravity, causing it to accelerate more quickly. Secondly, a heavier rocket will require more thrust to overcome the force of gravity and achieve liftoff.

4. Can a rocket escape the Earth's gravitational pull?

Yes, a rocket can escape the Earth's gravitational pull through a process called escape velocity. This is the minimum velocity required to overcome the Earth's gravitational force and move into space. Once a rocket reaches escape velocity, it will continue to travel away from Earth without being pulled back by gravity.

5. How does air resistance affect a rocket's motion under gravity?

Air resistance, also known as drag, can significantly affect a rocket's motion under gravity. As the rocket moves through the air, it experiences a force that opposes its motion. The amount of air resistance depends on factors such as the shape and speed of the rocket, and it can cause the rocket to slow down or change its trajectory.

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