How Is Stable Equilibrium Achieved in a One-Dimensional Force System?

In summary, a one-dimensional force F(x)=(3.0N/sqrt(m))*sqrt(x)-(1.0N/m)x acts on an object of mass m = 2.57kg. To find the position x0 where the mass is at a stable equilibrium, we set F(x)=0 and get two solutions, x=0 and x=23.13, which is incorrect. Additionally, for part b, the frequency of small oscillations around the equilibrium position can be found by considering the potential associated with F(x) and using the series expansion. This frequency will differ from the frequency if we were to ignore the first term in the force.
  • #1
A one-dimensional force F(x)=(3.0N/sqrt(m))*sqrt(x)-(1.0N/m)x acts on an object of mass m = 2.57kg.

a Find the position x0 where the mass is at a stable equilibrium.
b Find the frequency of small oscillations around that equilibrium position. How does this compare to the
frequency if we were to simply ignore the rst term (the square root dependence) in the force?

So for the first part i set F(x)=0 and i got x=0 and x=23.13 but then i did it again and got x=0 and x=64.274 I have noooo idea how they ended up that different. and I'm not even honestly sure how to start b. anything would be helpful.
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  • #2

your approach to part a is correct, and certainly zero is one solution to F(x)=0, but I don't see how you arrived at either 23.13 or 64.274 as the other solution. I get a much smaller number. could you show the work you did to arrive at those results?

for part b, we need to consider what would happen if the object was displaced slightly form its equilibrium position. well, if it is a stable equilibrium, then the object will oscillate about that point. if the force obey's Hooke's law, then the object undergoes SHM and the frequency is [itex]f=\frac{1}{2\pi}\sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}[/itex]. with the addition of the square root term, this will change. if know how to derive the formula for f for SHM, you should be able to tweak the process and get f for the new case. let me know if you need help with that.

  • #3
would i be correct in saying that it's at x=0 and x=9? and then take the derivative which would be...
F'(x)=(3/2)x^-1/2-1 so if i use 0 its undefined, so therefore 9 is stable. that's part A.
so F'(9)=-.5
and for part b would i just use... 1/(2pi)*sqrt(k/m) (where k=.5) which would equal... .0702hz? i hope my units are right... and then if the sqrt wasn't there, k=1 so it would be .0992hz. Please anyone, correct me if I'm wrong.
  • #4
i was using m as the mass, not N/M. so my work was doing the right thing, but just wrong numbers.
  • #5
hi, you got part a now, but part b is not quite right. you have given the frequency as if this were a simple harmonic oscillator (that is, as if there where no square root term in the force). this is the frequency they want you to compare with, but it is not the frequency of your system.

the frequency you want will come from the series expansion of V(x), the potential associated with F(x). at least, this is the only way i can think to find it at the moment, there may be a quicker way. do you know how to find V(x)?

FAQ: How Is Stable Equilibrium Achieved in a One-Dimensional Force System?

1. What is stable equilibrium?

Stable equilibrium is a state in which a system remains in balance despite small disturbances or changes. It is when the forces acting on an object are in such a way that any slight displacement from its current position will result in a restoring force that brings it back to its original position.

2. How is stable equilibrium different from unstable equilibrium?

Unstable equilibrium is a state in which a system is balanced but any small disturbance will cause it to move away from its current position. In stable equilibrium, the system returns to its original position after a disturbance, while in unstable equilibrium, the system moves further away from its original position.

3. What are some examples of stable equilibrium?

One example of stable equilibrium is a pendulum that is hanging straight down. If it is slightly displaced, it will swing back and forth, eventually returning to its original vertical position. Another example is a ball sitting at the bottom of a bowl. If it is slightly moved, it will roll back to the bottom of the bowl due to the force of gravity.

4. How is stable equilibrium important in science?

Stable equilibrium is important in science because it helps us understand and predict the behavior of various systems. It is also important in designing and building structures that are stable and can withstand external forces. In fields such as physics and engineering, stable equilibrium is a fundamental concept used to analyze and solve problems.

5. How can stable equilibrium be achieved?

Stable equilibrium can be achieved by properly balancing the forces acting on a system. This can involve adjusting the position, mass, or distribution of weight within the system. In some cases, external forces may also need to be applied to maintain stable equilibrium. In nature, systems tend to seek stable equilibrium as it is the most energy-efficient state.
