How is Stress Generated in a Body Despite Equal Opposing Forces?

  • Thread starter Arceus74
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In summary, when two equal forces act on a body in opposite directions, they cancel each other out and the body remains in static equilibrium. However, internally, these forces are still present and can cause deformation of the body's structure. This is due to the stress created within the body, which is a resistance to outside forces attempting to break the integrity of the material. This stress is generated by stretching or compressing the bonds between molecules, and can eventually lead to the material breaking if it can no longer resist the force. The type and location of the applied force can also affect the nature of the stress experienced by the body.
  • #1
We know that when two equal forces act in opposite direction they nullify each other.
But when two equal forces act on a body yet it deforms eventhough the resultant force is zero?
Can you explain how the stress is created and results in longitudinal strain?
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  • #2
Arceus74 said:
We know that when two equal forces act in opposite direction they nullify each other.
But when two equal forces act on a body yet it deforms eventhough the resultant force is zero?
Can you explain how the stress is created and results in longitudinal strain?
The net of the two opposite forces is zero, but that doesn't mean these forces disappear individually. All you can infer is that because the net force is zero, the body remains in static equilibrium. Internally within the body, the forces are still acting to pull apart or push together the structure of the material from which the body is composed.
  • #3
How are those internal forces generated?
  • #4
Arceus74 said:
How are those internal forces generated?
It depends. The type of load applied to a body and where it is applied on the body influence the nature of the stress.
  • #5
The reaction force IS the stress (somewhat... :D). For system to remain static, material needs to generate force equal to force applied to it, which is exactly stress.
And if you are asking why stress is generated - stress is resistance to outside force to break integrity of the material. You will eventually reach a point, where material can no longer resist the force, and will stop "generating stress", which will make the system non-static, meaning the material simply broke (lost its integrity).
  • #6
Per gave the best answer but I'll try to illustrate.

Think of three columns on a tabletop. The first is made of steel, the second of jello, and the third of water. All three experience stress, but they behave differently.

The steel column appears unchanged.

The jello column squats and becomes wider in the middle.

The water column can't resist the stress and collapses, wetting the table.
  • #7
The internal forces are generated by stretching or compressing the bonds between molecules. The molecules of the body are attracted to one another. When you apply an extentional stress to the body, you are stretching the bonds like little springs, and this generates the internal forces.


FAQ: How is Stress Generated in a Body Despite Equal Opposing Forces?

1. What causes stress?

Stress can be caused by a variety of factors, including external events or situations, such as work pressure or financial problems, as well as internal factors, like negative thoughts or perfectionism. Everyone experiences stress differently, so what may cause stress for one person may not be the same for another.

2. How does stress affect the body?

When we experience stress, our body goes into "fight or flight" mode, releasing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones increase heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing, preparing our body to respond to the perceived threat. However, prolonged exposure to stress can lead to negative effects on our physical and mental health, such as headaches, digestive issues, anxiety, and depression.

3. Can stress be beneficial?

In small doses, stress can actually be beneficial as it can motivate us to take action and improve our performance. This is known as "eustress" or positive stress. However, when stress becomes chronic and overwhelming, it can have detrimental effects on our well-being.

4. How can we manage stress?

There are many ways to manage stress, and what works for one person may not work for another. Some common strategies include exercise, mindfulness practices, talking to a trusted friend or therapist, and setting boundaries and priorities. It's important to find healthy coping mechanisms and to make self-care a priority when dealing with stress.

5. Can genetics play a role in how we handle stress?

Yes, genetics can influence how we handle stress. Some people may be more genetically predisposed to experience anxiety and stress, while others may have a higher resilience to stress. However, environmental and lifestyle factors also play a significant role in how we respond to stress.
