How Is the Atomic Radius of Barium Calculated in a BCC Lattice?

In summary, the atomic radius of Ba (Barium) is 215 picometers (pm) and is determined by measuring the distance between the nuclei of two adjacent atoms and dividing it by two. It is important because it provides information about the size of the atom, and it is larger than most other elements due to its larger number of electrons and energy levels. Additionally, the atomic radius of Ba can change depending on its chemical bonding and the number of electrons in its outermost energy level.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Barium metal crystallizes in a body centered cubic lattice. The unit cell edge length is 502pm. Calculate the atomic radius of Ba.

a) 251 pm
b) 217 pm
c) 177 pm
d) 125 pm
e) 63 pm

Homework Equations

Pythagorean Theorem

The Attempt at a Solution

A^2 + B^2 = C^2
C^2 = 2A^2
C^2 = 2(502 pm)^2
C^2 = 504008 pm
C = 709.94

C = 4r
r = C/4
r = 709.94 / 4
r = 177 pm, choice C

But my answer key says the correct answer is B, 217pm. What am I doing wrong?
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  • #2
Ah... never mind. I was using the wrong equation. :)

A = 4r/√3
4r = (502 pm)(√3)
4r = 869.5 pm
r = 217 pmThanks anyway!
  • #3

Your calculations are correct, but you have made a mistake in your conversion of the unit cell edge length from pm to Angstroms. The correct conversion would be 502 pm = 5.02 Å. Therefore, using the Pythagorean theorem as you did, the atomic radius would be 2.51 Å or 251 pm, choice A. The correct answer is not B, 217 pm.

Related to How Is the Atomic Radius of Barium Calculated in a BCC Lattice?

1. What is the atomic radius of Ba?

The atomic radius of Ba (Barium) is 215 picometers (pm).

2. How is the atomic radius of Ba determined?

The atomic radius of Ba is determined by measuring the distance between the nuclei of two adjacent atoms and dividing it by two.

3. Why is the atomic radius of Ba important?

The atomic radius of Ba is important because it provides information about the size of the atom, which is crucial in understanding its chemical and physical properties.

4. How does the atomic radius of Ba compare to other elements?

The atomic radius of Ba is larger than most other elements due to its larger number of electrons and energy levels.

5. Can the atomic radius of Ba change?

Yes, the atomic radius of Ba can change depending on its chemical bonding and the number of electrons in its outermost energy level.
