How is the derivative of an inexact differential defined?

In summary, the derivative of an inexact differential is defined through the concept of a differential form that does not correspond directly to a unique function. Unlike exact differentials, which can be derived from a potential function, inexact differentials require additional context or conditions to establish their behavior. The derivative is often interpreted in terms of the limit of ratios of changes, focusing on how the inexact differential behaves under transformations and approximations rather than yielding a straightforward function relationship.
  • #1

This is from Callen's thermodynamics. What does the differentiation with respect to T means for an inexact differential like dQ. Also why is T treated as a constant if we start by replacing dQ by TdS? Any references to the relevant mathematics will be much appreciated.
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  • #3
spin_100 said:
This is from Callen's thermodynamics. What does the differentiation with respect to T means for an inexact differential like dQ.
I am a little rusty but I think that this should not be interpreted as a differentiation but as a ratio of two incremental changes in values. In this case the change in the heat of a system d'Q * that occurs when the temperature increases by dT at a temperature of T.
[tex] \frac{d'Q}{dt }\neq \frac{d}{dt}\left ( Q \right )[/tex]

* Thermodynamics by Sears always distinguishes inexact differentials with a prime superscript on d indicating a small change in the value of the quantity..
  • #4
gleem said:
this should not be interpreted as a differentiation but as a ratio of two incremental changes in values.
  • #5
spin_100 said:
Also why is T treated as a constant if we start by replacing dQ by TdS?
The formula ##d'Q=TdS## does not imply that ##T## is constant.

For analogy, consider classical mechanics of a particle moving in one dimension. The infinitesimal path ##dx## during the time ##dt## is ##dx=vdt##, but it does not imply that the velocity ##v(t)## is constant. Instead, it means that ##v(t)## is defined as
which physicists write in the infinitesimal form ##dx=vdt##.

Indeed, similarly to ##v##, the ##T## can also be thought of as defined by a derivative formula. But it is not ##T=d'Q/dS## or ##T=dQ/dS##, because such things are not defined as derivatives. Instead, starting from the 1st law of thermodynamics
we see that ##U## must be a function of ##S## and ##V##, because then we have the mathematical identity
$$dU(S,V)=\left( \frac{\partial U(S,V)}{\partial S} \right)_V dS +
\left( \frac{\partial U(S,V)}{\partial V} \right)_S dV$$
which is compatible with the 1st law above. The compatibility implies that ##T## can be defined as
$$T(S,V)=\left( \frac{\partial U(S,V)}{\partial S} \right)_V$$
which is a function of ##S## and ##V##, not a constant.
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FAQ: How is the derivative of an inexact differential defined?

What is an inexact differential?

An inexact differential is a differential form that does not satisfy the property of being an exact differential. In thermodynamics, it typically represents quantities that depend on the path taken during a process, such as heat (dQ) or work (dW), as opposed to state functions like internal energy (dU), which have exact differentials.

How is the derivative of an inexact differential defined?

The derivative of an inexact differential is not defined in the traditional sense, as inexact differentials do not correspond to unique state functions. Instead, one can analyze the inexact differential in terms of its dependence on the path taken and the variables involved. The derivative can be interpreted as a rate of change with respect to a parameter, often using partial derivatives to express how the inexact differential varies with changes in state variables.

Why are inexact differentials important in thermodynamics?

Inexact differentials are crucial in thermodynamics because they represent energy transfer processes that are not state functions. Understanding inexact differentials allows scientists and engineers to analyze and calculate work and heat transfer in various thermodynamic processes, which are essential for the design and operation of engines, refrigerators, and other systems.

Can you give an example of an inexact differential?

An example of an inexact differential is the differential form for work done by a system, dW = P dV, where P is pressure and dV is a change in volume. This expression indicates that the work done depends on the specific path taken during the volume change, making it inexact, as opposed to an exact differential like dU, which is independent of the path and depends only on the initial and final states.

How do we handle inexact differentials mathematically?

Mathematically, inexact differentials are often treated using integrals or by relating them to exact differentials through state functions. For example, one can integrate the inexact differential along a specific path to calculate the total work done or heat transferred. Additionally, one can use the principles of calculus and thermodynamic identities to relate inexact differentials to changes in state functions, helping to analyze the system's behavior.

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