How is the equation for voltage across an inductor derived?

  • Thread starter CraigH
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In summary, the equation for calculating voltage across an inductor is derived from Faraday's law and states that voltage is equal to the inductance multiplied by the rate of change of current. This can also be expressed as magnetic flux linkage equals inductance times current, and an inductance of 1 Henry will produce a flux linkage of 1 weber for a current of 1 amp. In the case of ferromagnetic materials, the equation may not be strictly proportional, but can still be approximated for small currents.
  • #1
Voltage across an inductor at any moment in time can be calculated as the inductance multiplied by the rate of change of current.

How is this equation derived?
I'm pretty sure it comes from Faraday law

-emf = rate of change of magnetic flux

but I cannot find the relationship.

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  • #2
You've pretty much hit on it. Since the EMF (voltage) = d/dt(magnetic flux), and the magnetic flux is proportional to the current, then the voltage is proportional to d/dt(current). The proportionality constant is the inductance. You could consider this as the definition of inductance.
  • #3
Okay, so does magnetic flux equal current multiplied by inductance?

The units check out:
base units
M = mass
T = time
Q = charge
L = length

magnetic flux = M(T^-1)(Q^-1)(L^2)
current = Q(T^-1)
inductance = M(L^2)(Q^-2)

M(T^-1)(Q^-1)(L^2) = Q(T^-1) M(L^2)(Q^-2)
  • #4
Flux linkage = L x I
This means that an inductance of 1 Henry will produce a flux linkage of 1 weber for a current of 1 amp.
In terms of induced emf it means that an inductance of 1 Henry will generate an emf of 1 volt when the current changes at a rate of 1 amp per second.
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  • #5
If there are no ferromagnetic materials present, then [itex]n\Phi = LI[/itex] and [itex]\frac{dn\Phi}{dt} = L\frac{dI}{dt}[/itex] are completely equivalent, and either can be used to define L. [Notation: [itex]n\Phi[/itex] = flux linkage.]

If there are ferromagnetic materials - as is often the case for inductors of large inductance - then the flux linkage is not strictly proportional to the current, that is L in the first equation is not a constant, so the second equation does not follow from the first by differentiation. If we're not too fussy, and the currents are small enough for the ferromagnetic material not to enter the 'saturation' region, we can take L in the first equation as approximately constant and stop worrying!
  • #6
Brilliant answer! Thank you this has helped a lot.
  • #7

FAQ: How is the equation for voltage across an inductor derived?

1. What is the formula for deriving V(t) = L (di/dt)?

The formula for deriving V(t) = L (di/dt) is V(t) = L (di/dt) + V(0), where V(t) is the voltage across an inductor, L is the inductance of the inductor, di/dt is the rate of change of current, and V(0) is the initial voltage at t=0.

2. How is the formula for deriving V(t) = L (di/dt) derived?

The formula for deriving V(t) = L (di/dt) is derived from Faraday's law of induction, which states that the induced voltage in a circuit is equal to the rate of change of magnetic flux through the circuit. In an inductor, the magnetic flux is directly proportional to the current, and the rate of change of current is represented by di/dt. Therefore, the induced voltage in an inductor is equal to L (di/dt).

3. What is the significance of the inductance (L) in the formula for deriving V(t) = L (di/dt)?

The inductance (L) in the formula for deriving V(t) = L (di/dt) represents the ability of an inductor to resist changes in current flow. A higher inductance value means that the inductor will generate a larger induced voltage for a given rate of change of current, and therefore, the current will change more slowly in the circuit.

4. How is the formula for deriving V(t) = L (di/dt) used in practical applications?

The formula for deriving V(t) = L (di/dt) is used in practical applications of inductors, such as in power supplies, motors, and generators. It helps engineers and scientists understand and control the behavior of inductors in these systems, ensuring their proper functioning and efficiency.

5. Can the formula for deriving V(t) = L (di/dt) be applied to all types of inductors?

Yes, the formula for deriving V(t) = L (di/dt) can be applied to all types of inductors, including air core, iron core, and toroidal inductors. However, the value of inductance may vary depending on the type of inductor and its physical characteristics, such as the number of turns and the core material.

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