How Is the Orbital Period of a Satellite Determined?

In summary, by using Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation and the relationship for centripetal force, it can be shown that the orbital period T for a satellite circling a planet of mass M in orbit of radius r is given by T = 2π√(r³/GM). This formula shows that both the orbital speed and period are dependent only on the orbital radius, as G and M are constants. The alternate formula of Fc= 4π²mR/T² can also be used to find T, while mv²/R can be used to find v.
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Homework Statement

by using Newtons law of universal gravitaion and the relationship for the centripetal force, show that the orbital period T for a satellite circling a planet of mass M in orbit of radius r is given by :
T= 2pi sqrt r^3/GM

Homework Equations

none given

The Attempt at a Solution

consider a satellite of mass m orbiting the Earth of mass M with a constant speed v along a circular path of radius r.

the centripetal force : mv^2/r is provided by the gravitational attraction of the earth

so F= mv^2/r = GmM/r^2

v of robit = sgrt GM/r

the orbital period T = 2pi/w
since v=wr T now eqauls : 2pi r /v

therefore T= 2 pi sqrt r^3/GM
as both G and M are constants it can be seen that both the orbital speed and period depend only on the orbital radius.

have i derived this correctly?
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When you start out with Fc = Fg as you did, you nearly always get the formula you want pretty quickly. It is useful to have the alternate form of Fc= 4π²mR/T² handy. Use it if you are interested in T, and mv²/R if you are interested in v.
  • #5

Yes, your derivation is correct. Using Newton's law of universal gravitation and the relationship for centripetal force, you have derived the equation for the orbital period of a satellite. This equation shows that the orbital period is directly proportional to the square root of the orbital radius and inversely proportional to the square root of the mass of the planet. This is a fundamental relationship in orbital mechanics and is used to calculate the orbital period of satellites and other objects in orbit around planets. Good job!

FAQ: How Is the Orbital Period of a Satellite Determined?

1. What is a satellite orbital period?

A satellite orbital period is the time it takes for a satellite to complete one orbit around its primary body, such as a planet or moon.

2. How is the satellite orbital period calculated?

The satellite orbital period is calculated using Kepler's third law of planetary motion, which states that the square of a planet's orbital period is proportional to the cube of its semi-major axis. This means that the farther a satellite is from its primary body, the longer its orbital period will be.

3. What factors can affect a satellite's orbital period?

The main factors that can affect a satellite's orbital period are the mass and size of the primary body, the satellite's altitude and velocity, and any external forces such as atmospheric drag. Changes in any of these factors can alter the satellite's orbital period.

4. How does a satellite's orbital period impact its functionality?

A satellite's orbital period can impact its functionality in several ways. A shorter orbital period means the satellite will pass over the same location on Earth more frequently, providing more frequent data. However, a longer orbital period can allow the satellite to cover a larger area and provide a wider range of data. The orbital period must also be carefully chosen to ensure the satellite has a stable orbit and does not experience orbital decay.

5. Can a satellite's orbital period be changed?

Yes, a satellite's orbital period can be changed through various methods such as using thrusters to adjust its velocity or using gravitational assists from other bodies. These changes can be made to optimize the satellite's functionality or to avoid collisions with other objects in space.
