How Is the Speed of Sound Derived Using Bulk Modulus and Density?

In summary, the conversation discusses how to show that the speed of a longitudinal wave inside a pipe is equal to the square root of the bulk modulus divided by the density of the medium. This is achieved by considering the mass and volume of a single pulse of the wave and using Bernoulli's equation to find the pressure difference between a stationary pulse and a moving one. Finally, making the assumption that the change in mass is much smaller than the original mass simplifies the equation and leads to the desired result.
  • #1
azure kitsune

Homework Statement

Show that [tex]v = \sqrt{B/\rho}[/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Let the density of the medium be ρ.

Suppose you have a single pulse of a longitudinal wave inside a pipe traveling with speed v.

At any time, consider the location of the pulse. Originally, the mass at the location was m. Suppose the pulse increases the mass of its current location by Δm. With the pulse the total mass there becomes m + Δm.

The mass at the location of the pulse must be compressed; otherwise, its volume would expand by ΔV to keep the density constant. We have

[tex] \frac{m+\Delta m}{V + \Delta V} = \frac{m}{V} \implies \rho = \frac{\Delta m}{\Delta V} [/tex]

So the mass at that location must be compressed by ΔV. From the definition of the bulk modulus, we have

[tex] B = \frac{\Delta P}{-\Delta V / V} = \frac{V}{\Delta m} \cdot \Delta P \cdot \frac{\Delta m}{-\Delta V} [/tex]

Then we have

[tex] B = \frac{V}{\Delta m} \cdot \Delta P \cdot \rho \implies \frac{B}{\rho} = \frac{V}{\Delta m} \cdot \Delta P [/tex]

ΔP must be the pressure difference between a stationary pulse and a moving one, so we have by Bernoulli that

[tex] P_{stationary} = P_{pulse} + \frac{1}{2} \left(\frac{m+\Delta m}{V}\right)v^2 [/tex]


[tex] \Delta P = \frac{1}{2} \left(\frac{m+\Delta m}{V}\right)v^2 [/tex]

We end up with:

[tex] \frac{B}{\rho} = \frac{V}{\Delta m} \cdot\frac{1}{2} \left(\frac{m+\Delta m}{V}\right)v^2 = \frac{m+\Delta m}{2\Delta m}v^2 [/tex]

Something must have gone wrong somewhere.
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  • #2
However, if we make the assumption that Δm is much smaller than m, then this equation simplifies to \frac{B}{\rho} = \frac{m}{2\Delta m}v^2 so v = \sqrt{\frac{B}{\rho}} as desired.
  • #3

Great work on deriving the speed of sound equation! However, there is a slight error in your attempt. In the Bernoulli equation, the pressure difference should be between the stationary pulse and the moving pulse, not the stationary pulse and the moving medium. This means that the equation should be P_stationary = P_pulse + (1/2)(m/V)v^2 instead of P_stationary = P_pulse + (1/2)(m+Δm/V)v^2. This will lead to the correct equation of v = √(B/ρ). Keep up the good work!

FAQ: How Is the Speed of Sound Derived Using Bulk Modulus and Density?

1. How is the speed of sound calculated?

The speed of sound can be calculated by multiplying the frequency of the sound wave by its wavelength.

2. What factors affect the speed of sound?

The speed of sound is affected by temperature, humidity, and the medium through which the sound is traveling.

3. What is the formula for calculating the speed of sound?

The formula for calculating the speed of sound is v = √(γRT), where v is the speed of sound, γ is the ratio of specific heats, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

4. How does the speed of sound change with altitude?

The speed of sound decreases with increasing altitude due to the decrease in air density and temperature.

5. Why does the speed of sound change in different mediums?

The speed of sound changes in different mediums because the density and elasticity of the medium affect how quickly the sound waves can travel through it.
