Could the Universe Be Rotating Instead of Expanding?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of universe expansion and its relationship to a rotating universe. Cosmology is mentioned as a field dedicated to studying this and other phenomena. The conversation also suggests reading up on the current standard model and consulting other sources for further understanding. It is ultimately concluded that a rotating universe does not align with current observations and that further education in the subject is recommended.
  • #1
I was wondering because of my personal theories what others thought of the universe expansion.

please help
Space news on
  • #2
wildwill said:
I was wondering because of my personal theories what others thought of the universe expansion.

please help

Cosmology is an entire field devoted to this and other related phenomena. Have you read up on the current standard model? If not I would hit up wikipedia or other online sites and grab a book on it from a local bookstore or from online.

But just about the expansion of space, see here:
  • #3
  • #4
I've heard of this before, but I believe a rotating universe does not match observations. I'm not real sure about it.
  • #5
wildwill said:
i read it but i poses the question, could it be rotating thus giving the illusion of expansion

No, if it were rotating, the effect would not produce identical results in all directions, thus violating isotropy, which is well established.

Wildwill, based on this and another post of yours I have to say that it seems that you are just throwing out random ideas with no basis in science. Please read up on real science ... there's a lot of fascinating stuff there and once you've got some basics under your belt you'll be able to ask more meaningful questions.

FAQ: Could the Universe Be Rotating Instead of Expanding?

1. What evidence do we have for the expansion of the universe?

One of the key pieces of evidence for the expansion of the universe is the observation of redshift in the light from distant galaxies. This redshift indicates that these galaxies are moving away from us, and the further away they are, the faster they appear to be moving. This is consistent with the idea of an expanding universe.

2. How does the expansion of the universe occur?

The expansion of the universe occurs due to the presence of dark energy. This is a mysterious force that is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate. It is thought to make up about 70% of the total energy in the universe.

3. How fast is the universe expanding?

The rate of expansion of the universe is measured by a value known as the Hubble constant. This value is currently estimated to be around 70 kilometers per second per megaparsec, meaning that for every additional megaparsec (about 3.26 million light years) of distance, the expansion of the universe increases by 70 kilometers per second.

4. How can we measure the expansion of the universe?

One way to measure the expansion of the universe is through the use of redshift. By studying the light from distant galaxies, we can measure their redshift and calculate their distance from us. This information can then be used to determine the rate of expansion of the universe.

5. Will the expansion of the universe continue forever?

Based on current observations and theories, it is believed that the expansion of the universe will continue forever. However, the rate of expansion may change over time due to the influence of dark energy and other factors. Some theories also suggest the possibility of a "big rip" scenario, in which the expansion of the universe eventually becomes so rapid that it tears apart all matter and space itself.

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