How Is Time Calculated for a Car Sliding Along a Cycloid?

In summary, the conversation discusses a single loop of the cycloid with a fixed value of a, and a car being released from rest at point P0 on the track. The conversation then introduces an integral formula for calculating the time it takes for the car to roll from P0 to P, and provides a proof that this integral is equal to pi times the square root of a over g. The conversation concludes with a discussion of using theta as a more useful parameter in the integral.
  • #1

Homework Statement

consider a sigle loop of the cycloid with a fixed value of a. A car is released at a point P0 from rest anywhere on the track between the origin and the lowest point P, that is P0 has a parameter 0<theta0 < pi. show that the time for the cart to roll from P0 to P is given by the integral

time( P0]/sub] -> P) = [itex]\sqrt{\frac{a}{g}}\int \sqrt{\frac{1 - cos\vartheta}{cos\vartheta_{0} - cos\vartheta}}d\vartheta[/itex]

integral is from theta naught to pi

and prove the integral equals [itex]\pi\sqrt{\frac{a}{g}}[/itex] the integral may be tricky and you can use theta = pi -2(alpha)

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

1/2 mv2 = mg(y-y1

v = [itex]\sqrt{2g(y-y1}[/itex]

dt = ds/v

T = [itex]\int\frac{\sqrt{1+(x')2}}{\sqrt{2g(y-y1}}[/itex] dy

test the Euler formula to get

y = a(1 - cos(theta)) y' = asin(theta)

x = a (theta - sin(theta)) x' = a - acos(theta)

This is now the part I am having a problem with

Now i substitute my y and x' in

T = [itex]\int\frac{\sqrt{1 + (a( 1 - cos(\vartheta))2}}{\sqrt{2ga(cos(\vartheta) - cos(\vartheta0)}}(asin(\vartheta)[/itex]

and somehow that equals the top equation. Then i need to integrate it, which i get no where near close to what it wants no matter what the substitution and trig identities

not sure why all the itex isn't working
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  • #2

Do this help?


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  • #3

Spinnor said:
Do this help?

it sure did sometimes I'm such a retard, x and y do not depend on each other they depend on theta...

because i was doing sqrt ( 1 y'^2) dx

thank you very much
  • #4

Liquidxlax said:
it sure did sometimes I'm such a retard, x and y do not depend on each other they depend on theta...

because i was doing sqrt ( 1 y'^2) dx

thank you very much

x and y do depend on each other but the answer had to be in terms of theta so that was a more useful parameter?
  • #5
, but i will try to explain the solution in words.

To solve this problem, we need to use the principle of conservation of energy. The car starts at rest at point P0 and will reach the bottom point P with a certain velocity. The potential energy at P0 is zero and at P it is mgh, where m is the mass of the car, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of P from the origin. Therefore, we can equate these two energies and solve for the velocity at point P.

Next, we need to use the formula for time, which is given by T = \int\frac{ds}{v}, where ds is the infinitesimal distance traveled and v is the velocity at that point. However, it is easier to use the formula T = \int\frac{dx}{v}. Using the conservation of energy equation, we can substitute the value of v from there and solve for dx. This will give us the relation between dx and dy, which is dx = \frac{v}{y-y1}dy.

Now we can substitute this value of dx in the formula for time. We also substitute the values of y and x' in terms of theta, which are given in the problem. After simplifying, we get the equation for time as given in the homework statement. To prove that this integral is equal to \pi\sqrt{\frac{a}{g}}, we need to use the substitution theta = \pi - 2\alpha and use the trigonometric identity cos(\pi - \alpha) = -cos(\alpha). After simplifying, we get the desired result.

FAQ: How Is Time Calculated for a Car Sliding Along a Cycloid?

1. What is the Brachistochrone homework problem?

The Brachistochrone homework problem is a classic mathematical problem that involves determining the shape of a curve that a bead will follow in the shortest amount of time under the influence of gravity. It was first proposed by Johann Bernoulli in 1696 and has since been a popular subject for study and research in mathematics and physics.

2. How is the Brachistochrone curve calculated?

The Brachistochrone curve can be calculated using the principle of least action, which states that a system will follow the path that minimizes the action (energy) required to travel from one point to another. In this case, the shortest time is equivalent to the minimum action, and solving the calculus of variations problem will yield the Brachistochrone curve.

3. What are the applications of the Brachistochrone curve?

The Brachistochrone curve has practical applications in various fields, including transportation, engineering, and physics. It is used in designing roller coasters, roads, and pipelines to ensure the most efficient use of resources. It is also used in space travel to determine the most efficient trajectory for spacecraft.

4. Can the Brachistochrone curve be generalized for multiple dimensions?

Yes, the Brachistochrone curve can be generalized for multiple dimensions, such as in the case of three-dimensional motion or higher dimensions. However, the calculations become more complex and require advanced mathematical techniques.

5. What is the significance of the Brachistochrone problem in the history of mathematics?

The Brachistochrone problem is significant in the history of mathematics as it was one of the first problems that led to the development of the calculus of variations. It also helped bridge the gap between mathematics and physics, as solving the problem required the use of physical principles. The problem has also sparked further research and developments in optimization and mathematical physics.
