How Is Volume Calculated Using Cylindrical Shells?

In summary, the conversation is about solving multiple problems involving definite integration and using cylindrical shells to find the volume of solids generated when certain regions are revolved around given lines. The first four problems are solved, while the last two are left unsolved and the poster hopes for assistance.
  • #1
Hi, I was hoping someone could check my work on a few problems and get me started on a few others. It involves definite integration, so I'm going to use (a,b)S as an integration symbol and P for pi.

These are the ones I need checked:
1. Use cylindrical shells to find the volume of the solid generated when the region enclosed by the given curves is revolved about the x-axis.
x=2y, y=2, y=3, x=0
2P*(2,3)Sy(2y)dy = 4P*(2,3)S(y^2)dy = 4P/3*[y^3](2,3) = 76P/3

2. Use cylindrical shells to find the volume of the solid that is generated when the region that is enclosed by y=1/x^3, x=1, x=2, y=0 is revolved about the line x=-1
2P*(1,2)S(x/(x-1)^3) = -2P*[(1-2x)/(2(x-1)^2)](1,2) =
I'm stuck here, because putting 1 into the equation puts a zero in the denominator.

3. (a) Find the volume V of the solid generated when the region bounded by y=1/(1+x^4), y=0, x=1, and x=b (b>1) is revolved about the y-axis.
(b) Find lim(b->+infinity) V
(a) 2P*(1,b)S(x/(1+x^4)) = 2P*[(x^2)/2 - 1/(2x^2)](1,b) = 2P(.5b^2 - 1/(2b^2))
(b) Infinity

4. The base of a certain solid is the region enclosed by y = x^.5, y=0, and x=4. Every cross section pependicular to the x-axis is a semicircle with its diameter across the base. Find the volume of the solid.
P/16*(0,4)Sxdx = .5P

These are the ones where I don't even know where to start:
5. The region enclosed between the curve y^2=kx and the line x=.25k is revolved about the line x=.5k. Use cylindrical shells to find the volume of the resulting solid. (Assume k>0)

6. Use cylindrical shells to find the volume of the torus obtained by revolving the circle x^2 + y^2 = a^2 about the line x=b, where b>a>0. [Hint: It may help in the integration to think of an integral as an area.]

Much thanks to anyone who can give me any help. I really appreciate it.
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  • #2
Hi Bri,
The first one looks good, but that's all I have had time to look at. I am an old lady and very slow! :smile: And it's been a while since I've done any shelling!
I am hoping this post will inspire some others to jump in.
  • #3

Hi there,

I will be happy to check your work and provide guidance on the problems you are stuck on.

1. Your work for this problem looks good. You correctly used the formula V = 2π∫(radius)*(height)dx and found the volume to be 76π/3.

2. For this problem, you are correct in using the formula V = 2π∫(radius)*(height)dx. However, when you substitute in the values, you get a zero in the denominator. This is because the curve y=1/x^3 intersects the y-axis at (0,∞). Therefore, you need to split the integral into two parts: from 1 to a small number (such as 0.1) and from the small number to 2. This will give you two separate integrals that you can evaluate. The final answer should be 2π/3.

3. Your work for part (a) is correct. For part (b), you are correct that the limit as b approaches infinity is infinity. However, you should also note that as b approaches infinity, the term 1/(2b^2) approaches 0. Therefore, the final answer is infinity.

4. For this problem, you need to use the formula V = π∫(radius)^2dx. The radius of each semicircle is given by y = x^(1/2), so the integral becomes π∫(x^(1/2))^2dx. Evaluating this integral from 0 to 4 gives a final answer of 8π/3.

5. For this problem, you will need to use the formula V = 2π∫(radius)*(height)dx. The radius is given by x = y^2/k, so the integral becomes 2π∫(y^4/k)*(y)dy. You will need to use u-substitution to solve this integral. Once you have the integral set up, you can evaluate it from y = 0 to y = √(kx). The final answer should be 2πk^2/15.

6. For this problem, you will need to use the formula V = 2π∫(radius)*(height)dx. The radius is given by x = √(a^2-y^2), so the integral becomes 2π∫(√(

Related to How Is Volume Calculated Using Cylindrical Shells?

What is the formula for finding the volume of a cylindrical shell?

The formula for finding the volume of a cylindrical shell is V = 2πrh, where r is the radius of the shell and h is the height of the shell. This formula assumes that the shell is open at both ends.

How is the formula for finding the volume of a cylindrical shell derived?

The formula for finding the volume of a cylindrical shell is derived by taking the difference between the volume of the larger cylinder and the smaller cylinder, with the same height and thickness as the shell. This results in the formula V = πr2h - πr2(h-2t), which simplifies to V = 2πrh where t is the thickness of the shell.

Can the formula for finding the volume of a cylindrical shell be used for any shape?

No, the formula for finding the volume of a cylindrical shell can only be used for shapes that are formed by rotating a curve around an axis, such as a cylinder, cone, or sphere. It cannot be used for irregular shapes or shapes with holes.

What is the difference between finding the volume of a solid cylinder and a cylindrical shell?

The main difference between finding the volume of a solid cylinder and a cylindrical shell is that a solid cylinder has two flat, circular bases while a shell has curved sides and is open at both ends. The formula for finding the volume of a solid cylinder is V = πr2h, while the formula for finding the volume of a cylindrical shell is V = 2πrh.

How do you use cylindrical shells to find the volume of an object with varying cross-sectional areas?

To use cylindrical shells to find the volume of an object with varying cross-sectional areas, you would divide the object into smaller, cylindrical shells and use the formula V = 2πrh to find the volume of each shell. Then, you would add up the volumes of all the shells to get the total volume of the object. This method is particularly useful for finding the volume of objects with curved or irregular shapes.

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