How Long Before the Coin Slips on the Accelerating Turntable?

In summary: The tangential acceleration is what's causing it to slip. In summary, a coin placed on a record turntable at a distance of 10cm from the turntable axis with a coefficient of static friction of 0.21 will begin to slip after 17.16 seconds when the tangential acceleration caused by the turntable's constant angular acceleration of 1.2 rad/s^2 exceeds the force of static friction.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A coin is placed on a record turntable at a distance of 10cm from the turntable axis. The coefficient of static friction between the coin and the turntable is 0.21. If the turntable starts from rest with a constant angular acceleration of 1.2 rad/s2, how much time passes before the coin begins to slip?

Homework Equations

Ff= coefficient of friction x Radius

The Attempt at a Solution

Ff= 0.21 x 0.1 = 0.021Nm
Am I on the right track? where to from here,I can't find any examples in my textbook to help me any input would be appreciated:smile:
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  • #2
The coin is in circular motion. What's the relation between it's acceleration and the radius and the angular velocity? I don't think you are looking very hard in your book. In fact as far as "Ff=coefficient of friction x Radius" I don't think you looked in your book at all. You just made that up.
  • #3
Sorry, I didn't make it up , I stuffed up as the letter R is normal force in this case not the radius. Anyway, is it as simple as the coin starts moving at the point where the tangental force is greater than the frictional force?

Fat x t = Ff

Fat=alpha x Radius x m Ff= coefficient friction x m x g
=1.2 x0.1 x m = 0.21 x 9.81 x m
=0.12 x m [N] = 2.06x m [N]

t= 2.06 x m / 0.12 x m
  • #4
It will start moving when it's total acceleration times its mass exceeds the force of static friction. But there are two components to the acceleration. There is a radial acceleration because its in circular motion as well as a tangential acceleration.

Related to How Long Before the Coin Slips on the Accelerating Turntable?

1. What is constant angular velocity?

Constant angular velocity refers to the measure of an object's rotation over time. It is the rate at which an object is rotating and remains constant as long as there is no change in the speed or direction of rotation.

2. How is constant angular velocity different from linear velocity?

Constant angular velocity measures the rotation of an object, while linear velocity measures the rate at which an object is moving in a straight line. They are different because they measure different types of motion.

3. What are some examples of objects with constant angular velocity?

Objects such as a spinning top, a rotating bicycle wheel, or a planet orbiting the sun, all have constant angular velocity. They maintain a constant speed and direction of rotation.

4. What is the formula for calculating constant angular velocity?

The formula for constant angular velocity is ω = θ/t, where ω represents angular velocity in radians per second, θ represents the angular displacement in radians, and t represents time in seconds.

5. How is constant angular velocity measured?

Constant angular velocity is typically measured using a device called an accelerometer, which measures the change in rotational motion of an object. Other methods include using a tachometer or calculating it using the object's radius and linear velocity.

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