How long can I run my computer using an Inverter?

In summary, a 12 volt car battery supplies 85 amps and can power a computer for 12 hours and 24 hours with proper efficiency. If the battery can't power the computer for that long, then it would need at least 3 batteries to power it for the time desired. A laptop computer or DC - DC converter can provide the direct power to the computer without the losses associated with a mains inverter and PSU.
  • #1
Good Evening,

I have a 12V Car battery which supplies 85Amps. I have a 500W Inverter with a peak of 1000W. One of my computers which I want to run has a 200W power Supply. I would like to know how long I can power this for 12 hours and 24 hours. If the battery cannot power it for that long, then how many batteries would I need to power it for the time wanted? I don't mind creating a battery bank.

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  • #2
The stats you have provided are not adequate to answer the question you have asked. It is irrelevant how much power your computer power supply CAN provide (200W) but rather how much power DOES it supply.

Also your sentence "I would like to know how long I can power this for 12 hours and 24 hours." does not make any sense. 12 hours is 12 hours and 24 hours is 24 hours.
  • #3
Forgive me for the inadequate information provided. If you can tell me what you need from me in order for the calculations to be done, then I'll try and give you that information, however, I do not know anything else other than what I've said since I just got given the battery.
  • #4
You could do a crude estimate if you knew the energy capacity of your battery, the minimum efficiencies of your inverter and computer power supply and how much power your computer will draw on average.
  • #5
A crude estimate would be satisfactory. The specs for my inverter is here. The computer itself has a 200W power supply, but sits there idle. The computer is a Dell Optiplex 210L. So let's say it utilizes... 100 watts. That would mean that it would be 0.10kWh. 0.10kWh X 12 hours would be 4,320,000 Joules.
  • #6
Let's say you have a 10 kg lead-acid car battery (I'm guessing here since you didn't specify). If it's of decent quality and is in good condition then a specfic energy of around 30 Wh/kg is probably a good bet, so you get an energy capacity of 300 Wh.

Let's assume your inverter and computer power supply are 80% and 70% efficient in supplying AC and DC power, respectively, so you'd need 100 W/(0.8*0.7) ≈ 179 W from your battery, on average, which means you can run your computer for 300 Wh/179 W ≈ 1.7 h.

And again, this is a very crude estimate that's only supposed to give you a general idea of what you could expect. There's plenty of other things you need to take into account, like the discharge characteristics of your battery, for instance.
  • #7
That battery is possibly capable of 85 amp-hours as this is the usual way of describing battery capacity.

So, suppose the inverter needs 150 watts to operate the computer and cover its own losses.

150 watts from a 14 volt battery would mean the current is 150 watts / 14 volts or 10.7 amps.

An 85 amp hour battery would last about 8 hours at a current of 10.7 amps. (85AH / 10.7A = 7.94 hours)

So, in this situation, you would need 3 batteries to last 24 hours. However, the actual current and battery capacity and inverter current would have to be measured to get a more accurate estimate.

Don't forget the monitor power, though. This is not powered by the computer so it would need additional power.

You could also consider using a laptop computer or replacing the hard drive in your computer with a solid state one.
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  • #8
vk6kro said:
You could also consider using a laptop computer or replacing the hard drive in your computer with a solid state one.

That would be very good advice. Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to design a laptop to use its battery energy efficiently and you could benefit from that. Also, you could do a lot better than using an inverter to feed the laptop PSU. A DC - DC converter could feed the laptop directly and avoid the losses associated with a mains inverter and PSU. They are available on line :
If you have the money, then a solid state drive would be good, of course.
  • #9
Thanks for the help! The computer is only a server and is idle nearly all the time. It has 2 HDD's in there. Since I can barely afford anything, It'll me a while to get batteries. I'm setting up a small solar system in my room with at least 1-2 20W Solar panels on the roof.

Related to How long can I run my computer using an Inverter?

1. How does an inverter affect the battery life of my computer?

An inverter converts direct current (DC) from a battery into alternating current (AC) that is required to run most electronic devices. As a result, the battery life of your computer will be affected by the inverter as it drains the battery to produce the necessary AC power.

2. Can I run my computer on an inverter for an extended period of time?

Yes, you can run your computer on an inverter for an extended period of time, as long as the battery supplying power to the inverter has enough capacity to sustain the load. However, it is recommended to periodically check the battery level and recharge it if necessary to avoid draining it completely.

3. How do I know if my inverter is compatible with my computer?

You can check the wattage and voltage requirements of your computer and compare it with the output of the inverter. If they match, then the inverter is compatible with your computer. It is also important to note the type of AC outlet your computer requires (e.g. 110V or 220V) and make sure the inverter can provide that.

4. Will using an inverter to power my computer affect its performance?

An inverter should not affect the performance of your computer as long as it is able to provide the required AC power. However, if the inverter is not powerful enough, it may not be able to sustain the load, which could result in a slower performance or even a shutdown.

5. Are there any safety precautions I should take when using an inverter to power my computer?

Yes, it is important to use a high-quality inverter that is specifically designed for electronic devices and has safety features such as overload protection. It is also recommended to properly ground the inverter and ensure it is kept away from water or any other potential hazards. Finally, make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for safe operation and maintenance.

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