How Long Does a Ball Take to Climb a Parabolic Ramp?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a ball rolling up a parabolic ramp with conserved energy. The formula Ek+Ep=Einit is used, but the differential equation that arises is difficult to solve without the use of a computer. The conversation also mentions alternative methods such as Lagrangian mechanics and provides examples of similar problems.
  • #1
1. Assume there is gravity and no external force acting on the system. A ball has an initial velocity of 5 m/s and climbs up a parabolic ramp, which is defined by y=(x^2)/3. If the ball rolls exactly along the path of ramp and energy of the ball is conserved, starting from (0,0), calculate the time taken for the ball to climb to a height of y=1.

2. Ek+Ep=Einit, Vy=||v||sin(arctan(dy/dx))

3. I made a differential equations using the formula above but the differential I got is only numerical integratable (results given by wolfram alpha). I'm looking for an easier way to solve this problem. So, guys, please help! Thanks!
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  • #2
What did you need the trig for?
Did you start with ##\frac{1}{2}m(\dot x^2+\dot y^2) + mgy = \frac{1}{2}mu^2 : u=5,\; y=\frac{1}{3}x^2## ?
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
What did you need the trig for?
Did you start with ##\frac{1}{2}m(\dot x^2+\dot y^2) + mgy = \frac{1}{2}mu^2 : u=5,\; y=\frac{1}{3}x^2## ?
That seems pretty helpful! I haven't learned to use and x and y things because I'm a high school student, but I've done stage 1 college maths so I think I can cope with that. I'll give it a try! Thank you!
  • #4
Is this a problem set for high school?
  • #5
Well. It's not, I made this question up. It'd be nice if you can solve it using high school knowledge only though.
  • #6
Simon Bridge said:
Is this a problem set for high school?

I'm stuck again...
  • #7
Simon Bridge said:
Is this a problem set for high school?

I might got it.. trying now
  • #8
Simon Bridge said:
Is this a problem set for high school?

I'm trying now, but still, can you show me how you would do it please?

Guess what. I used the formula you gave me and that ends up the same differential equation I got last time using trig, which I need to use a computer to calculate it. Can you help me?
  • #9
Please answer the question?
  • #10
Simon Bridge said:
Please answer the question?
errwrsysalan said:
Well. It's not, I made this question up. It'd be nice if you can solve it using high school knowledge only though.

I answered above. Basically this is some extracurricular work.
  • #11
Sorry - misread.
  • #12
Simon Bridge said:
Sorry - misread.
It's ok. So, right now I used your formula, and it ended up exactly the same as last time I did it using trig.
I got dt/dy=0.5sqrt((3+4y)/(25y-2gy^2)) dy, which even wolfram alpha couldn't give an exact solution.
I believe there is a better way to do this. Can you show me please?
  • #13
... this is a specific case of an object sliding inside a parabolic bowl.
If you google for that, you'll get a bunch of examples. i.e. See attachment below.

Note: ##\dot x = v(x)## is where you get stuck.
You can do $$T = \int_0^{\sqrt 3} \frac{dx}{v}$$ ... i.e. what you were doing but as a definite integral.
The indefinite integral involves elliptical functions.

It is not unusual for quite simple-seeming setups to be very difficult to solve - or even have no analytic solutions at all.
ie. Try working out the exact equation of motion for a simple pendulum - or a puck sliding in a spherical bowl.


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  • #14
Simon Bridge said:
... this is a specific case of an object sliding inside a parabolic bowl.
If you google for that, you'll get a bunch of examples. i.e. See attachment below.

I'd usually reach for lagrangian mechanics.
It is not unusual for quite simple-seeming setups to be very difficult to solve - or even have no analytic solutions at all.
Try working out the exact equation of motion for a simple pendulum for example - or a puck sliding in a spherical bowl.

Thank you! No problem. I need to sleep as well. I'll have a look tomorrow.

FAQ: How Long Does a Ball Take to Climb a Parabolic Ramp?

1. How does a ball roll up a parabolic ramp?

As the ball is released from the bottom of the ramp, it gains kinetic energy and begins to roll up the ramp. The parabolic shape of the ramp allows the ball to follow a curved path, with its speed decreasing as it reaches the top of the ramp.

2. What forces are acting on the ball as it rolls up the ramp?

The main forces acting on the ball are gravity, which is pulling it down towards the center of the Earth, and the normal force from the ramp, which is perpendicular to the surface of the ramp and prevents the ball from falling through it.

3. Why does the ball eventually stop rolling at the top of the ramp?

At the top of the ramp, the ball has reached its maximum height and has no more potential energy to convert into kinetic energy. Additionally, the normal force from the ramp is now acting in the opposite direction of the ball's motion, causing it to slow down and eventually come to a stop.

4. How does the angle of the ramp affect the ball's motion?

The steeper the angle of the ramp, the faster the ball will roll up it. This is because the steeper angle results in a shorter distance for the ball to travel, meaning it can gain more speed in a shorter amount of time.

5. Can a ball roll up a parabolic ramp without any external force?

No, a ball cannot roll up a parabolic ramp without any external force. It requires an initial force, such as being pushed or released from the bottom of the ramp, to overcome the force of gravity and begin rolling up the ramp.
